How vulnerable are students to CRT?

The real truth shall, and will, prevail.

History will not repeat, as I think that humanity has finally learned from the recent past of the last few hundred years, and nobody wants to be rendered a pawn.

I think it is in process of repeating right now. The very intent is to keep repeating it until there is the last “Man” standing. Then the “global reset” - and on the final day the Godwannabe rests - just to start it all over again with a divisive forbidden fruit.

I think it is in process of repeating right now. The very intent is to keep repeating it until there is the last “Man” standing. Then the “global reset” - and on the final day the Godwannabe rests - just to start it all over again with a divisive forbidden fruit.
I have read that the next divisive forbidden fruit to be normalized in Western countries is pedophilia which they are already have made laws in the state of Californication to let judges decide if people who are ten years older than minors should suffer any penalties for their predation on minors, then “they” will usher in beastiality. Souless degeneracy.

It is obvious to me that the intent is to degenerate the West - so the globalist Godwannabes can reshape the West into their own image(anation) - totally destroy all of it down to nothing but dust - erase all its history into the abyss - then mold a more obedient society (of ants or bees) to supply them with their honey.

Columbus Academy in the US (Ohio) kicked out 3 girls because their mothers asked if they are teaching CRT and the 1619 project. They refused to answer and expelled the mother’s children. Parents pay $30,000 per child per year. The academy board wrote a letter explaining that the mothers were creating “fear and potential physical harm” by discussing the issue.


just calling it divisive and racist isn’t really painting the picture that i need to understand what your critique is. also what false history are they teaching?

So is it “divisive” or “racist” that you have become incapable of understanding?

Since the ILP Commie Cult are incapable of researching and analyzing issues before triggering into their cult defense - let me do a little work and critical analysis here - for the benefit of others who might be reading this - since the cult cannot think anything other than what they are programmed to think anyway -

The following is from Britannica (those encyclopedia people) -

In analysis let’s take these proclamations one at a time -

  • (1) Race is socially constructed, not biologically natural.

This is similar to the proclamation that sex - male and female - are not physical characteristics but rather merely social constructs - made by social indoctrination and choice - an obvious blatant lie - denial of science - denial of reality.

So right off the cuff - the first tenet is a blatant propaganda lie. Not only do varied races look differently and perform differently - the medical world must treat them differently in order to best handle their health. During COVID it was clear that Blacks were having more difficulty than whites with the China virus. Other diseases are tolerated more by different races. They are physically different.

Politicians and ILP Commie Cult members are lying all the time - so what is the big deal?

The big deal is that these lies are being programmed into young children - the denial of reality for sake of political power over - those very children - turning them against their own parents and against their own instincts. This is not teaching Santa Claus. This is teaching mental ideological social political distortions - for sake of political power.

  • (2) Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour.

This proclamation falls more in the category of an extreme exaggeration - into a lie. Anyone from outside the US can very clearly see that the US is the least racist country in the entire world - they just recently had a Black President - they have high ranking political minority members - army generals - professors - doctors - business owners - millionaires - yet the children are to believe that the US (of all places) is a racist country.

The sly caveat in the deception is revealed in the phrase - “ordinary experience of most people of colour.” - innocent sounding - but cleverly deceptive.

When the US propaganda media espouses race issues constantly for decades - what are their people going to be thinking about - “racism”. So when asked - very many will focus on their race - even though they directly experience nothing associated with race differences - but they were asked. And because they mentioned “race” - the pollsters mark down that “racism” has been experienced.The fact is that almost all of their racist experience is merely the rantings of their propaganda media - inflaming racism - again - for political power over those same people - now being programmed into children - even before the media vampires get to them.

And perceived racism is not actual racism. If told constantly that you are a victim of racism - you begin to suspect it - and wonder if incidents that were not clear might have been a racism issue - “racism paranoia” - “conspiracy theory” - propagated by the media and CRT schools.

It is preprogramming children to be race conscious with negative attitudes - “Blacks = victims” - “Whites = racist oppressors”. It is programming children to see racism where it didn’t exist. It is programming children to be triggered radical racists and future racist advocates.

So does racism not exist at all in the US? Does the flu virus exist in the US? How much is too much? - Zero? That can never be. Testimony from many Blacks is that racism is NOT their experience other than getting special privileges from government programs and special attention from the propaganda media. The existence of so many prominent Blacks in all fields of career and authority testify to the fact that racism is NOT their issue.

Yet this proclamation is that it is very unusual for minorities to not experience racism - at some point in their lives - by somebody somewhere. Go to any other country and see what you experience.

“Did you ever experience the flu? Are you now an oppressed victim of it?”

By the way - did they ask the same question to Whites? - obviously experiencing racism right now - by the propaganda media AND the government and institutional education special programs.

  • (3) Owing to what critical race theorists call “interest convergence” or “material determinism,” legal advances (or setbacks) for people of colour tend to serve the interests of dominant white groups. Thus, the racial hierarchy that characterizes American society may be unaffected or even reinforced by ostensible improvements in the legal status of oppressed or exploited people.

Again this one isn’t merely a blatant lie - but rather a clever deception.

“Interest Conversion” - what does it mean? It means that people with authority support those who support them - a “convergence of interest”. What idiot doesn’t do that?

The implication proclaimed is that Whites only support Whites. It appears to me that the exact opposite is far more true. In the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race - unless you are a minority. And you might notice that most of this anti-white racist hate mongering is being spread by - Whites – The exact opposite of the proclamation.

“Material Determinism” - what does it mean? It means that there are material difference in the races that lead to different outcomes. Strange. Didn’t the first proclamation declare that no such thing exists? Yet it is now used to support the idea that minorities - because they are materially different - get oppressed.

This is a direct attack on meritocracy. It is the proposal that regardless of performance - minorities in the US must get all the same benefits (actually more). But they don’t tell you that - they cloak the issue as “systemic white supremacy” - admitting that Whites are better at some things and they don’t like that because it leads to “dominate white groups” who presumably oppress and take advantage of the minorities. But again - is alright for Blacks to engage is that practice at every opportunity.

A critical issue raised by this proclamation is that improving the laws won’t help - the entire system MUST be destroyed. - and of course replaced with communist ideologies run by Blacks (Nicaragua comes to America).

  • (4) Members of minority groups periodically undergo “differential racialization,” or the attribution to them of varying sets of negative stereotypes, again depending on the needs or interests of whites.

Again - “Minority = victim” - “White = racist oppressor”.

This one is especially interesting because it is both self-defeating and partially true.

“Differential Racialization” - what does it mean? It means that the media and education system display minorities in the way they do solely to promote White dominance.

What this proclamation implies is that CRT and the liberal media should NOT be seen because it serves the purpose of White dominance. In a sense that is true.

By CRT and the media constantly promoting to children that Blacks are victims - they are creating a mindset of self-oppression (repression). If a child is taught from birth that he cannot succeed because of those evil oppressors - why should he even try? And through a variety of interviews with young black men - it is obvious that they don’t try to succeed exactly for that reason - they just know that it would be futile to do anything but just try to get away with things illegally - immorally - and actually self-defeatingly.

So this proclamation implies that everyone should stop learning CRT - and stop watching liberal media.

Interesting - but of course the children being indoctrinated by CRT won’t understand that until it is too late.

  • (5) According to the thesis of “intersectionality” or “antiessentialism,” no individual can be adequately identified by membership in a single group. An African American person, for example, may also identify as a woman, a lesbian, a feminist, a Christian, and so on.

Another interesting self-defeating proclamation that sounds innocent and just - “individual people cannot be identified by group” (anti-prejudice) - yet CRT constantly declares that Whites are ALL oppressors (and in practice that is taught as a genetic trait) and that ALL minorities are victims - due to not being White.

It proclaims the exact opposite of what it teaches.

