How hot is Km2_33??

For the guys:

  • He’s lying his ass off. I hate him.
  • He’s lying his ass off, but it’s the best pick up line I’ve ever heard.
  • I’m on my way for tutoring…
  • For the girls:
  • He’s lying, but I’m changing my vacation plans…
  • He’s lying, but I am leaving for Australia in the morning…
0 voters

Km has announced himself as the greatest lover in the world…

Now that all the girls are breathing heavily, we need some answers and----> an address.

I took the first option, as it was the only option available that didn’t incite feelings of regurgitation.

I can’t say “I hate him”, just that I don’t know him and that sounded like complete …

Hey, does anyone else smell that? Ewwwww, what is that smell? Did someone step in something?

km_2: You’re such a manwhore. :evilfun:

I wish I was cool enough to boast about my sexual prowess on the internet.

1 of my friends can climax about 7 times in 6 hours, but he’s learned how to pospone his orgasm for a long time.

What do you mean by: “greatest lover in the world…” ?

Generally that would be:
Syncronizing with her fantasy, then actuating it as she described exactly what she wanted, how, when, etc.

It’s all simply empathy, anyways.

Dan~ The most amazing thing about your friend is that he wants to climax seven times in six hours.

I have delayed some of mine for entire relationships, which says more about the relationships than about my self-control.



Yeah, that’s what I say, Danny~.

My first orgasm takes a while – depending on when the last time was.

The second one would take at least an hour.

6-7 would take me to the hospital.


Drink lots of water. Eat your vegeiz. Exorcise every day [all muscle groups]. Take vitamins and hearbs also, if you wish, and you’ll soon be cranking out more high quality spermerz than you can shake a stick at.

6 or 7 orgasms in one night? That would cost, like, $2000! :astonished:

Hey that’s not fair Miss Bess. :laughing:

I didn’t announce myself as a great lover…. only a person who was the victim of a (few) great lovers.

I was the recipient of multiple orgasms, not the one who gave women multiple orgasms. Why would I want to do that? I’m an Australian male remember? So I don’t understand why people would want to visit me or want tutoring from me. :-k

[size=150]I repeat: I did nothing (but enjoy)[/size]

FTR: The only reason I mentioned it all was because Dan~ said men can’t have multiple orgasms and I get a bit tired of hearing inexperience people mouth traditional sexual clichés over and over again especially when I have experienced otherwise.

Should I have just let the comment past uncontested? I don’t think so. So I stated one of my experiences (in the distant past) to make the point: Men can have multiple orgasms. That was all. :evilfun:


Not in Mexico.

Airfare would negate any cash savings, though.

You’d earn a mint as a sperm donor, KM. :sunglasses:

I know you guys are joking around, but I want to clarify something:

  1. Ejaculation and orgasm aren’t necessarily one in the same. You can still orgasm after running of semen and most men should know that the opposite is also true; you can ejaculate and yet hardly orgasm at all… (perhaps only a localized twitch which is just enough to expel the semen.) :angry:

  2. Orgasms via the male ‘G’ spot – perhaps the most violently ecstatic orgasm a male can experiences – is ejaculation free.

I wish psyche was here. He understood. :frowning:


What might that be?


Sorry, not going there Mr. P. We had many a thread on it a year or so ago and there’s probably a lot about it on the net.

Besides, I was to ‘withdraw’ from this thread a.s.a.p. and get some work done. :wink:


It hurts a bit… then after you pee, it feels like you have to pee for an hour…

You don’t need psyquo to be understood…


This is a very important piece of information. Precious even.

Aw poor baby… :evilfun: