Human Ugliness

Human beings are the only creatures that have created a commodity,privelege and privatization of living in the face of all free creatures.

From this inequality,injustice and human suffering prevails.

Like priests speaking from their towers with incantations about god the humanists promises the world a better future but ironically in order to get there they make every attempt to utilize the suffering of millions on the way.

I’ll give you a hint.

If you want to understand human knowledge,information, and intelligence look up the words sentimentalism or sensationalism.

Billions of humanity die for one’s group of sense in life against another’s, indulging in a form of shallowness in emotional extragavant forms of narcissism.

(There is your un-pc definition of intelligence.)

Tell us about your relationship with your mother. Did you not breast feed?

Very random and if I remember correctly it is a quote off the movie; Silence Of The Lambs.

Humanism = futurology = mass-indoctrination?


And what that have to do with the “commodity” of “living in the face” of free creatures?

Sorry, I’m just not getting you here.

Just because some people are narcissists, it doesn’t mean the whole human race is worthless. And if everyone’s a narcissist, then the word ‘narcissist’ doesn’t MEAN anything anymore-- it’s become a degree-zero, blanket word which doesn’t describe anything. Why aren’t you talking about degrees of narcissism, what it means to fall deeper into narcissism, or how to escape from the ‘trap’ of narcissism?

Because if you’re going to say: “We’re all trapped,” then you’re already admitting defeat.

Don’t admit you’re guilty! You’re not trapped. Some people are for sure. But as far as I can tell, you’re still on the ‘right’ side of narcissism: caring enough about yourself and the way others see you as to be able to put forward something good and constructive for other people.

So some forms of collectivism are good, wouldn’t you agree?

“Humanism” is kind of a vague, blanket term, too-- what exactly are you trying to get at there?

yeah, suffering is in the eye of the beholder, YOU are your own source of misery, that is often the case.

It is always the case.

Though because of ambiguity of meaning i would’nt go as far as to state you are all ways the cause of your pain as there are many.

Life becomes a commodity,privelege, and privatization due to the simple fact that those we hold lower than our standards we call them throw aways, human forms of waste, or crippled potentials.

I know of no other species beyond humanity who is so self inflicting like that of us.

That is what society would like most individuals to believe in order to shield itself from all responsibility of it’s own actions.

“While most civilians think that most of their suffering and misery is credited to themselves we the elite of authority can do whatever we want with their distraction.”

I agree. Where to from here? Utilitarianism?

Thanks anyway.

No. I think utilitarianism to the foundations of pragmatism are moralistic insane ideas of a disenfranchised species.

Personally I would be content with chaos and uncertainty like that of primordial historical times.

People have different ideas belifes and cultures, so untill we come to the same conclusions as each other we can do nothing about this. But with the differences and subsiquent upset and pain that is caused also are the beauties of this diversity. Though I agree that the destruction caused by conflicting cultures is terrible, what exactly can we do about it?

Right, because ‘injustice and human suffering’ wouldn’t prevail under those conditions.

The difference is that when a lion kills another lion it is a natural event.

In primordial times we didn’t see the kind of suffering we are seeing today because morality was not yet established then.

Injustice would cease and suffering would be on those who were too weak in surviving to begin with.

so shall we stay in a primative state where there is no thinking and therefore no building of advancement of Human Kind? shall we stay in the condition of dinosours who had no hope of sustaining their existence further ? a primative state of mind is simpler and easier but it has NO control of its future.

Advancement is overrated or at best a impossible pipe dream.

its gets better though as we keep trying.

And when humanity created morality, that was a natural event.

fight club fanboy much?