“Intersectionality” - What does it mean? It means that social and political relations cause discrimination and privilege.

“Anti-essentialism” - What does it mean? It means that individuals are essentially just a number within their group - there is nothing essentially important about any individual person.

Both of these play together.

  • If you are Black - you are the same as all Blacks - all victims.
  • If you are female - you are the same as all females - all victims.
  • If you are White - you are the same as all Whites - all supremacist oppressors.
  • If you are republican - you are the same as all republicans - all evil oppressors.
  • If you are democrat - you are the same as all democrats - all good justice warriors…

It is a promotion of “group-think” and prejudice. It IS racism itself. And it is specifically (and intentionally) anti-capitalism (against any effort to do things for your own good) - yet it proclaims the exact opposite. If it was what it proclaimed - it would be teaching Essentialism - not Anti-Essentialism.

This one is - “There is nothing special about you. Accept the group you are identified with - bow down and shut up.”

What happens when this is taught to unsuspecting children? They think of the group and that they are merely an insignificant member of that group - that they are unimportant individually - nothing attention should be paid to their individual circumstance - ever - for the rest of their lives - brainwashed into the cult.

  • (6) the “voice of colour” thesis holds that people of colour are uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of other members of their group (or groups) regarding the forms and effects of racism.

Again - innocent sounding - very popularly thought - yet actually deceptive.

It proclaims that regardless of talent or skills - only a Black person can figure out how to represent Black people. White people interviewing Black people is pointless - White people cannot understand Black people’s issues - White people are genetically incapable of understanding anything but White people (so why did White people ever abolish slavery?).

Politics is all about clever - behind the scene - scams on the population. It requires a clever mind to see and defend against clever politicians. But to CRT children - that isn’t the point because if the person isn’t the same race as they are (even though “race” is just a socially imagined idea) - the person cannot defend them.

So Whites - when fighting Chinese - cannot defends Blacks. Men cannot defend women. Women cannot defend men. Straights cannot defend gays. And Blacks “should not” defend Whites (because ALL Whites are inherent racist oppressors).

So in summary -

I cannot say that the entirety of CRT is lies (it does actually teach that CRT should not be taught). But I can say that the entirety is deception of children and promotion into self-defeating cultism - which explains why the ILP Commie Cult - really loves and defends it. :smiley:

It is extremely divisive -racist - and socialist/Marxist (from which it was derived).

And they are teaching this in place of - how to easily remember things (which James has shown to be a very simple process) and how to accurately analyze things (“critical thinking”) as well as many social skill subjects.

WendyDarling: the final day the Godwannabe rests - just to start it all over again with a divisive forbidden fruit.
I have read that the next divisive forbidden fruit to be normalized in Western countries is pedophilia which they are already have made laws in the state of Californication to let judges decide if people who are ten years older than minors should suffer any penalties for their predation on minors, then “they” will usher in beastiality. Souless degeneracy.
K: as this is simply not true…we don’t have any such laws in California… you have been lied
to, by faux news…but please, never actually investigate any type of nonsense like this…
you might find out how often you been lied to…


I have read that the next divisive forbidden fruit to be normalized in Western countries is pedophilia which they are already have made laws in the state of Californication to let judges decide if people who are ten years older than minors should suffer any penalties for their predation on minors, then “they” will usher in beastiality. Souless degeneracy.
K: as this is simply not true…we don’t have any such laws in California… you have been lied
to, by faux news…but please, never actually investigate any type of nonsense like this…
you might find out how often you been lied to…

Says the one doing the lying.

K: as this is simply not true…we don’t have any such laws in California… you have been lied
to, by faux news…but please, never actually investigate any type of nonsense like this…
you might find out how often you been lied to…

Says the one doing the lying.
K: so, without any recourse to right wing media, please feel free to show us such a law…
with sources please… of course you can’t… but you will hide somehow, behind
some nonsense or another…


I have read that the next divisive forbidden fruit to be normalized in Western countries is pedophilia which they are already have made laws in the state of Californication to let judges decide if people who are ten years older than minors should suffer any penalties for their predation on minors, then “they” will usher in beastiality. Souless degeneracy.
K: as this is simply not true…we don’t have any such laws in California… you have been lied
to, by faux news…but please, never actually investigate any type of nonsense like this…
you might find out how often you been lied to…

California is the quintessential state of degeneracy.
Here’s a link to the ILP thread about California SB 145
And here’s a direct link to this law of California on its government website.

K: as this is simply not true…we don’t have any such laws in California… you have been lied
to, by faux news…but please, never actually investigate any type of nonsense like this…
you might find out how often you been lied to…

California is the quintessential state of degeneracy.
Here’s a link to the ILP thread about California SB 145
And here’s a direct link to this law of California on its government website.
K: man, are you an idiot… I asked for proof of your statement and you link
me to a prior ILP thread and then you link into the law… which had you
even read, isn’t even what you say it is…the paragraph in question says

" This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person
convicted of “certain” offenses involving minors IF the person is not more then
10 years older than the minor and IF that offense is the only one requiring the
person to register" and then a bit later we read this… in section (D)

“This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2021 and as of
that date is repealed.” this part of the bill isn’t even in effect anymore…

the entire point of this law is to equal out anti-LBGT LAWS… in other words,
under long standing California law, if an Adult has voluntary penile-vaginal inter-
course with a minor, aged, 14, 15, 16, 17,and is up to 10 years older then the
minor, the offense is not “Automatically registerable”. A judge has discretion
whether or not to place the defendant on the sex offender registry. By contrast,
if the sexual act is oral sex, anal sex or digital penetration, the court MUST
place the defendant on the sex registry regardless of the facts in the case and even
in cases where the prosecutor doesn’t want to place the defendant on the
registry… this distinction in the law is irrational and discriminatory against
LGBTO youth…by the very nature of their act decides if one is automatically
place on the registry or not… the law is now rewritten to make changes
that turn certain acts from automatic penalty’s into being reviewable by
the judge…


California is the quintessential state of degeneracy.
Here’s a link to the ILP thread about California SB 145
And here’s a direct link to this law of California on its government website.
K: man, are you an idiot… I asked for proof of your statement and you link
me to a prior ILP thread and then you link into the law… which had you
even read, isn’t even what you say it is…the paragraph in question says

" This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person
convicted of “certain” offenses involving minors IF the person is not more then
10 years older than the minor and IF that offense is the only one requiring the
person to register" and then a bit later we read this… in section (D)

“This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2021 and as of
that date is repealed.” this part of the bill isn’t even in effect anymore…

the entire point of this law is to equal out anti-LBGT LAWS… in other words,
under long standing California law, if an Adult has voluntary penile-vaginal inter-
course with a minor, aged, 14, 15, 16, 17,and is up to 10 years older then the
minor, the offense is not “Automatically registerable”. A judge has discretion
whether or not to place the defendant on the sex offender registry. By contrast,
if the sexual act is oral sex, anal sex or digital penetration, the court MUST
place the defendant on the sex registry regardless of the facts in the case and even
in cases where the prosecutor doesn’t want to place the defendant on the
registry… this distinction in the law is irrational and discriminatory against
LGBTO youth…by the very nature of their act decides if one is automatically
place on the registry or not… the law is now rewritten to make changes
that turn certain acts from automatic penalty’s into being reviewable by
the judge…

=D> Thanks for confirming that the pedophile protection law DOES exist in Californication and you call me an idiot for opposing it. Yes, gay pedo’s escape the consequences now too. Yaay rah!

Now Mr. Einstein, why are people who are ten years older being allowed to sex kids and escape the full consequences of their actions? Let’s agree, antidiscriminatory, Californication pedophile protection laws.

So in California, penal code 311.1(A) makes child(anyone under 18 years of age) porn(any image of a sexual nature) either a felony (on sex offender registry for life) or misdemeanor(on sex offender registry for 10 yrs.) but an adult 10 years older than the child can literally have sex with a child and get a lesser sentence( not on sex offender registry at all). Californication logic, I guess.


