Human Time

Time, many arguements have been put across about ‘Time’ but of the amount of arguements i see, i still fail to believe ‘Time’ actually exists. If something is believed to have a beginning and an end, then yes, we can attach ‘time’ to it and assume that the ‘period’ inbetween is ‘time’.

Humans have a life span, we are born and then we die, Earth will one day be destroyed, along with the galaxy and Universe etc. But this is ‘just’ the Universe, the Universe isn’t everything that there is, therefore we can’t revolve our own personal Time within the present Universe for everything that there is.

I do not think ‘Time’ allows for change either, surely ‘Distance’ allows for change? And if something were believed to have no beginning nor end, then would ‘Time’ even be necessary? On a whole Universal scale of everything, i think there is no beginning nor end, but in our Universe and life span… there is!

What if beyond this Universe there is something bigger, a complete different realm with billions of Universe’s which also have life spans? But the ‘thing’ contains these Universe(s) has no beginning nor end.

Hi Rami,

Yeah, the old parallel universe theory. Not just billions of them but an infinite number of them, in which every possible nuance and alternate choice of actions are made.

You make a helluva point–it throws a monkeywrench into the works of any conventional ideal of time. For if time and space are inherently interwoven (time-space continuum), then what of multiple universes?

In particular, I am stimulated by this piece of conjecture:

Very interesting!

Your proof?

We have no justification for thinking that what we percieve is all that is, and it is entirely possible, even likely, that much exists of which we have no perception.

But your philosophy goes too far. It claims to know the unknown. You may have a theory that other universes exist, but it is merely a theory not a fact.

Further, even animals have a concept of time. The lioness springing on her prey. The rabbit scurrying away from the preditor. The eagle swooping to snare a field mouse. Time is not a human construct.

Ok, quite true, i have no proof that other Universe(s) exist but could you prove to me that they don’t? My idea’s do not go too far no, i’m not saying i believe other Universe(s) exist but it is a possiblity, what else do you propose this Universe came from Caveman? ‘Somewhere’ there must be some form of natural state that has always been, because i do not believe that this Universe came from ‘nothing’. But imagine ‘something’ outside of this Universe that is constantly at a natural state, no beginning nor end.

But, if there were no lions, no eagel’s and no humans, then would that ‘Time’ exist?

time is merely an abstraction, it does not exist as a thing…

Time is not real. It has no size or weight or length. It can not. It is itself a measurement.