This is why I ignore TTT he doesn’t want to debate he just spends the whole time not listening and flinging up endless strawmen until people get bored and give up. Presumably giving him another chufty badge on his imaginary smug jumper.
This I understand these days is what psychology and pholosophy teach you, to tie all arguments up in semantic waffle and straw men until nothing can ever been resolved. Another death of reason…
TTT I’m prepared to talk to you but only if you don’t wank me about with silly strawmen so that you can make a point that never needed to be made, been there seen it done that, bought the T-shirt burnt it. Got off the Bus. Make a point or just don’t it’s all the same to me.
I respect you are a good debater and I respect you are more than well qualified and thus worth talking to if for no other reason, but if you want to just mess around making strawmen then it’s probably best if we just ignore each other. No offence.
Psychology and philosophy seem grounded in a lot of speculation that is the nature of arts though not sciences…
My problem is not that I don’t want to talk, I just don’t see the point in playing Witgenstein’s Sbcrable (triple turd score across the semantic definition of trite) it makes nothing of an argument. If you’re not prepared to face an argument honestly then just don’t post at me. It’s quite simple.
Oh man trust me I know when your points are relevant and when they are just you making silly strawmen about nothing just to be seen as the big man, sometimes your ego gets the better of you.
If you want to talk talk, if it’s apposite I will listen. We both know how to play the debate game and if I am not adept then a good explanation will trump a trite semantic waffle fest, I see no point in spending 5 pages defining the word cnut.
If you did truly understand my points, you would see that ego has nothing to do with it at all. Ego is visible only from within your own perspective, from within your responses to me.
It takes two to have a debate - and thus far I have been only speaking to myself, as you are not yet ripe for the things I speak of.
Garbage, your as prone to ego stroking as the next man, I’ve seen the way you debate.
Pompous arrogant nonsense frankly. You are not ready to discuss things with more adult people, you are still a childish opinionated nobody with big opinions and no observable social skills, precocious but your methodology lacks any discernible point or merit. Two can play at that game.
You’re right I’m not ripe to hear you set up strawmen, talk cavernous amounts of shit at me, then give me my argument and promptly destroy it, and then pretend you don’t understand anything anyone has been saying but you because your definitions and your argument has been firmly set up by you and then dismantled by you with no input from anyone else. Frankly your gesticulations endless semantics and wibble is just a waste of everyone’s time. But hey knock yourself out. If constantly leaving the discussions in unfathomable semantic ruins is your bag then fine, count me out. Oh woe is me.
“A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.”
Where is my strawman? Please quote me here, where I have erected a straw man argument.
I’m waiting. Just lift a quote from my text here, where I engage in straw man argumentation. I’m waiting.
And which argument have I “given” and then “destroyed”? Again, I’m waiting…
Or perhaps you have no examples? Hm? What does that say about your “accusations” here? More about you, than me.
Do you know the meaning of the word ‘gesticulations’…? Apparently not.
Where are my endless semantics? Feel free to point them out.
That you do not see meaning in a word or concept does not mean such meaning is nonexistent… just a hint…
Those such as yourself provide endless entertainment. Although there is method therein, you do have potential. I know I know, I don’t come off as such an optimist, but well…
Where have I left the discussion in semantic ruins?
I find it amusing that you throw such accusations at me without being able to cite even a single quote of mine here as evidence.
See what I mean you are quite clearly in love with yourself I see no point in talking to you, you are quite obviously blinded by your own self love as to make anything you say pretty much redundant. You talk and you don’t listen because you are so great you have all the answers, in that you are no different from hth, your a pompous arrogant pseudo adult, with no real intelligence beyond what you have been spoon fed. Thus I see no need to indulge your puerile semantic gibberish and endless strawmen. And yes I know what gesticulate means, did didums have to look it up, awwww.
To you winning an argument is all that matters at all costs, and at the expense of reason is no concern of yours. It’s all a scoreboard to you. You’ll never learn anything because you already think you know it all and are right about everything.
All you want to hear is how fantastic you are because you had a sheltered life in academia and a privileged upbringing. Its kinda sad really.
You should make use of an education to broaden your horizons not to keep them in a box.
It is noted that, still, you are unable to provide even a single example of where I erect a straw man or “destroy” my own argument.
Keep talking, you prove yourself more and more only a troll - I am surprised Magsj hasn’t already put an end to these little rants of yours, considering her preference for respectful and on-point conversation…
If you have any specific problems with anything I have said here regarding the topic, feel free, again, to point them out. Of course we both know you are unable to do so, as it would require you actually engaging me at the level of content and ideas here, something (we both know) you are not ready for.
Lol try the wasteland that was the rant house, you came in made nonsensical statements, gave me my argument, and then refused to listen to me when I told you what I meant. You’re a fairly worthless philosopher IMHO.
You’re not ripe to hear anything being as you are only ever sucking your own dick. And smelling your own farts.
Perhaps the most educated and least worth while person I have ever talked to on the web. Everything you do is just semantic wankery and it gets old fast.
It is, again, still noted that you fail to come up with even one example from what I have said here.
Keep trying.
Or maybe I should say, keep trolling…
(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
I will be splitting this topic up, so you can continue your… argument without disrupting this thread further, interesting conversation though it may be
Are you retarded or just being deliberately obtuse?
I don’t think a person who singles out the worst piece of flotsam to ever grace a forum barring Hthandicapped is trolling. I think he’s just being honest about you.
If you ask me you’re the troll you talk and never listen, and just go round in endless circles and then pretend everyone is untermensche to your glorious word salad.
it’s depressing to see someone make such a piss poor use of their education, and I sincerely hope one day you grow up enough to understand how lucky you were. Put your lucky and privileged position to good use and stop moaning about how unlucky you are and how everyone is so unfair, and libertarian values make a shred of sense to anyone but libertarians. Couldn’t hurt right?
That’s the problem with you people you are only fixated on some stupid fucking scoring system that no one else cares about. Won what?! What did he win the right not to be a pompous, arrogant know nothing, spoilt, overeducated kid with a barrel full of opinions and the assurance that he is always right?
Actually the scoring system was a complex masterpiece that was generated through finding key phrases and terms that when compared with opposition would differentiate the likeliness of living and leading to a mentally happier and flourishing intellect.
Win or lose its all in your childlike head. Grow up or STFU no one cares.
You’re as bad as he is you man child. I hope you two will be happy together as man and wife assuming this isn’t just one of the tards socks. If it is the point still stands.
(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
Moving to Mundane Babble, as thought it would be a good psycho-analytical experiment here, but alas no…