=D> Thanks for confirming that the pedophile protection law DOES exist in Californication and you call me an idiot for opposing it. Yes, gay pedo’s escape the consequences now too. Yaay rah!

Now Mr. Einstein, why are people who are ten years older being allowed to sex kids and escape the full consequences of their actions? Let’s agree, antidiscriminatory, Californication pedophile protection laws.

So in California, penal code 311.1(A) makes child(anyone under 18 years of age) porn(any image of a sexual nature) either a felony (on sex offender registry for life) or misdemeanor(on sex offender registry for 10 yrs.) but an adult 10 years older than the child can literally have sex with a child and get a lesser sentence( not on sex offender registry at all). Californication logic, I guess.
K: ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

no, that isn’t what is written…I didn’t mentioned about anyone older then 10
years above the age of the minor because the ““LAW WASN’T CHANGED IN

The law was only changed in regards to people less then 10 years or older then
the victim…and those who are 10 years older, they still have to register as a sex offender…
you completely missed the point, as usual…

anyway, back to the original thread… if you can restrain yourself from
making completely off the cuff remarks that have nothing to do with
the topic of the thread…which is CRT…


Hello everyone,

Sorry for not attending to this thread for a couple weeks, but I’m back, and I’ve got some responses.

First, Promethean

Well, yeah, I think that goes without saying. The course through history that a nation takes determines that the nation end up at the spot it finds itself today. And I see your point about the more likely ideology to force a nation through a period where buying and selling human beings as though they were commodities to be owned would be capitalism, but you don’t need socialism to accomplish the opposite–you just need an intelligently designed constitution along with political and popular respect for it–which is what the US, as far as I can tell, is aiming for today, and for all intents and purposes, always was (even if half of it initially disagreed).

On another note, you do realize the situation for black people in America was actually better overall at the beginning of the 1960s than it is now, don’t you? Blacks peeked in their overall standard of living and hit an all time low in crime rates during the Kennedy and Johnson eras than it ever did before and since. Not that they had it better or equally as good as whites, but with the downward trend they are experiencing today, it’s not so evident you can blame their lot on the slavery and racism of the past. But yes, they are where they are in America today because their path through history lead them there.

Eugh I’ll be the first in line to say that this is the worst kind of capitalism–fascism–the kind that allows human beings to be traded like commodities–but I always have to interject a minor correction whenever someone puts it the way you did: it was only half the nation that flourished on and therefore wanted to perpetuate slavery. The other half, which was the half actually in the driver’s seat–that is, the half that actually drove the founding of America–designed the constitution in such a way that they could hopefully one day do away with slavery and the commodification of human beings (I can point to specific parts). People often underestimate how complicated the situation was at the time. If the founding fathers had stood up to slavery unreservedly, there’s no way the slave states would have joined the union and there’s no way they would have won the war against the British. The abolitionists thinking was: ally with the slave states for now, and after we win the war, then tackle the issue of slavery. Obviously, they were a little too hopeful and the harsh reality was that a century of slavery had to go by before it became obvious that a bloody civil war was the only way slavery was going to be abolished. But if anything, this is a sin of stupidity and naivety, not racism and bigotry (at least, not on the part of the abolitionists and founding fathers).

Also, I’m a bit warry of the proposition that there is a “they” who designed and controlled the economy. Sure, top-down centralized approaches to engineering society through the economy means there will be some measure of control that some group of elites will be able to exact, but the economy is a fickle bitch of whom almost anyone can get a piece, and there will always be innumerable extraneous forces (accounted for and not accounted for) that have their way with her.

Just knowing that slavery was a part of your history is enough for the occasional feelings of resentment that can lead to social movements and violent riots–no matter how separate from it you’ve become–and there will always be some who believe, and can’t believe otherwise, that the sins of the past cannot be undone unless sins of equal or greater magnitude be revisited upon the sinners of the past (i.e. the Malcom X philosophy as opposed to MLK). And there is a point to this: if just the knowledge that your people were once enslaved by the people whom this nation, it seems, was designed for will always fuel sentiments of anger and resentment, then how could you overcome it except by writing slavery and racism back into history, but this time turned 180 degrees (with blacks as the oppressors and whites and the oppressed)–then, at least, when you look back at history, you see both groups having suffered their due experiences of racism and slavery, and this more “balanced” picture would hopefully allow any feelings of anger and resentment to subside. The problem is, history shows time and time again that handing over that level of power to a small group of elites is never temporary, or exercised until “enough” is had, and can only end by way of the forceful stripping of power. If power corrupts–which it does–you cannot trust the powerful to do the right thing.

Now, Kropotkin… oh, Kropotkin…

Uh… let’s start with the teaching that white people are morally inferior to black people, and that we are oppressing them and making it impossible for them to achieve the same level of success as whites? How 'bout the fact that kids are losing their best friends of different color to CRT and the garbage it spews? Or how 'bout the fears that a lot of adolescent girls now have that men/boys who identify as women can now share, and have shared, the same washrooms and change rooms as girls? ← Yeah, not racism per se, but just as troubling. That enough for you?

How 'bout thirteen?:


Virginia parents slam school board | Recall the School Board | talks about CRT at 8:30, 10:00 so and so said “Our curriculum is based on CRT”, again at 11:00


Rock River school board | 4:20 parent claims CRT is being taught in his children’s school | 6:30 parent reports what teachers said to student | 9:00 recording of teacher teaching CRT | 13:30 student explains more things teacher said that come out of CRT | teacher explains what she’s required to teacher and it comes right out of CRT


North West Hendricks School Board Meeting | Adam Benner’s resignation | Adam Benner accused of being a predator to young girls. Not proof that CRT is being taught in schools, but quite consistent with it (pedophiles are supported).


‘Taught Them To Hate America’: Arizona Parents Speak Out Against Critical Race Theory in Education | example of white kids losing colored friends due to teaching of CRT.


Frustrated Camas Parents Address School Board | “Our staff is learning to teach through the lens of CRT”


school board denies teaching CRT but it’s written in their policies | shows actual documentation


Solon School Board Meeting 063021 | “Loudoun County School Board Says CRT is not Taught in School” | parents prove otherwise | black student expresses what CRT is doing to her thinking and her reactions to her white friends.


WOW: Elementary School Parents Stand Up To ‘Anti-Racism’ Initiatives At School Board Meeting | racist hiering practices | not proof of CRT per se but definitely consistent with it.


Mom in Carmel NY fights back against teaching critical race theory as board tries to tone police her | fiery woman who points out school is saying/doing things that come out of CRT | Fuck I love this chick.


Leaked audio of principal allegedly admitting making white students feel ‘less than’ | perfectly aligned with CRT


mother shows how CRT calling math racist changes how math is taught in such a way that kids no longer know how to do math


parent speaks out against CRT in schools | not proof per se but then what are these parents on about?

As if the original two videos weren’t enough.

Granted, not all of these are formal proof that CRT is being taught in school, but despite that many are (you only asked for one), if you still deny it, you have to have some wildly insane tails that you tell yourself to dismiss them. Are the above videos all CG? Are they all actors performing in a Republican film studio? I have no anticipation that these will convince you because, as Descartes showed, one can be skeptical of anything, even his own existence. All you have to do is not want to be convinced, and you won’t. You’ll confabulate the reasons why as an afterthought.

And quite frankly, I don’t care if you literally believe CRT is being taught in the schools, my point is much more broad than that. If CRT is not formally taught in schools, whatever it is that is taught in school is so close to it, CRT might as well be taught in schools. And any distinctions you may discern don’t matter, because the point–the point of this thread–is about the poison that is being fed to our children in the school system by people like Sculpter who, if they don’t teach CRT, are bigotedly proud of it, and have no reservations of teaching its principles. And the effect it is having on our children. And how resilient our children are at rising above it. It’s about rising above bigotry and fascism–because that’s what CRT is–and how capable today’s high school (and elementary) students are at maintaining awareness of what really is right and wrong despite what they are taught.

