You lose it so far in stages severing connections along the way
leaving parts of it alone and eventually become aggressive towards it.
the stages-you reject a link to:
1.that which does not exist.
2.that which exists but is not alive
3.other species
4.other races
5.other systems of belief
6.other communities
7.other family units
8.other people entirely
I will make a post outlining my thoery of existance and non-existance.
Society will never get to that utopia or great fulfillment of improvement largely by the fact that since its origin until our contemporary present has operated and consumed human suffering,weakness and distraction to sustain itself.
It requires those three tenets to keep on being a self perpetuating entity.
All of humanity is willing victims in a vicious poison that it has created unto itself.
There is no salvation,redemption or hope in the remnants of the concrete barriers we put ourselves in as these are poisonous deceptions to rock us asleep apart from the reality that surrounds us.
I can identify with that anarcho-primitivism impulse, but I don’t think we should attempt to go back or even think it’s possible to do so. It sounds like pessimism to me in the face of an uncertain future.
Maybe what we perceive as the totalizing scientific techno culture will not be as bad as we think. Maybe what we have been perceiving as the advancement of unfreedom and alienation is really the true individualization of ourselves and a gain in freedom and responsibility to make ourselves.
It may be possible to alter the current alienating materialistic atomistic mindset and make it compatible with other ways of interpreting the world.
I do think that genetic stress is part of the problem, since we did evolve as nomadic hunter and gatherers. Is it time for genetic engineering to come to be?
Human progress is just some mythological story we have fancied within ourselves thinking that there is some final end that humanity must complete when in all eventuality there isn’t one. Evolution doesn’t have a final goal beyond survival.
For all the technology,human advances and inventions we still don’t know why we are here or what our purpose is but I have a feeling that if we looked at the rest of creation we can get a pretty good idea.
Read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn to get a idea of where I am coming from.
We have always had freedom within ourselves and the biggest illusion of society is the lie that it is hidden from us with ourselves in need of searching for it.
We only need to drop our assumptions and prejudices to act upon our freedom that exists in all of us.
I am still waiting for someone to tell me which person decided that the particular chapter of hunting and gathering of human history is obsolete or complete.
Who’s authority was it again? I am at a loss here for some reason.
We also know that if we go back to anarcho-primitivism, then we surely die, whereas if we continue on the path of technological progress we have a chance to prolong our collective existence by getting of this planet.