Right, the first thing to remember - the hard part is over. You have, by hook or by crook, got her to go out with you.
ie: She’s already done her female orgainic calculator thang - and you came out a 1, rather than a 0.
Hold that thought.
The bad news - group date. Group date means that although you came out a 1, it was a bit of a squeak. She hasn’t quite entirely ruled out ‘psychotic killer’/nerd from her profile. The friends are there to a) Bail her out should you prove insane and b) Give her second opinions.
You’re trying to pass the friend test.
This is actually easy to pass. Just don’t act anything but bog-standard, run of the mill, normal. Pretend to like all the bands they like - except one, doesn’t matter which - and take the piss out of that one. Mercilessly. If someone does start crying - roll over “Okay - so they’re not that bad, [random song] was pretty good…” Don’t snort coca-cola through your nose, or do the dracula-teeth with French-fries - (that only works in your mid-thirties.)
Less is more. When in doubt, smile, but keep your fool-mouth shut. Share your attention amongst her friends - don’t ignore anyone - even the fat ugly friend with spots - or they will stick the knife in the moment you are out of hearing. Let the girls gabble - and throw the odd remark in at random. They will take the piss out of boys in general at some point, forget going on the offensive - you’re outnumbered. A diatribe on hormonal/PMS influenced female mania will go down like a lead donkey tied to a lead baloon. Just grin and bear it. When it quietens down just lean close to them and yell:
Er… Actually - don’t say that. Just kidding.
Finally - Remember, there’s an outside chance she likes you too, and is equally nervous about the whole thing. She’ll probably be glad to latch onto any topic of conversation you open, provided it isn’t just plain crazy like “I like the rivets they’ve used to staple the tabletop to the plinth. Very rivvetty…”
Keep it general, keep it in the areas she knows stuff about. Ask her questions about herself. Not gay questions like “What shade are your nails painted.” Gender neutral stuff - films - bad films - music - bad music Tv etc. School I suppose, parents - I don’t know what age you are, I’m presuming you’re not 12.
Don’t be overly afraid of silence. It’s gonna happen. A couple of seconds is okay. Minutes of course, means game over.
Last thing. Remember - while you are trying to impress her, she must also impress you. Unless you have absolutely no taste, and are willing to shag any dribbling wreck with the right shaped gonads.
What am I saying…? You’re a guy.