Human Essence is Pattern!
Everything human is part emotion and part reason. Draw a line connecting emotion on one end and reason on the other end. All domains of knowledge lie somewhere between these two end points; with music being the end of the line at emotion and mathematics being at the end of the line at reason.
The characteristic that is the essence of music and math is pattern. The human essence is pattern. Beauty is pattern. Meaning is pattern. Perception is pattern. Love is pattern.
When I hike in the mountains, occasionally I am stopped dead in my tracks with my blood running cold; I have spotted a pattern in the trees that frightens me instinctively.
I hear music that drives me into melancholy or happiness or dread, or etc.
I suddenly understand something that I have pondered for months or years and I feel the ecstasy of understanding. I have created meaning. I have created a pattern that both reason and emotion call good.
The sign of correctness in physics theory is beauty of pattern. Ocam’s razor cuts loose all that is not essential to the pattern. The beauty of the pattern discovered in Quantum Electro Dynamics by Feynman as displayed in his book “QED†is astounding to me. I think that this book displays the essence of understanding and of the pattern within understanding. Kuhn’s theory about paradigms is an attempt to display the pattern in normal science.
The foundation of both music and math is pattern, one affects us primarily through emotion the other primarily through reason but both do so through some proper combination of pattern.
Nature is the Mother of all patterns. Is there any more obvious pattern than DNA? Only after Crick and Watson found the pattern did they understand DNA.
What do you think about them apples? Have I lost my pattern?