How long will it take God to judge everyone at end of days?

Rewucki, i must say im impressed. Usually new members (like my self(ish) would have dished out the ad homien but you kept you’re head mate.

usually the response would have been “well, yromemtnatsisrep, you’re a duche bag”


but in regards to wheter or not man is indeed greater than a star. It depends on personal dogma and you’re view on life. If you look at man in regards to the animal kingdom, physically there are few facets which he dominates. The cheetah is faster, Fish and swim under wtaer, Elephant is stronger, birds can fly, monkeys have more opposable thumbs than us you get the picture. But it is our ability for thoguht, self refelxtion, planning ect. ect. that has allowed us to rise above. We are comparing apples and oranges(or maybe plapples). On a physical level the star is greater. And enormous ball or flaming gas, giving light and life, keeps unfathamable amounts of mass in orbit with its gravitational pull, but it does no poses that ability for rational thought which makes us great, and i mayb be rambling here becasue im scrambling to get to work, but there too entirly and utterly different things. that statement “man is not greater than a star” can be taken both ways. So i agree with you…and disagree. …buddy

p.s i spelt your surname right by the way…

On this I will intervein,

How do you know a Star has no conciousness on some innate level? Carbin life forms are not the only ones cappble of thought or perception.
Crystals have an innate energy or conciousness that refers to specific uses in magick, not becouse that is what people chose them to be good at but because of what their natural energy sorces home in to. Could this not be why some types of quartz have certain energy signatures while others do not or have a different one? Just because somthing is not Counciouse or thinking on a human standard does not mean it canot. Perhaps the star which lives billions of years is so evolved on a conciouse level that it has no need to show it and no feeling or error to speak or prove it. much like Dan~'s formless conciouness godform Cybero, And My Universal formlessness, ever conciouse but having no will or want because its evolution is so long and so far ahead besides it creates everythig it requires to survive. Is this not a signature of a higher more peaceful evolution than you humans?

At the same time when a star dies it is the most destructive force in the universe but also releases every element in the universe creating life from death. And then evolves into another star or a black whole.(The latter being eternal as the star was always there wether in creation or form or energy.

I could go on about how they warp reality, time, space. The fabric of the continuam itself but I wont. A star is so much more than a burning ball of fission and fusion reactions in an empty vacum. It is the very thing that gives you humans life…If you worship a god your star should be the god you praise. For it is vastly greater and more complicated than you will ever be. (unless your species manages to survive as long as the star which is doubtfull since it was here before you and will be here when you are gone.)

If you only excuse that man is greater than a star is his ability to think you are far off the mark my friend.


Yeah. 1 star makes all life on earth possible.
1 human can’t do jack-shit, compared to that.

Also, T.W.
“Cybero” is a symbolic, collective representation of a spiritual mobilization on earth. It’s not to be taken literally.

Now why are you all bulling the new member. If you wish to argue , argue outside of the thread.

All very poetic Rewucki, but it remains obvious that man is dependent on stars, and not the other way round.

I’m opening a new topic “Man not greater than a star?” and I’ll be answering there in a while. Please feel invited with any new posts too.
