Human Nature

As nature has been since the beginning of time, the struggle and competition for survival, human nature has gone askew from that. As capitalism and civilization developed, humans no longer needed to compete for survival. Human nature progressed so much that it outgrew the laws/regulations of nature.

Now, human nature is the competition for survival in excess. Greed and jeolousy developed from this where it never existed pre-human race. This need for more and more is unnatural and has led to the downfall of individuals whom capitalism deems unworthy. Money, something of no survival value is the most higly toted ‘thing’ in this upside down world of humanity.

Capitalism and civilization have given birth to hate, rascism and cruelty. It is true, we are not animals, we are worse than animals. Our cruel and selfish intentions make animals feel glad that they are not associated at all with the human race (races, unfortunately thanks to the white man, would be more accurate). Human “nature” is no longer ‘survival of the fittest’, but survival of the richest. Capitalism kills the poor. And I think I speak truth when I say, " Human nature is the most unnatural thing on this planet that we call home."

You could also look at this and say that it is natural, that it is a variation of what is natural. [/b]

I’m going to guess that this effects you personally on some level, but putting that aside human nature is the same now as it has been for centuries, it is still geared towards the same role of survival only the arena has changed.

Insted of hunting for food we hunt for money, but we still hold the same basic nature throughout. If you say something funny I will laugh so will you, if i prick you with A pin you would weep, as would I. this is the essance of who we are and that has not changes since our begining.

learn to destinguish between your habits and instincts, trust your instincts, question your habits.~chinese proverb

It does not affect me at any level, but i do see your point.

Presumably you are a product of civilisation too but you disapprove of things like “greed, jealousy, hate, rascism and cruelty”. So civilisation can’t be that bad. :slight_smile:

bad and good are all relative terms. greed or the desire for material gain can be a good thing when done appropriatly, but too much is harmful as it is with the other traits.

jelousy is a trait of dislike for others interfearing with something you seek , hate is a dislike of those who have caused you harm in the past, racism is apprehension of the unknown and of that which is not understood, What we know of cruelty is a show of force to show strength.

All these things can and are benaficial when handled appropriatly however the traits in question are those same cheracteristics taken beyond their appropriate level.

Though this may simply be my own oppinion.

Capitalism is the nearest system to survial. You must compete with your fellow man to survive.

How could a desire for wealth be harmful and why is the desire for more unnatural? It means that you can buy a house food etc… The only thing I could think of is resentment.

In modern society, it does have a survival value. How long can a human last without money? Where does food come from etc…

So by that logic, these things did not exist before Capitalism. So pre 1800, everyone was kind and loving. Also Capitalists only care about profit, I doubt if they care where it comes from, i.e a black, white guy.

How do you know what animals think? All animals, which we are, will do anything to survive.

How do you become rich, by being fit. Capitalism doesn’t kill the poor, the poor can become rich too. How does a rich man stop a poor man from being rich?

as humans evolved we became so efficiant at surviving(tools, food storage, dwellings, sobeys, economy ect.) we developed alot of “free time”(time which is not dedicated to survival). Within this free time we then had time to tell stories(factual and myths) to entertain ourselves, we developed music and countles other things to occupy us during our free time. Thats all fine and well but has very little to do with our nature.

I always considered our nature to be the set of faculties which are innate in man(consiousness/memory/sensation/imagination)

The human genome project is underway. But we still don’t have enough information to accurately determine the relative contribution of nature and nuture to most human behaviors conclusively.

So by that logic, these things did not exist before Capitalism. So pre 1800, everyone was kind and loving. Also Capitalists only care about profit, I doubt if they care where it comes from, i.e a black, white guy.

Civilization is the keyword and what i mean by capitalism is the straying from trade and barter, value for value, not the present day form of capitalism.