How is the weather right now?

A little breezy but warm with a deep blue sky and not a cloud in sight. Perfect actually. Love northern cali…

72, low-no humidity. Clear night, plenty of stars.

Hot and humid. Partly over-cast; on and off light rain.

Needless to say, it is not what the forecast claimed it would be. In fact, the forecast is right about 10% of the time.

For science, that’s a TERRIBLE record. Don’t believe them when they tell you they know anything about the weather or climate. They don’t.

HOT! hot! hot!!! It so hot it yack the breath right out of your chest. So hot the ground is refusing to let the grass stay around. So hot the corn int eh fields is poppin and the damn jackasses keep running all over the place thinkin someone shootin at them.
So hot the birds cannt play with their worms.
The cows are rollin over and frying up well done…
Other then that…not bad

70’s, torrential downpour.

Too dark to see, but with all these fans and air conditioners on, I’m assuming it’s hot out.

It just got done raining,

Went down from ‘hellish’ to ‘blazing hot’ just this week.