Woah woah… wait a minute. I’m not asking if you believe, regardless, even if you do, how can you have the right to believe in an objective morality without the consideration of a transcendant being?
You can’t just say they’re there, because the problem with this is how do you know? Different countries have different morals, etc. So how do you, in perhaps an atheists shoes, believe you can have objective moral values?
The difference I see is this, Religionist, who believe in a transcendant being have the right to believe in objective morals. Problem is they can’t prove their right. Atheists can’t either, and they don’t have that right, they have no beliefs in something transcendent, something outside of us that controls everything, that sets up a system. The atheist believes the universe was random, so how then can an atheist ‘now’(after all i’ve said) believe they can anchor morals?
So how then can we have beliefs independant of God? First person that tried to do that perhaps was Lucifer, and then Kant, second Lucifer. Perhaps Plato, but I don’t remember him discussing theists morals apart from God…Maybe you need to explain here.
Bible belt leads in Crime? What…?
Now listen to me here however. I do believe a Moral law Does exist. I’m willing to give an argument here, not my own.
A Moral law can only exist if God exists.
A Moral law does exist.
Therefore God exists.
I’m not saying this proves God, but by looking at this arguement we must question these first 2. Does a moral law exist? Well you claim yes? But logically, reasonable, how can one exist if not universally? And if the universe is random, no purpose, how then can a moral law cohere? it’d be random? I see your train of thought here, as nature goes. But it’s really not a law then if perhaps evolutionary ethics, we are just one of many planets. Here’s my next question though… Say perhaps I grant you that a moral law does exist, here in the world, and I just believe everything in the universe does cohere to such, as a faith belief, which atheists(if looking at it this way) aren’t supposed to have supposedly. Now then, if the universe is chance, random particles, with no purpose, no ending, how can a moral law mean anything? Aren’t morals for betterment? But what’s the betterment?.. Sustaining life?
Sustaining life… that’s a good one, why hasn’t anyone pointed this out before.
Alright well I won’t erase all of this, but I will do further study… it seems not even the best atheist i’ve listened to have gotten to such. I’ve just heard they are there, and then they use Kant(luthern). Perhaps they are here, and perhaps they do cohere to the rest of the universe through a belief system. Perhaps explaing evolutionary freaks like mother teresa can be backed by a faith in something not of herself. Thus we do live for ourselves in such a way, even she may have lived for herself thinking of an afterlife.
Hmm… your guys turn, discuss.