I could only guess this may be the next thread Dan(bunch of numbers) would post, so I decided to answer it before he questioned it.
God said:
“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
Now one has to look at this closely or they will interpret it as Hates unity, completely false.
God knew the intentions of such a civilization, they decided to build a tower, made of Godless unstable Materials. As to say these people were seperating themselves from God, something God does not want, he is number 1.
He says ‘let us’, referring to the trinity, really cool when you think about it, how lonely Alah must be.
As some of you may have guessed this is the story of how the world is seperated by race and culture, or if you believe the bible it is at least. As well as some scholars believe God may have seperated the continents during this time.
There yeah go Dan, now we can all pee balloons.