(And when it comes to these kinds of videos, I don’t see why it matters who reports it–CNN, Fox News, NTD, OWN, etc.–it’s a recording of events that actually took place–you think that if Fox News covered the school board hearings, the camera would record different events than if CNN covered it? I’m pretty sure all the CG modifications, editing out of context, fabricated clips featuring actors reading from a script, etc., would come after the recording–I don’t think technology is so advanced as to fabricate false records as it’s being picked up by the cameras themselves–so unless you want to suggest Republicans tampered with the all 13 videos I posted (which would lose you all credibility in my mind), I suggest you give some serious thought to the fact that the cameras, whoever they were owned by, just sat there and recorded whatever actually happened.)

Look, I get it. Many districts claim that CRT is not the “formal” curriculum of their schools–Democrats like to deny what they know is wrong–but when you look at the content of what’s actually being taught (like how to have anal sex), it is steeped in CRT filth. Maybe the boards are enforcing CRT anyway despite the claims that it isn’t official, or maybe this generation of teachers features so many wokists that it’s practically an army of CRT specialists who are on a mission to jam it down students’ throats (with severe consequences if they disagree). If the above videos don’t convince you there is something going on, something worth being concerned over, then you can’t be convinced. Everything that supports your leftist/wokist ideology will automatically be a reliable source, and everything that doesn’t will automatically be a right-wing lie (like all the videos above were recorded in a Hollywood basement). Makes for a fairly impenetrable bubble, don’it? Must be nice. Not to have to worry that the men and women in charge have malicious intentions and are lying to you. No, no, no, of course we can trust Biden’s administration–he wouldn’t steer us wrong. Hmmm… yeah… a very comfortable thought indeed. Wouldn’t want to disturb you from that, and I don’t think I have to worry. You’ve given yourself no way to verify the truth–so your bubble is safe.

Gee, maybe (if that’s true at all) it’s because the right expects you to get off your ass and research it yourself (it is out there you know… Sculpter himself was able to find a half ass decent definition). It’s not like we’re trying to hide it or obfuscate it from the general public. It’s readily accessible with a quick google search and, quite frankly, proves the right’s point for us.

Not exactly painting the whole picture, are ya P. That the US has slavery in her history and it was intertwined with racism isn’t something new that’s being taught to students. It’s been taught long before CRT was around and long before the woke movement. Everybody knew it happened, everybody knew it was racist, and everybody knew that it was wrong. Don’t you think you would have had to have been taught the history of slavery and racism in school in order to know it needs to be taught in school? I grew up in the 80s (in Canada) and even then in my young impressionable mind was the idea being engrained that slavery and racism were once a widespread thing in America and that everybody today knows it’s wrong. If that’s what the world looked like to me growing up in the 80s, I’d say we were doing something right then. Whatever it was kids like myself were being fed from the media, from teachers, from parents back then resulted, at least in my case, in having no expectation that racism was still a thing, and that in todays world, we treat members of other races like human beings equal to ourselves. Thus, the system worked! It produced, at least in my case, a grown man who knew not to be racist and didn’t even want to be racist. What’s being taught in CRT to students is not only unnecessary, but seems to be backfiring, making students hate and distrust each other based on the color of their skin. (It’s even doing damage to my mind–now whenever I look at a black person, I no longer think “potential friend”, now I think “potential enemy” because he might hate me for being white. ← I now have to fight to dismiss this thought. Thanks CRT!) It’s not for a lack of knowledge about the history of slavery and racism in the US that this is happening, but because of the overreach of certain people in the education system and of CRT itself to label not only slavery as racist but anything whatsoever that conveniently serves their ideological agenda–for example, that mispronouncing a foreign name is racist, that having a cop as a father makes you racist. Does CRT have the authority to teach kids that? Are the facts of what counts as racist and what doesn’t sooo objective and amenable to scientific scrutiny that one can even say a white person listening to rap is racist? That’s a reeeally dangerous slippery slope you’re on if that’s what you think.

The thing is, P, the only reason you brought up slavery and racism and its history in America as your example of what CRT is teaching to students is because that’s about the only thing it teaches that’s about accurate. The rest is brazenly insane bull shit, heaping piles of stinking, rotting, gag-inducing bull shit. The 1619 project, for example–the idea that America is based on slavery because it began when the first slave was brought to America in 1619. Well, if there’s one way to tear down the moral rapport of a nation, it’s to pick a dark event in its past–any dark event will do–and claim that that marks the beginning of the nation–the nation, therefore, is “founded” on that event. If this is being taught to students, then I’d say you’ve got it completely backwards–it’s the left that wants to obscure the truth about the history of the United States, and the right want to clear it up again.

Ah, you got it all figured out, donchya?

Do you realize how accurately the statement you just made pretty much defines an unfalsifiable theory, don’t you? :laughing:

Right, and the Holocaust never happened.

Ah, so now Trump is the perpetrator who brought COVID to the world, huh? I suppose he was right there at the Wuhan lab directing the whole operation. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci and Biden Jr. had absolutely, positively, irrefutably no dealings whatsoever with China or the Wuhan lab, did they (oh wait, I think I have that reversed)? Even if you’re right that Trump is responsible for the pandemic, I’d hardly call Biden sitting on his ass just allowing the vaccines to roll out on Trump’s initiative a resounding accomplishment.

Yes in the least (in the most?) Did you have an argument to back this up? Or is it based on the same false claim as above, that Trump introduced the virus to the world and Biden, sitting on his senile ass, deserves all the credit for something he didn’t do? I hope we can agree that kids are going back to school because the pandemic is lifting, and it is lifting because of the vaccines. But you don’t get to arbitrarily hand out credit for this turn of events to whoever’s your favorite political team happens to be, even if someone else you trust is instructing you on how to reason out your justifications for doing so. Seriously, you’re gonna have to post your sources. I can be persuaded, honestly. But the source has to be convincing.

Nah, that would be a denial of your claims. I’m simply saying I know nothing about your claim (that the US has had some of the greatest economic growth in the last several decades) to say whether it’s true or not (although it’s almost certainly not true). I mean, to say “in the last several decades” is making a pretty serious claim–that’s gotta be some pretty awesome economic growth to have suddenly come about in the last 6 months–maybe you should have stuck with one decade. And you’re tripping over a common fallacy–that the state of the economy in any country can be directly attributed to whoever is in charge.

Another magnificent accomplishment by brain damaged Biden–the pandemic lifts, and he has the ingenious idea of allowing businesses to open up again. The man deserved a standing ovation! Especially since the vast majority of COVID restrictions have nothing to do with Biden or anything at the federal level but a matter for the states only. And guess who accomplished this feat the most? Republican run states like Florida and South Dakota. You know how they did it? By not shutting down businesses in the first place (who’s the pyromaniac again?). You might think: well, gib, it was at the expense of COVID victims. But the stats show the exact opposite. These states have some of the best track records for cases of death by COVID.

Here’s the general trend for the Dow Jones since 2016:

It’s been on an upward swing ever since Trump was sworn into office (with the exception of a small dip at the beginning of 2020–whatever that was–and promptly recovered). The only reason you get to say the Dow Jones is at an all time high under Biden’s watch is because it was heading in that direction anyway. If you’re on an upward trend, the latest values are always going to be “record breaking”, at least in relation to the upward trend, until it stops being upward. But are you gonna credit Trump for the upward trend it has exhibited since his inauguration? Of course not! Only then will you suddenly become aware that presidential leaders, although they may have some effect on the economy with the decisions they make, have very little impact on the economy. The economy is its own beast and no one man can tame it. The only way this will cease to be true is if you and your Marxist comrades have your way and turn the US into the next great communist superpower–those things certainly do crush the economy and don’t seem to do anything else.

