How to escape?

I have been working for a year and I really hate my job and the people around me. Is there a way to escape from the commercial system? I really hate this bloody materialistic life style, is there a way out of the system?

  1. Embrace it
  2. Conquer it
  3. Abandon it

And much more…


I hate that I’m bound by a system I abhor.

I’m currently negotiating a property rental contract which is in favour of the fucking beurocratic fucking government. Standard in the contract is that they will retain my personal information to use for marketing purposes. When I question this they fucking tell me that they are amazed that I have gone through this contract with a fine tooth comb. Um excuse me! Am I not supposed to scrutinise the contract? WTF? This is just the tip of the ice-berg with these assholes. I pay agency fees to have all of this sorted out, and I’m running around doing all their fucking work.

I hate the system.



A, I feel that.

I think what is best is if a person owns their home and their land, and they grow their own food out back in the yard. Self-sufficiency, instead of being so deep within the economically parasite-ridden system.

I understand you, oldtimer. It is hard to make a change when your lifestyle is calling for your paycheck and fear makes you stay at that desk. I suggest you follow your dreams on your days off. Music, art, acting, gardening, bungee jumping. It will make your week fly by… (a litte faster, I hope)

Good luck.

ah yes… I agree with thirst. If you can find a way to embrace it, you have it made.

Yes there is a way out. You can either go cold turkey and jump which is not a real good idea because you end up sleeping on a park bench with cops hasseling you. Or you wean yourself out of the system. This way is much better and less painful then trying to break away quickly. Planning is called for. Save money sell the stuff you don’t really need and make sure all your debts are paid off, leave nothing behind that would encourage someone to find you. A human can actually live in the US comfortably on less than $10 a day if you are willing to give up some social trappings. You just need to decide if you are just pissin or do you want to truly escape.

You can even write the seceratry of State and renounce your Social Security and bingo you are no longer a part of the system offically but, you must first be officially debt free. Its not easy but, it is done everyday.

Start your own business. Easier said than done, eh?


You know as well as I do that having your own business is just as limiting, has just as many problems, generates the same ulcers as working for “the man”. The only difference I ever noted was that I have a very understanding boss. :laughing:

Old Timer,

Others have already suggested it, but I’ll say it again, maybe a bit differently. Think about all the things you like to do. Not the fun recreational stuff, but the things you pursue with a passion. Find the thing that you would pay them to do. Then work toward doing that. Difficult? Yes. Disciplined effort? Yes. But the rewards are all yours and that deadend job isn’t deadend anymore, it’s just a stepping stone toward what you really want to do.

This is a search directory for privately owned communes throughout the world.

There are thousands of people like you, Old Timer, trying to “get out.”

Brillant link detrop…are you thinking of joining a group?

In the future perhaps we can start an ILP Community Centre - one in the UK and another in the US.

I looked into a few and put a few messages on the forum boards, but there was no activity so I just gave up.

Ultimately, yeah, if I could find the perfect one, I’d join it. I have access to roughly fourty acres of land in Virginia (owned by my father), five of which are my own. I’ve mentioned to him the idea of building a commune on the land. His only worry was the noise level. That’s not too hard to contain, I don’t think.

I can build a large “town site” on my portion of the land, but the population would have to be smaller, obviously.

On forty acres, well, we could build a Disney Land.

Old timer,

I give you so much credit for staying in the corporate world even for five minutes. I am far too crazy to work for anyone and living up to anyone elses expectations is too hard for me - not to mention, those panty hose (well) forget it.

Could you save enough money to jump out for a while? Maybe some perspective would help. That park bench perspective/hunger thing will get you every time.

There are three ways to….”escape” any system:

  1. Flee.
    This presupposes that there is somewhere to escape to and some way to escape through.
    Globalization has pretty much cut all routes of escape.
    Space awaits us, at some time in the future, as the ultimate frontier.
    Unfortunately we have no access to it and so most of us escape within our minds.

  2. Death.
    This is another method of escape. One denies one’s self life so as to not have that life be subordinated to another.

  3. Parasitism.
    This method of escape demands a partial and feigned submission to the system one wishes to escape from.
    A risky affair.
    Using this method one uses the system itself to cut all dependence on it.

Best that one can do without finding a commune, or the like, is to live like a Spartan.

If you live in the minimal amount of space, have nothing but what is needed, and try to avoid desires for expensive products, then you will not have to work very much to support such a lifestyle.

This life will have many sacrifices and may lead to a celibate lifestyle, but I sure that you will have much less anxiety than other people. That is as long as you maintain a slightly larger economic input than output.

Make sure that what you escape into is at least better than what you escape from.

Which shouldn’t come too rarely, I don’t think.

Old timer,

Are you stll around?

I would like to hear more from you.

Did you mean any specific old timer or will I do? :laughing:


Hi guys,

yes I am still around. though I am too pissed off most of the time to submit a calm response due to the fact that there are SOOOO many idiots, stooges, liars, hypocrites, cold hearted fukwits in this God forsaken hel hole.

It’s amazing you don’t realise what a sh*t hole the world is when you are at uni. once you enter the work force, your really gasp!!!

My former self on this form is PoR as many of you would remember, yes I have changed a lot during the past year. I can’t not BELIEVE how wrong I was about the outside world, the cruelty we inflict on our fellow human beings and the cruelty we inflict on animals.

I have decided to become a vegitarian, eating meat is too cruel for me. Body building takes some pressure of all those arseholes i have to put up with everyday, those self-rightous arrogant snobs. where did all those ppl come from anyway???

The world is a bloody trap. Kant, Nietzsche, Socrates seem almost like dreamers when one enters the corporate world. the philosophers work on the Big things, like how the world should be run but they never tell us the world is sooo fuked up. this is how the blood trap works. first, you work your ass off at university and you had to incurred debt (which is the primary trap) because having debt gives the system legitament reason to hassle you. secondly, you find a job which goes no where and people already in the system are too tired to fight it anyway, and most of those slackers, liars can’t be bothered lifting a finger anyway. We all work in a dehumanised environment which is a completely fuc up hell hole if you ask me. we work with humans yet we all act like machines. thirdly, you take on a mortage, buy a car… by incurring debt you are givng your life away, having a mortage basically signes away 50 yrs of your life if you are poor, by the time you paid off the debt, you probably caught cancer.

I mean, I used to look with awe at those sky scrapers, now they seem like chicken cages for human beings.

I do agree with most of the poster’s thoughts. I mean we need to find a way to become self-sufficient and live on a commune, with people in a community. in this corporate world we are as good as the number in our bank account.

Right now, I am going to save like mad, once I saved enough I am going to mexico. in Australia, I think I might escape to Eastern Europe. I think it is ironic that ppl from Easter Europe want to come to Australia and yet I want to leave.

anyway, thanks for all the responses.

yes, life is shit and then you die.

so have fun on the way out!
