A muffin has a distinct taste. The addition of blueberries, or chocolate chips, or bits of toffee, or whatever, doesn’t affect this taste. However, when - and it was inevitable that this would happen - you bake a chocolate muffin, that distinct muffin flavour is overtaken and replaced by the chocolate one, giving you what is in effect merely a piece of chocolate cake. A chocolate muffin is thus not really a muffin at all.
I urge cake-makers to stop making “chocolate muffins” and instead to either serve chocolate cake-proper, or normal muffins with chocolate chips in. I like both, but I like them separately, and as themselves. By analogy, don’t send strippers into football matches - even though they’re pleasing to the eye, they ruin the football. We want to enjoy both, separately.
Mr. P, you are unfortunately dead on. Muffins here are terrible. A thriving business could no doubt be made simply by selling decent muffins in any US city. They are one of nature’s perfect foods when done right.
You’re all missing the point. I couldn’t possibly have a chunk of chocolate cake for breakfast. What kind of unhealthy nut would do that? But I can have a chocolate muffin along with my skim milk latte, and I’m home free. Besides, chocolate muffins only have half the calories of chocolate cake…
By “chocolate muffin” do you mean ordinary muffin with chocolate chips in it, or muffin infused with chocolate throughout? If it’s the latter, then you’re getting the same calories etc as with chocolate cake!
Have any of you ever tried going to a small local bakery? Not a chain store bakery. The flavors are actual flavors at a mom and pop bakery. And get this little tid bit; You actually get what you pay for, plus more if you become a regular. We have a couple of different local bakerys that I must get my doughnuts and my muffins from. Oh and God! the Eclairs! I can eat 2 dozen without taking a breath.
You want real chocolate cake? Oh it is a sinful creamy rich real chocolate cake. The German Choclate icing is to kill for. True french vanilla icing. Croissants are huge flaky crunchy and soft melt in your mouth. I have yet to find something bad or only OK at either.
Guys take my word for it hunt down mom and pop bakerys even if you have to go out of your way. Once you find the right ones your tastebuds will thank you for finding the places. Plus you will be supporting the local economy, which is always a plus.