In other words… no, I don’t have any sources, gib. Please find them for me. ← Well, the above is what I found, at least for the Dow Jones.

And BTW, I don’t hate America. If I did, I’d be on your side.

OUCH!!! What country is relevant? In which overwhelmingly relevant country has the reputation of the US been restored? And how do you know? And does the US actually deserve this newly restored reputation (i.e. is it based on the truth or a lie?)? And what right do you have to attribute this to Biden?

WOAW!!! Talk about arrogant! I have two beautiful children aged 10 and 12, and yes, I was concerned enough about their education that I met with the principles of their schools to discuss what the curriculum consisted of. Thank God we are living in a different nation and thank God for the Catholic school board.

Ah, a real source. One that you “know” is telling the truth, right? One that you know with your keen sense for truth telling and lies, your instinct to “smell” the bull shit despite when it’s being presented as reality. How does that instinct work again? Oh right, if it reinforces the narrative you’re already convinced of, then it’s trustworthy. Otherwise, it’s all lies, lies, lies. You accuse me of not being able to know the truth because it doesn’t fit with my narrative. Well, you would know, I suppose, since that’s exactly your method. And you know what they say about people with hammers…

In any case, I can tell that trying to convince you of anything you disagree with is futile since any source I provide supporting my point of view is going to be dismissed by you as “the crap the right brings out to prove a pretend point”. So I’m not gonna play this game. But rest assured, I will continue to troll you since that game is way more fun.

How bout now?

Truth is, ILP is low on my priority list. Yes, I created this post out of a moment of inspiration, but that’s been a rare event in the last few years so it doesn’t happen often, and when it does, the inspiration to continue the thread quickly fades. Don’t flatter yourself, it has nothing to do with you. And I already pegged you for someone to whom it is impossible to convince no matter how much evidence I bring to the table, so even less motivation on that front. Besides that, why should I be in any rush to ask “how high” when you say jump? I know that if I just wait a few weeks, all the evidence I need will fall into my lap because that’s about the frequency with which I come across it as I peruse the internet. The above videos, gathered over only 2 weeks, is a testament to how often this is happening in your country (you are American, aren’t you P?). Finally, as you can see, there’s a lot to respond to (not just you). I’m too busy with more important things than to spend all my time in one session writing all this out (and honestly, it depends on whom I’m responding to, and out of all the people I responded to in this post, you’re at the bottom–consider yourself lucky). So I take my time (something I recommend to those who feel rushed to stand up for themselves and prove their point).

Mr Reasonable,

What history is being distorted/denied? And how do we know the history being taught is accurate? Do we have a time machine?

No, just looking at the content does the trick.


Thanks Sculpter, for that concise definition of CRT. It’s self-incriminating enough to prove the right’s point. Funny how you so proudly champion CRT but P feels compelled to deny it’s being taught in schools. Would that mean you would proudly admit it is being taught in schools? And would Kropotkin reluctantly renounce CRT as a horrible thing to be taught in school?

I won’t address your other points 'cause they don’t deserve to be dignified, but I will pick apart this definition and show how it is, at best, ridiculous, and at worst deeply insidious.

First this part…

“race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour.”

If the laughability of this idea is not enough to dismiss it right away–I mean, it’s on par with some of the shit flat Earthers bring up–then science should be. We define, in our culture, race as a genetic lineage that branched off a common line of homosapiens (originally black, I believe) and evolved into the white race, and all other races (Asians, Indians, Native Americans, etc.). Each new race, at least in the case of human beings, was differentiated from each other by whatever gene it is that determines how much melanin one has in their skin (though technically, the formal biological definition of races is not based on this). Now, usually, the way evolution works is species branch out like a tree–once a genetic line branches, it doesn’t reconnect, and thus two new species are separated from each other forever. However, race is not a species. It’s a branching within the same species. This matters because the way biologists define ‘species’ is that different species cannot reproduce together (thus the tree metaphor), but different races of the same species can. So you can have different branches reconnecting (more like interweaving rivers metaphor). ← I think this is what the above statement is banked on. It falls short however, because the interweaving of races (resulting in lighter skinned ‘black’ children who are born from one white parent and one black parent) does not imply the non-existence of race. At least in the case of human beings, there originally WAS a black gene, and it branched off into a white gene, and other colored genes. And for the longest time, these genes kept separate. Whites mainly lived in Europe, blacks in Africa, Asians in Asia, Native Americans in the Americas, etc. and never the twain met, being separated by humongous land masses and oceans. So yeah, race definitely is (or was) real, and insofar as copies of the original genes from each race are still swimming around the gene pool, there are still members of each race among us. Race is real, it is biologically based, get used to it.

I’ll grant that it becomes questionable, at best, what race ‘brown’ children belong to (i.e. children with lighter skin than their black parent but darker skin than their white parent). But that hardly makes the idea of race nothing but an invented construct. The kid’s brown skin is still rooted in biology and genetics. The only question this raises is whether, at this point in our history, we should be identifying ‘race’ with skin color. Or whether different races are still different races after continents and oceans cease to be barriers that keep them from making contact and interbreeding with each other. But that’s a consequence of what happened to the races across time, not a bunch of evil political geniuses making secret plans on how to rig the law to disempower black people. At the time of America’s founding, whites and blacks weren’t regularly interbreeding, so the separation of the races (and this was before Darwin, keep in mind) was a real thing (and still rooted in biology and genetics). Obviously, the concept of ‘race’ was hardly a conspiracy, but a common fact about human beings that everybody took for granted.

“Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”

Even if we grant the previous statement, the current statement just doesn’t stand. The laws in the United States go to great length to ensure that they are applicable to all human being regardless of race. It’s even written into the law (hello 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, hello Civil Rights Act, hello Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and hello Article 1, Section 2, paragraph 3). In what way are the laws of the United States designed to be racists against blacks? They are specifically designed not to be. Yes, discrimination still happens–in terms of race, sex, and other group markers–but this only means the law originally allowed for these forms of discrimination, and more to the point, it could have turned out any other way–blacks dominating against whites, women against men–the law has no say here. People do. Culture does. Our values and beliefs do. ← That’s where you want to focus your energies. But even having said that, the law certain speaks out against racism (and sexism) today. Where in the law does it discriminate? You can’t say, well the law prohibits black people from stealing, and since more black people are kinda stuck in poverty than whites, they have to resort to crime and stealing in order to live by the same standards as whites, because, once again, I direct you to culture, values, and beliefs. The law specifically gives people stuck in poverty a way out, a method by which to get out of poverty, and I don’t see why it matter what color your skin is. If anything’s blocking other races from reaching the same standard of living as whites, it’s culture, values, and beliefs, not the law.

(I’ll grant that the police probably can tend to be more racist than people in other professions, but you have no evidence this is the norm; I think it’s the exception; and the situation there is a thousand times more complex than you imagine it is; and more to the point, racist conduct on the part of the police says nothing about the law, and everything about the individual police officer.)

I say this is a self-incriminating definition because it’s flaws are so flat-out obvious, it practically screams out: I’m worded to pit black people against whites for the purpose of overthrowing and dominating over them (or perhaps exterminating them). I’ll admit, I’m not surprised to see such a maneuver coming out of a group of people who experience themselves as oppressed, or stuck in poverty, but whether those experiences are real or just perceived, they would make for a pretty desperate (perceived) situation, desperate enough to make up such an insane sounding theory as CRT and try every sneaky, manipulative way of pushing it into politics and the lives of ordinary Americans. That’s why I don’t deny there is indeed a desperate situation, and it should be taken seriously, but the road CRT is pointing down is absolutely, positively, and utterly the wrong way to go. It may lead to a reversal of racism and oppression, and the black community may enjoy a day in the Sun for this, but over the long haul, life’s gonna suck for all of us. A reversal of racism leaves the world no better off than with the original racism.

Mags! How are ya! Log time no talk!

That’s an interesting (and tragic) theory. However, I’ll pick it apart a bit to shed some positive light on it.

First, breeding for brawn doesn’t necessarily exclude brains. It depends on if you think brawn and brains are mutually exclusive. If you take a random sample of black people (or any race) and you sort them by brawn, are we saying the stronger ones will have less brains? Or would the distribution of intelligence be just as random as the rest of the sample? Of course, if breeding for brawn in America is a deliberate thing, one can question whether the breeders would have wanted, not only brawn, but lack of brains. Who wants an intelligent slave, after all. If that was going, in addition to breeding for brawn, then maybe one could say the intelligence level of blacks consequently went down.

Second, even if this is what happened in America, America isn’t the only place where you find blacks. Black people are all over the world, and in countries or regions where selective breeding for brawn wasn’t going on, black people would have maintained their level of both brawn and brains. And given the rate of immigration of blacks into the US over the years, and the interbreeding between blacks from different regions in the world, I’d say the intelligence gene in blacks has probably survived.

Third, if white slave owners actively bred for brawn in black slaves, and that required a lack of brains, both the dumb and the incredibly intelligent would have been bred for–that is, black slaves who were so smart that they were able to pull off seeming dumb.

Fourth, how do you breed human slaves? Do you take a male slave and put him in a room with a female slave, and tell them to fuck? With animals, that actually works (with pens or pastures instead of rooms). What does a bull know, or care, about its status as livestock? If he sees a sexy looking cow with huge utters, he’ll fuck her (or try to). With human beings, it’s a bit different. Human beings are far more aware than livestock. If the human being in question knows what the purpose of the pairing together of him/herself with the other is, would they just go through with it? Would their “animal instincts” just take over and compel them to breed? Would the male even be able to get it up? I mean, if I were coerced to mate with a woman I never met or didn’t like, even if I wanted to try out of fear for my life, that very situation would certainly be an erection-killer. But maybe breeding for brawn, when successful, meant breeding for easily-achieved-erections as well. Those who were impotent (given the nature of the situation) might have just been weeded out. Maybe. Maybe not. (I’ve never been in such a situation.) Or maybe the slave owner had other ways of getting them to breed (taking sperm from the male and artificially inseminating the woman with it). Who knows. Most likely, slave owners who were trying to breed to brawn probably were successful in some cases, but I’d imagine it was a lot more tricky than getting livestock to breed.

Overall, while there may be some merit to the theory (slave owners probably did attempt to breed for brawn) that doesn’t mean it was resoundingly successful, and furthermore doesn’t mean it meant a reduction in brains.

While I agree with the last part, the first part depends on how well we preserve our collective memory of what happened in the past. Radical leftists, CRT champions, and wokists wish to erase this part of history so we don’t remember it and are doomed to repeat it. Though I will agree–history is not a loop forever repeating the same events over and over again, but more like a helix, repeating events over and over, but a little different each time, a little more enlightened or coming from a different perspective, or in the context of the time, such that after several rounds, we end up in a “higher” place than before, and can hopefully find a path off the helix.

Wendy! My darling! How goes things with you?

See? What did I tell ya?

obsrvr, my wayward friend,

I wholeheartedly agree. Every passionate faction/movement thinks they’re in charge, that they are the ones making change–BLM thinks they’re making the world a better place for the black community, ANTIFA think they’re ridding the world of tyrannical government structures, wokists think they’re “waking” people up to the racism and bigotry of American white citizens, but the truth of the matter–and this becomes obvious the more you follow current affairs–is that Democrats (formally speaking) are calling the shots and designing brainwashing agendas and engineering social reconstruction projects that have the goal of doing to America exactly what you said–“totally destroy all of it down to nothing but dust - erase all its history into the abyss - then mold a more obedient society (of ants or bees) to supply them with their honey.” And to be perfectly honest, I think even the Dems are beholden to the CPP. BLM, ANTIFA, wokists, radical leftists, are really just pons in this game. I just hope their grandiose ambitions for American, if not world, domination is naïve at best, and self-destructive at worst–like a bunch of monkeys thinking they can build nuclear weapons–but whatever happens–if the Democrats get their way–they will either succeed, in which case we are all fucked (blacks and whites alike), or they will not in which case all social structures and institutions will collapse due to their refactoring based on Democrat designs and principles, in which case we are all fucked (blacks and whites alike). Do you have any hope beyond these two bleak outlooks, obsrvr?

Yet another source of proof for P to sink his teeth into. Of course, the one fatal flaw in this video is that it is hosted by Tucker, and you know what Kropotkin said: “and I need evidence… not the crap the right brings out to prove a pretend point…like a video from Faux news or OWN…”. Not that it really matters… if it was present by a black, female lesbian with purple hair on one side and shaved on the other, he’d still deny it. We can say this with relative certainly because we’ve seen time and time again that it’s the ideology being present that matters most as there are numerous black people, gays, lesbians, women, and other minorities and so-called oppressed classes who have spoken out against CRT and radical leftist/wokist ideology and have been accused of being “not really black” or “not really gay” or “not really a woman”–despite the lefts avowed commitment to stand behind these very people. When it comes down to it, adherence to the ideology is the #1 criteria for being included in the left’s “good guy” category.

To All,

This took a lot… which is why it was stretched over more than two weeks to construct. I am only posting today because I’m back on my meds and for the first few days, my meds inspire me to write. Under all other circumstances, I am not nearly as motivated to respond to posts. I have learned over the years that this intellectual masturbation (and sometimes tantrum throwing and chest pounding) is the lowest of the low priorities one ought to have in one’s life. There ought to be at least 10 higher priorities on one’s list of life values, and my list goes well beyond 10 (even masturbating to internet porn comes before ILP), but lately I’ve been thinking that when it comes to matters of politics and our children, I should occasionally speak up and say something. Responding is important too, but that’s a whole other level of priority. So you’ll have to forgive me if I often abandon a thread that I, at a certain point, felt inspired to write as that inspiration is fleeting at this point in my life and I will often have to leave it for the ILP vultures and rats to chew apart. I feel that as long as I post my OP, I have done my part to speak out against the horrific leviathan that is American culture today, and the rest of the world tomorrow.

I tried to respond to all your post, but beyond page 1, I see that this thread has caught on like wildfire, and I will not go beyond page 1… at least not in this post. I may at some later point. I’m not trying to ignore you. Just sayin’.

I was going to respond to Gibs post, but I gotta say, it might be the longest post I
have ever tried to respond to…I don’t even know where to start…
let me think about this for a bit…


I feel ya Peter… and think likewise.

K: and how does CRT “make” kids racist?

G: Uh… let’s start with the teaching that white people are morally inferior to black people, and that we are oppressing them and making it impossible for them to achieve the same level of success as whites? How 'bout the fact that kids are losing their best friends of different color to CRT and the garbage it spews? Or how 'bout the fears that a lot of adolescent girls now have that men/boys who identify as women can now share, and have shared, the same washrooms and change rooms as girls? ← Yeah, not racism per se, but just as troubling. That enough for you?

K: Please free to show me where in CRT does it show that “white people are morally
inferior to blacks?” and as for the rest, bringing up the usual conservative tripe about
girls being afraid to use the bathroom because of “men/boys who identify as women”…
that particular right wing fantasy, has been around for years… you do know that
a lot of places, including the very nice restaurant we we went to has a
‘‘All gender bathroom’’… are you trying to demonize that too?

Peter Kropotkin; Of right, the right likes to lie about such
things…please, name one single school district in America that is teaching CRT?
G: Granted, not all of these are formal proof that CRT is being taught in school, but despite that many are (you only asked for one), if you still deny it, you have to have some wildly insane tails that you tell yourself to dismiss them. Are the above videos all CG? Are they all actors performing in a Republican film studio? I have no anticipation that these will convince you because, as Descartes showed, one can be skeptical of anything, even his own existence. All you have to do is not want to be convinced, and you won’t. You’ll confabulate the reasons why as an afterthought.

K: Have you even read the CRT stuff? Even the Authors admit that it is
supposed to be taught in college and in universities… even in research facilities,
and they say outright, it isn’t meant to be taught in grade school or even in high school.

I am old enough to have seen many PTA meetings where the parents in the
audience were up in arms about some allegedly taught idea’s in schools
that wasn’t even taught…The PTA meetings are a hotbed of power struggles,
conspiracy theories and downright monuments to stupidity of the highest order…
at one meeting during the late 60’s or early 70’s, in the school I went to,
the PTA meeting was all about the “immoral” books that needed to be taken out
of the library… like “the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin” as one of them…
and parent after parent after Parent… (we lived in Florida as the time)
complained how this one book was “corrupting” the mind of little John…
the book wasn’t even in the school library… it had been stolen a couple of
years earlier and never replaced… the parents had been whipped up
into a meltdown by a phony lie meant to seize power by a group of parents
over the whole PTA…it failed…don’t take PTA meetings at face value…
there are much ado about nothing…having been to many PTA meetings during
my childhood and during my daughter’s childhood…

G: And quite frankly, I don’t care if you literally believe CRT is being taught in the schools, my point is much more broad than that. If CRT is not formally taught in schools, whatever it is that is taught in school is so close to it, CRT might as well be taught in schools. And any distinctions you may discern don’t matter, because the point–the point of this thread–is about the poison that is being fed to our children in the school system by people like Sculpter who, if they don’t teach CRT, are bigotedly proud of it, and have no reservations of teaching its principles. And the effect it is having on our children. And how resilient our children are at rising above it. It’s about rising above bigotry and fascism–because that’s what CRT is–and how capable today’s high school (and elementary) students are at maintaining awareness of what really is right and wrong despite what they are taught.

K: and now your right wing sensibilities come into play… “is about the poison that is being fed to
our children in the school district” the problem lies in the massive assumptions that you
and the entire right wing makes… for example, how do we know the ''effect that it is having
on our children" if it isn’t even being taught? to claim that CRT is Racist, is to make
some assumptions about CRT… I am not all that interested in CRT per say, but I am
interested, very interested, in the assumptions that the opponents make about CRT…
teaching our children that America was a slave country and made blacks slaves,
that is a historical fact…how does that make children, Racists?
that blacks were first brought into this country in 1619 is an historical fact,
how does that make children Racist? to say that, somehow, in teaching these facts
we turn whites in “Morally less then blacks” to abridge a statement…
the problem really lies in your assumptions that underline your statements…
you leap to conclusions that aren’t warranted by the facts… how does knowing
that Whites brought blacks into this country as slaves in 1619, turn whites into
morally compromised people? I think the problem here lies in the fact that you,
as a presumable white person, doesn’t want to be reminded that Whites turned
blacks into slaves in America… “Home of the brave, land of the free”
whereas knowing your ancestors did in fact acted cowardly and without remorse,
turned human beings into slaves…the question arises, how are you going to live
with that fact?

G: (And when it comes to these kinds of videos, I don’t see why it matters who reports it–CNN, Fox News, NTD, OWN, etc.–it’s a recording of events that actually took place–you think that if Fox News covered the school board hearings, the camera would record different events than if CNN covered it? I’m pretty sure all the CG modifications, editing out of context, fabricated clips featuring actors reading from a script, etc., would come after the recording–I don’t think technology is so advanced as to fabricate false records as it’s being picked up by the cameras themselves–so unless you want to suggest Republicans tampered with the all 13 videos I posted (which would lose you all credibility in my mind), I suggest you give some serious thought to the fact that the cameras, whoever they were owned by, just sat there and recorded whatever actually happened.)

K: it matters because faux new and OWN lie, they are known to fix a video, by slicing
and editing, into saying the exact opposite of what the speaker actually said…

Look, I get it. Many districts claim that CRT is not the “formal” curriculum of their schools–Democrats like to deny what they know is wrong–but when you look at the content of what’s actually being taught (like how to have anal sex), it is steeped in CRT filth. Maybe the boards are enforcing CRT anyway despite the claims that it isn’t official, or maybe this generation of teachers features so many wokists that it’s practically an army of CRT specialists who are on a mission to jam it down students’ throats (with severe consequences if they disagree). If the above videos don’t convince you there is something going on, something worth being concerned over, then you can’t be convinced. Everything that supports your leftist/wokist ideology will automatically be a reliable source, and everything that doesn’t will automatically be a right-wing lie (like all the videos above were recorded in a Hollywood basement). Makes for a fairly impenetrable bubble, don’it? Must be nice. Not to have to worry that the men and women in charge have malicious intentions and are lying to you. No, no, no, of course we can trust Biden’s administration–he wouldn’t steer us wrong. Hmmm… yeah… a very comfortable thought indeed. Wouldn’t want to disturb you from that, and I don’t think I have to worry. You’ve given yourself no way to verify the truth–so your bubble is safe.

K: the question is not about the powers to be that lie to me, no, I actually don’t care about that…
I am far more interested in the personal struggle to overcome our education and training
and indoctrinations of childhood to become engaged into becoming autonomous and
authentic human beings… that to me is the struggle…the CRT struggle is just
a means to see how our education, indoctrinations and training has turned us into
being that are unable to overcome, the indoctrinations, the education and the training…
CRT for me is simple a path to the end which is our overcoming… in the journey to
become human, fully human…

Peter Kropotkin: AND the other little brick in the wall, something the right is great at doing, is
not telling us what CRT actually is?

G: Gee, maybe (if that’s true at all) it’s because the right expects you to get off your ass and research it yourself (it is out there you know… Sculpter himself was able to find a half ass decent definition). It’s not like we’re trying to hide it or obfuscate it from the general public. It’s readily accessible with a quick google search and, quite frankly, proves the right’s point for us.

K: review my posts and you will see I did engage with CRT in two separate threads,
I even reviewed the same ground that Observe did in looking at the 6 idea’s
of CRT…

K: the entire point is to show students how and what events are racist in American history…

According to who?

K: and now we come to the bigger picture of this post… the standards…,
what standards shall we use to classify events? The writers of CRT made one
standard, those who oppose it, have proclaimed that America is the "least racist
country in the world’’ which is another standard to view history… which one is right?
given what I know about history, I am an amateur historian…I have hundreds of books
on history and the philosophy of history, I would say that the CRT people is closer to
the truth then those who oppose them…but once again, we need to argue about
what standards we are going to use instead of the smaller picture of CRT and the like…

K: for example, making black people slaves is racists…

G:You don’t need CRT to teach people that but to the right, this knowledge turns
students who learn about this, into racists… That’s not what turns students racist… see above not exactly the same thing, is it?
K: this paragraph is a little unclear…I don’t quite get what you are arguing for…

G: Not exactly painting the whole picture, are ya P. That the US has slavery in her history and it was intertwined with racism isn’t something new that’s being taught to students. It’s been taught long before CRT was around and long before the woke movement. Everybody knew it happened, everybody knew it was racist, and everybody knew that it was wrong. Don’t you think you would have had to have been taught the history of slavery and racism in school in order to know it needs to be taught in school? I grew up in the 80s (in Canada) and even then in my young impressionable mind was the idea being engrained that slavery and racism were once a widespread thing in America and that everybody today knows it’s wrong. If that’s what the world looked like to me growing up in the 80s, I’d say we were doing something right then. Whatever it was kids like myself were being fed from the media, from teachers, from parents back then resulted, at least in my case, in having no expectation that racism was still a thing, and that in todays world, we treat members of other races like human beings equal to ourselves. Thus, the system worked! It produced, at least in my case, a grown man who knew not to be racist and didn’t even want to be racist. What’s being taught in CRT to students is not only unnecessary, but seems to be backfiring, making students hate and distrust each other based on the color of their skin. (It’s even doing damage to my mind–now whenever I look at a black person, I no longer think “potential friend”, now I think “potential enemy” because he might hate me for being white. ← I now have to fight to dismiss this thought. Thanks CRT!) It’s not for a lack of knowledge about the history of slavery and racism in the US that this is happening, but because of the overreach of certain people in the education system and of CRT itself to label not only slavery as racist but anything whatsoever that conveniently serves their ideological agenda–for example, that mispronouncing a foreign name is racist, that having a cop as a father makes you racist. Does CRT have the authority to teach kids that? Are the facts of what counts as racist and what doesn’t sooo objective and amenable to scientific scrutiny that one can even say a white person listening to rap is racist? That’s a reeeally dangerous slippery slope you’re on if that’s what you think.

K: I must say, this paragraph is quite full of assumptions… for example, “causing students
to hate and distrust each other” that is just an assumption made without any facts…
you might say, Kropotkin, the video… the video “Proves” that CRT causes students
to “hate and distrust” each other… and yet, do you know how many students are
in school? roughly 56.4 million students are in elementary, middle and high school…
so your point, that CRT causes students to “hate and distrust each other”
extends to all 56.4 million students? or even 10% of that 5.6 million students?
CRT isn’t even taught, officially in any grade, middle or high school in America…
although you seem to claim it is, but your proof is about Parents complaining about CRT…
proof is showing me where exactly CRT is being taught? or have you forgotten my
Huckleberry Fin story?

Peter Kropotkin: you have to face up to the fact that we in America has practiced systematic
racism, and we have practiced Genocide… hiding these events from students
doesn’t benefit anybody"

g: Who’s hiding it from students???

K: but that is exactly what the right wants… to hide
American history from students… thus this is why they oppose CRT…
to leave children ignorant of their history is the goal of the right…

K: the Texas senate passed a bill "banning instruction that portrays America
as inherently racist while requiring Texas schools teach “founding principles
which have make America so special” in other words, whitewashing history…in a
straight party vote in May 24, 2021…look up Texas house bill 3979…
(I found this in the Austin-American-Statemen on May 24,2021)
now which “founding principles” should we teach? the fact that the constitution
made a slave worth 3/5 of a human being? should we teach that aspect of history
or do we just whitewash history as Texas is doing…

G:The thing is, P, the only reason you brought up slavery and racism and its history in America as your example of what CRT is teaching to students is because that’s about the only thing it teaches that’s about accurate. The rest is brazenly insane bull shit, heaping piles of stinking, rotting, gag-inducing bull shit. The 1619 project, for example–the idea that America is based on slavery because it began when the first slave was brought to America in 1619. Well, if there’s one way to tear down the moral rapport of a nation, it’s to pick a dark event in its past–any dark event will do–and claim that that marks the beginning of the nation–the nation, therefore, is “founded” on that event. If this is being taught to students, then I’d say you’ve got it completely backwards–it’s the left that wants to obscure the truth about the history of the United States, and the right want to clear it up again.

K: oh, such concern for the “Moral rapport” of a nation… you don’t give a shit about
the “moral rapport” of a nation… your support of right wing values proves that…
and frankly, we can mark the founding of this country on that “dark event” in American
history, 1619 because it dominated American history for over 200 years leading to a civil war…

Peter Kropotkin: K: that depends on exactly how many school districts are teaching CRT? if no one is
teaching it, clearly it isn’t an issue, if someone is teaching it, it becomes an issue
only because the right wants Americans to be as ignorant about history as they are…"

g: Ah, you got it all figured out, donchya?
Do you realize how accurately the statement you just made pretty much defines an unfalsifiable theory, don’t you? :laughing:

K: and not commenting on the part that the right wants Americans to be as ignorant about
history as they are…

Peter Kropotkin please, there is no “border issue” just another false narrative driven by the right
to make Biden look bad"

G: Right, and the Holocaust never happened.

K: this makes no sense of any kind in reference to what we are talking about?

Peter Kropotkin:if someone tries to burn down a building, then does a very modest amount
to save said building, do they get credit for helping a bit or do they get blame
for being an arsonist? IQ45 tried to burn down the country and failed… but did a little
bit to bring the vaccines to market, should he get credit for that? no, he is still an

G: Ah, so now Trump is the perpetrator who brought COVID to the world, huh? I suppose he was right there at the Wuhan lab directing the whole operation. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci and Biden Jr. had absolutely, positively, irrefutably no dealings whatsoever with China or the Wuhan lab, did they (oh wait, I think I have that reversed)? Even if you’re right that Trump is responsible for the pandemic, I’d hardly call Biden sitting on his ass just allowing the vaccines to roll out on Trump’s initiative a resounding accomplishment.

K: rewriting history… again… IQ45 inaction cost over 500,000 deaths in America…
that is a fact… I have no idea what Biden jr. or Fauci conspiracy theory you are engaging
in…and Biden push the vaccination drive whereas IQ45 tried to prevent people from
getting vaccinated…IQ45 did nothing to get people to get vaccinated and tried
to get people not to wear a mask… which has driven the pandemic… the only
people who die now are those who haven’t been vaccinated…

Peter Kropotkin: children have begun to return to school

Thanks to Trump,

K: simply rewriting history… something you and the right are good at…

K: not in the least…IQ45 failed in every part of being president
and this is just one more failure during his watch…

G: Yes in the least (in the most?) Did you have an argument to back this up? Or is it based on the same false claim as above, that Trump introduced the virus to the world and Biden, sitting on his senile ass, deserves all the credit for something he didn’t do? I hope we can agree that kids are going back to school because the pandemic is lifting, and it is lifting because of the vaccines. But you don’t get to arbitrarily hand out credit for this turn of events to whoever’s your favorite political team happens to be, even if someone else you trust is instructing you on how to reason out your justifications for doing so. Seriously, you’re gonna have to post your sources. I can be persuaded, honestly. But the source has to be convincing.

K: a recent poll of historians voted IQ45 as the 4th worst president in American
history… he is far worse then that and as time goes on, he will eventually land
into the single worst president in American history…

K: I never said that IQ45 “introduced” the virus, I said he did jackshit even
though he admitted that it was a very deadly disease way back in Feb, 2020
to Bernstein, in a taped interviewed…and he did nothing to stop Americans from

K: I have no more patience or time to further go on…


You think that was long, you should check out some of my Rick and Morty posts. I had reached the limit of 60,000 characters for many of them and had to split them into two posts.

In any case, it’s not all addressed to you.

I may respond to your latest post or I may not. If I do, it won’t be for a while. And if I don’t, it’s mainly because you rejected the evidence you asked for (surprise, surprise, surprise) proving that it’s pointless arguing with you (except to troll you, of course). But as I come across more evidence almost everyday, I’m thinking this thread will be a toilet where I shit them out. So here’s a few more turdlettes:

  1. NTD News | 15:00 story about student who was forced to reveal racial, religious, and sexual identities, and students who were white, Christian, and heterosexual sys were singled out and attributed negative moral statuses | course is inspired by Critical Race Theorist Kimberle Crenshaw

  2. Teacher Resigns During Kansas School Board Meeting With Powerful Speech because she is being forced to teach CRT material

  3. The Rubin Report | presents official proof that CRT is being taught in schools at 13:00

  1. Summary of all the above | I have no idea how reliable CBN is