How to prevent a Trayvon/Ferguson incident?

What about all these people who keep saying that the kid was a 270lb 6 foot 4 monster…yet you refuse to talk about how the cop was also 6 foot 4, and weighed 220lbs?

Kid advantage - 50lbs

Cop advantage - 10 years older, trained as an officer, armed to the teeth, probably had a bulletproof vest on.

Why will no one address the fact that the man claims to be in fear of his life, even after the 11th round he fired?

Why does no one want to address the notion that it’s not a cop’s job to “finish him” in the street?

How on Earth can anyone believe that this officer was so scared of this teenager that he thought he was going to die unless he killed him?

Why does no one ask, “couldn’t the cop have shot him twice, and then backed up and let the kid fall down, and then called an ambulance?”

Why does everyone just seem content to believe that there was no other choice for the officer that day other than to kill the kid dead right there on the spot?

Is there some fundamental rule of policing that says, “never walk backward or give up 1 inch of ground no matter what, even if you have to kill someone?”

Or do we just make excuses and say, “He freaked out!, He was under insane stress!, He was scrambling for his life!”.

First off, the fucker wasn’t scrambling from his life. He’s armed and the kid wasn’t.

Second, when you freak out, and feel stress, and then unload an entire magazine at someone who’s unarmed killing them and you fire bullets all over the neighborhood, I believe that’s pretty much a murder.

I’m sure prisons are full of people who wish they’d kept their cool, or not fired an entire magazine into the streets, or not killed someone unnecessarily. But that’s the point…those people go to prison.

This is just like the Zimmerman case. My word against a dead man’s. ZImmerman was told not to follow that innocent kid he was stalking. Then he followed him anyway. Once they were in the dark where no one could witness what was happening, a 28 year old guy with a gun and martial arts training was attacked by an 18 year old skinny kid. So badly, that he was in fear for his life and had to shoot the kid.

Well that’s his story at least, and since we can never ask the kid who got chased into the dark and shot, that’s all we got to go on.

So next time you guys who are defending these people are walking down the street, just know…the world that you advocate is one where if a person follows you, or your child into the dark, kills one of you and then says you hit em in the face…is a world where you’re dead and the killer gets to walk scott free.

Jeez, my friend I asked you a question… Your home is not just where you sleep, its your town, your neighborhood, the stores. Would you destroy that which is a part of your everyday life or go to the real source?

Maybe they see it as their home being invaded by those who get police protection at the expense of their children’s lives and the local economy. The exporters of cash, the importers of security guards to the neighborhood.

What do you think the “real source” is?

Sometimes the intention isn’t to spite one’s face, but the nose has to go nonetheless.

The source would be the police station, court house and the Mayor’s house.
Those would be the ones to go to. A business person is the kid you grew up with and partied with or maybe are related to. There ain’t a shit load of outsiders moving to Ferguson.
Well , there might be now, sadly amd disgustingly enough.
Humans get very stupid in herds or packs. Lemming.
I ask you again what would you do?

I would examine the possibilites given what it was in my power to do, and I would make the choice which I thought best served justice. When the police, the courts, and the mayor are all against your cause, you might start a war. But you don’t start a war by going straight to the white house.

Also, almost no businesses are owned by individuals. The guy you went to school with might be a manager, making 36 grand or something, but the real profits most definitely leave the community more often than not.

Right and that manager has employees under them making less. And so now the riots just unemployed all.
And yes you go to the White house. You and many others with as many cameras as possible and as many calm demanding voices as possible. Large peaceful protests carry more weight with the general public than violent ones. In a small town like Ferguson you and all go directly to the police station and Mayor’s office with cameras and calm demands. Let them fuck up as you put it online for the world.

I don’t think paychecks that are smaller than a few hundred bucks a week are really worth even considering. The great thing about being a min wage employee, is that you can get paid that anywhere.

I’m not going to speculate about the economic impact of burning down an auto zone. But I will say that the guy who owned the auto zone probably doesn’t worry about his kids getting shot in the streets by police.

The people who burned it do.

If you make a mockery of the grand jury process by sending in a prosecutor to actually argue a defense, and you strip this community of it’s right to justice, and you take away the venue by which they can have the truth come out through back room bullshit…I think the message they’re sending is that they’ll burn your shit down.

So make all the shady deals you want, and be as biased as you want toward them, and take away their rights and shoot their kids, and play games with the public instead of serving them and I think what’ll probably happen is that a lot of your shit will get burned down.

