How is there movement when time does not exists?

relating it to playing a video. How can time exists. Real time, when you play the video and actual real, present time?

IF you can understand what I am saying that would be extrodinary. :wink:

Or relating it to a realm where time does not exists, but inside the realm there is movement, so how can it be?

that it would. #-o

The fourth dimension is where time does not exist. It imparts time to the spatial dimensions.

Time always exists, always has and always will. Without time, there is no movement. If you reach the speed of light, the motion of particles stops.

I’m not a physicist, but shouldn’t time become polydirectional in the 4th dimension, as opposed to no longer exist? That was my understanding, but last time I read anything on theoretical physics I was in 6th grade . . .

Of course there will be movements when it is inside.
What about the outside?

Can a person live forever, without remaining old or young, without having time affect their physical appearance?

What about outside of the whole universe? is there such thing as time?

Can we deny time on a certain situation?

No, time can never be denied. Time is necessary for our existence.

Think of it as a state transition. We have one stable state or configuration of particles or one combination of mass - energy in a given state, like completely frozen in a given state, like one picture of a movie.

Now this state instantaneously changes to another state that is different. The time between the transitions is irrelevant. It can be zero time or infinite time. The only thing that is perceived or measured is the difference between the 2 states. So everything in the universe - physics is simply a transition between states. Each state being completely frozen and being a single combination of mass - energy. In this sense time really does not exist, what exists is only a sequence of states and time is the perecption of longer intervals compared to the shortest. The shortest could be 10 to the minus 100 seconds. At that time span mass - energy is completely frozen just like a picture of a movie. And the universe is just a sequence of pictures - mass/energy combinations.

The temperature of absolute zero cannot exist. The frozen state would have to be at absolute zero temperature. Therefore no matter how small your time interval, even 10 to the minus a trillion, there will always be state transitions. Actually this could be a new and interesting definition of time: time is the constant movement that is present no matter how small the time interval used to measure the movements. But then again if there is movement even at 10 to the minus a trillion, would that not mean that the particles are travelling faster than the speed of light ? Or are the particles also smaller and smaller ? Very odd …

whatever you are thinking old, nameta understands. why can’t you?

time is the passing of physical events. Their might be some kind of resistance to time by manipulating the speed we travel.

At the speed of light, we slow down the world around us. Or we slow down the effects of energy that cause the passing of physical events.

so you are making an analogy like a turtle, or the moon like.
We do not see it move, but it is moving, but slowly?

Of course there will be movements when it is inside.
What about the outside?

I think the only time a person can live forever is to reproduce so that there is continuity of your genes. We are limited beings and therefore subject to change.

When you say outside of the whole universe, what do you mean? Is there a separate thing outside of our universe?

how about dreams, fantasy, imagination. Everything material is subject to time.

Time is movement!! Movement is time!! :smiley:

To question time outside of our universe is crazy, don’t you think we should learn about our own Planet, maybe electrons, gravity, magnetism, photons, solar system before tackling the big stuff? I don’t know maybe it’s just me!! :smiley:

There is nothing outside the Universe (Uni).
Time DOES exist.

Time is a result of the motion of the fourth dimension. While the photon inside the fourth dimension does not move, the dimension does.
The photon gets a free ride.

When the photon rotates into the spatial dimensions, it is swarmed by electrons. This interaction gives us the ticks or waves we call time.

Nothing is always something. It can be distinguished from something else. If something cannot even be thought or distinguished in any way, then that something does not exist. But even if it does not exist, it still can be distinguished from what exists. So nothing cannot exist, there is always something outside the universe …

Wrong. If the minimum time interval possible is A (could be 10^-100 sec) then mass energy is frozen in this state for an interval of time equal to A. after that time passes another new configuration will appear and the old one will disappear. But the time it remains in A is irrelevant, it is only the difference between the 2 configurations that are measured and perceived, time doesn’t exist only change as perceived.

If instead mass - energy can never be frozen no matter how small the interval, then you have every possible combination of mass energy happening even in a very small time interval (maybe 10^-1,000,000 sec). But then you have every universe imaginable even one where mass - energy is frozen. Either time intervals have a lower limit past which it cannot go, or they can go on forever. In both cases time doesn’t exist, only change, perceived change, by an imaginary observer.

We have a person believes A
Another person believes B

Why do we have the result of A and B ?

Keep in mind the following axioms of reality.

“Nothing” cannot exist.

Time exists – but it is only a measuring scale using seconds, minutes, hours, etc. measured by the measuring device: a clock, just like space exists, being a measuring scale using inches, feet, yards, etc. measured by the measuring device: a yardstick. Time and space are not part of the motion and form-volume of the thing we measure – they are only a mentally stored descriptive of an aspect of that thing being measured.

There are no “parallel” or “multi-world” other universes existing at our mesocosmic level. With respect to infinity and eternity, there are only microcosmic and macrocosmic “galaxies” existing in the here and now. An example of a microcosmic galaxy would be the movie “Men In Black”'s presentation of “a galaxy in a marble”, which the axiom of infinity allows in its statement that there is always something componently smaller than the smallest thing we’ve yet found, just as the same is true macrocosmically of the larger thing we’ve yet found.

Identity states that things are as they are, that a cat is a cat and not a dog, and that we exist as we do and not otherwise in some fantastic parallel, and that there is a keyboard beneath our fingers and it is real and we are typing and that there is something beneath us that we are sitting upon and it is not an elephant and that the elephant is nearby in the zoo where other animals are and they aren’t in your room, etc., etc., etc., and that’s simply the way existence is.

Stay within these axioms of reality and you are more likely to reveal in your imaginings some topically relevant truths. :sunglasses: