how many websites are there on internet?

On Google, I get more than 3 000 000 000 links with the word “a”. :astonished:

I’m not sure about this number, I tried to find the exact one on the net but I’m too lazy to look right now. But there is an article in the Journalism school here at my college about google and I’m pretty sure what it says is that google has indexed over a trillion web pages, and this is less than 3% of the total pages on the net

regardless of the number… there are alot of friggin pages

this brings up a question…

to catch a fish, you get it “in” the net…

why are websites “on” the net? don’t they simply flop off like a fish?

there are more sites on the net than I care to visit…


All of them.

Yes, I’ve wondered about this, too. I was thinking of a net analagous to a web, like a spider web (I dreamed about Ray Charles last night…) Hence, “web” site. Anyway, you get caught “in” the web, yes? Websites should be referred to as being “in the net.” Henceforth. Let’s notify all the websites. (I wonder how may there are, by the way…?)