If they want it to be another way, then don’t manipulate the indictment process by sending in a prosecutor to actually not prosecute, but instead defend the guy. When he does that, he’s undermining the adversarial nature of our court system and the result is that the truth stays hidden from everyone.

People seem to fail to understand that even if he thinks the guy isn’t guilty, his job is to still argue that he’s guilty. With as many unknowns as there seem to be in this case, it’s a fucking 1 in a million chance that a competent prosecutor would fail to get this case to trial.

All he had to do was walk in and tell the grand jury, “ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got 50 witnesses and a host of evidence all of which point to opposite sides. We need to get this in front of a judge so that the public can know the truth and so that we can sort out all the facts.”

That’s it.

But instead he goes in, tells them, “look, we pretty much know this guy isn’t guilty, the public’s just calling for his head. There’s no evidence against him except a bunch of witnesses that are contradicting each other. Check it out…here’s 1 witness that says the kid was even charging at the cop.”

Then they throw it out.

So people aren’t as stupid as a lot of folks seem to think. So when they’re waiting on justice, and they get what they got here instead…they’re gonna burn shit down. They’re angry, and rightfully so. They have a right to justice…at least in as much as they have the ability to perform actions which give them a sense that it was served.

I’m proud of these people. I think it’s important that some element of society put it’s foot down and say, “you kill our children, and we’ll react in an overwhelming way”.

If someone shot my child, I would do the same thing.

Right and with all that righteous anger why not attack the police, the court, the seat of governing? Why make a statement of burning and looting at business establishments? Your point is fine but, it lacks. If some cop killed your innocent child would you really loot a store, burn it down and feel justice?
Hon, Bull.
Oportunists started the riots, not righteous citizens. Those citizens got caught up in a frenzy. A severe version of what occurs if you scream fire in a packed theater. The young man’s family went on air and asked people to stop.

Justice is never in such riots.

I wouldn’t loot a store, or burn a building…no.

But there are people who do. And when you provide those opportunities for those opportunists, then it ends up costing you.

You would have to live in seclusion to not provide opportunities for opportunists.
Its like vultures and carcasses.

So we agree, that some kind of payment for these kinds of travesties is virtually inevitable.

I don’t think that was in question. Life always requires some form of pay.

You know I just thought of another response to your, “why don’t they just go through the process or to the voting booths” thing.

Because felons can’t vote. And a black guy charged with a felony is like a million percent more likely to be convicted than any other race. I don’t know why. Not saying the criminal justice system is racist or anything. But, it’s a fact that deserves some explanation at least.

Don’t ya think?

Another thing to consider.

White people who watch Fox news have been making boatloads of cash off taser and digital ally. … sAf80IDABA

It’s just like the soda stream pump and dump, or the herbalife one that all the right wing radio hosts were pumping up over the last few years.

The only thing that distinguished this is that democratic leadership is pushing for funding for these things and progressives are trying to mandate them with regulations.

Well, yea, but, its not just the legal system, it is also a very big part of memes. A person will follow what their meme describes( very tired and buzzed just translate best as you are able). Memes are crucial in this as well as family expectations. Look at the successful black people that come from poor families.
A parent put their foot down and cared. This goes for all ethnicities. But, memes kick in, a mom and dad thinks that because skin color will affect their kids future, they will raise their kid with that handicap. I hope you maybe grasp this, probably should have tried in the morning when clearer… :slight_smile:

I know what a meme is. But I don’t think it’s the place of one culture to tell another how to raise their children. You don’t have to like disrespectful assholes who wear hoodies, but that doesn’t mean that it’s ok to shoot them, or that it’s their fault when they’re violently attacked.

You are righ, its not ok to attack and kill.
We humans naturally profile damn near everything. Animals do that, its survival instinct. We should be above it and many are. Education raises us above it. For some, their personality or upbringing does it. The average cop comes from low to middle class homes, most barely have a high school degree. The people they police come from low to middle class and maybe have a high school degree.
Social memes and natural instinct to profile are at the root. Lets look at how authority is viewed. There maybe less than a dozen countries where governing personnel are trusted. Even fewer where the country all share the same background and beliefs. Its not just the US. that has this issue to this degree. Actually some have it worse. Look at a couple of the middle east countries.

We need to educate in order to overcome our instincts. Dr. King Jr. was right and extraordinarily insightful. Yet few of us humans actually follow his knowledge. That includes all.

Clearly it’s the cops that are out of control. Clearly we need to be scrutinizing them and not the media that is riling people up. … olice.html