How to become Ubermensch?

Maybe only ubermenches can see it.

Well, granted.

This video seems like something you’d find in the basement of a serial killer’s house and no one would ever figure out what it meant.

Ubermench are like Christ like figures, they have overcome the immense gap that separate self service to a will to die for others.

The only difference between Christ and antichrist is the form, but not the substance of the dynamic.

The Ubermenche is reacting to effective cause and effect, whereas for Christ, it’s mainly an affective complex .

Christ defies the naturalistic fallacy, starting from ego bound variables, whereas antichrist induces the will to transpose power reversely.

But They all meet at the middle.

Thats fucking cult. You’ve understood it man.

Lol @ both your posts… FC gave a good counter, to M R’s proposition…

My understanding in being Ubermensch, is being confident in each and every one of one’s undertakings.

How about this guy

Man must have heard that one coming… years of playing a sport would kinda do that to ya, in being totally intune with every sight and sound around you.

Very impressive indeed.

On the other hand its so perfect, so cool, it almost has to be fake. Like the Ronaldinho Nike commercial.


But life is better assuming its real.

If he thought of this on the spot, this is basically a Uebermensch.

No, this guy is a man. He’s a manly man - a man’s man. He’s macho. Perhaps he even symbolises the best man can strive for in order to be manly? Maybe.

“What is ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall be man to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.” Zarathustra’s Prologue, 3.

The Superman: “he is that lightning, he is that frenzy” ibid.
Sounds to me like inspiration, but a euphoric kind of inspiration. A force that launches you out of your seat with enthusiasm and creativity - no doubt what children experience regularly. For an adult, a mic-drop of motivation - the guy who shocks you by possessing you with an idea so energising that you have no other choice but to perform great things in its wake.

Don’t get me wrong, perhaps James Gandolfini infuses you with this kind of meaning through his words. To that extent, maybe he does personify the/an Ubermensch. Is he an “over-goer” performing a “down-going”, as metaphorically analogised by the funambulist protrayed in the introduction to Thus Spake Zarathustra? Is he just some guy who vicariously lent you some confidence for a fleeting minute?

Imagine instead somebody who infused within you inspiration to invent and simultaneously enact groundbreaking and lifechanging things that would flick the world away from its normal assumptions and towards something better that had never been thought of before.

Strong opinions!

I like it Silhouette.

Maybe you are the Uebermensch!

Fact is, talk show guests get to know what questions they’re going to be asked… way in advance of filming, so that they aren’t surprised by inappropriate questions and can have time to prepare witty and suitable answers.

When the facade of celebrity fakeness falls away, all that is left is reality… don’t be duped by the former.

Remember Ive worked in tv for a long time - its certainly not always the case they get the questions. Higher quality shows do not share the questions as they rely on authenticity and the unexpected.
Given the response Gandolfini has to his own answer, I think it is spontaneous. But I cant be sure.

If it’s authentic, it’s pretty cool… the answer is in the body language, probably.

It’s the closest to a Uebermensch mindset we have in pop culture. Had. The guy is dead obviously.
But maybe his mindset is still here.
