How hot is liquidangel?

How hot is liquidangel?

  • Luke warm, enough to defrost frozen foods
  • Laval flow, makes metal molten
  • Icicle forming, lets water form to a deadly point
  • Simmering, just right for a long slow cook
  • Absolute zero, makes all motion motionless
  • High Boil, only androids can fetch stuff from its waters
  • Hot? You mean how liquid is liquidangel…
  • Other
0 voters

How hot is liguidangel?

Hello F(r)iends,

Almost as hot as Dunamis… :wink:


Actually, LiquidAngel makes me blush…


LA’s so hot when I see her I get tingly in my mommy/daddy button!

How hot is one hand clapping?

Hello F(r)iends,

Wow, a post from Gamer…
A post from Dunamis…
I just need to see a post from Shyster and my wishlist is fulfilled…


While we’re at it, what’s a Liguidangel? :confused:

I have always liked you, D, but that had to be the stupidest post ever. The problem that this site has -------> When Mr. Happy gets hard, the brain gets soft.

Not to mention, if someone finds LA to be a dog - it would be very hurtful to her. So, it could be an insensitive thing to do. I think hot is in the eye of the beholder anyway, so who cares what anyone thinks except for a man who loves her.

Why did you feel the need to do that?

Wouldn’t that be entirely based on the dog? There are good looking dogs and ugly dogs . . .

But I thought that this thread was about Liquid Angel’s heat output. I would hope that she’s around a nice 98 degrees or so. Doesn’t burn you if you get to close, if you know what I’m saying :wink:

Hello F(r)iends,


If she can take being called a bitch… she can easily handle this.


This is exactly why I would never post my photo… shit, I couldn’t handle all the attention anyway. :laughing: :laughing:

I must say, I do have great looking toes.

i met LA in London. So i will tell you all that she is beautiful.

Screw that. Post your picture anyway!

I think the answer can be discovered throgh the lyrics of a timeless song…

“shes a modestly hot girl to help me throguh the hard times,
Ya know the ones that are only sorta hot so they dont mess around with other guuuyyys”

Now doesn’t anyone think that all of this might just piss her off? Ah but who cares…
I must say though she does have very gorgeous blue eyes…

On a scale of one to hot she’s sizzlin’ :laughing:

I’ve seen your picture, remember…

Below was my reaction:



34 degrees celsius.

Pipped at the post !!! Damn You!!!

But remember - if she goes over 39oC - you must strip off her external garments, and give her a luke-warm bath. (Whilst studiously averting your eyes of course, and maintaining a Hippocratic neutrality)

When Dunamis get hard, he gets hard all over.


Okay, first off:

When people get aroused they get stupid.

Next off:

The way that all of you people talk just goes to show how much the sex-media has altered your minds.

“WEeee, now it’s a sport.”


(* Throws stick into mud *)