Humans are artifact adoring artisans

Humans are artifact adoring artisans

Humans are meme (idea) adoring creators.

Humans create symbols (abstract ideas) upon which they place value sufficient for killing and dying.

Americans create a flag (an artifact of cloth) which symbolizes the value they place in a nation (artifact, idea, meme) for which they will really kill and die (nothing artificial here).

Humans require meaningful symbols upon which to give life sufficient purpose for living, dying, and killing.

Because humans can create their own meaningful artifacts why does our species place meaning into such dangerous artifacts (memes, ideologies) as religion, nation, capitalism, communism, etc?

The freedom we have to create that which is meaningful to us is poorly used, why?

Why do we waste such a precious freedom on such dangerous toys?

We do so because we lack the courage (self-reliance) to go against the flow.

Our adaptation to society as infants and children has left us without the courage and confidence required to go against the flow of society. We have the freedom but not the energy and courage to overcome the blind habit of conformity.

We are not determined atoms; we do have the potential to do much better. How can we overcome what we have become and thus become something better?

We can overcome our present predicament by creating a new reality, a new set of meaningful symbols that we choose to give value.

Imagination is the instrument by which we can overcome.

judgment of poorness is a human creation as well…

alliterative artifact adoring artisans avoiding assimilation…


So, our creativity completely fucks the entirely world up…

…and our creativity is supposed to save us?

/i’m in ur argument, presupposin’ ur conclusion

It is all we have Joe. We just must keep on keepin on.

I believe human beings are slaves to their artifacts,creations and abstractions with the civilization they hold dear to be a anomaly but I also believe men are naturally good beyond them.

The higher faculties that we call reason is a anomaly too compared to the rest of the animal world.

My very belief is that man is naturally good but around his constructs like that of civilization he is corrupted.

Such thinking I could never really understand myself.

It seems to me that we agree generally on the problems that exist in our present situation. The question I would like to focus upon is what can be done to make things better in the long run. What can be started now that will eventually lead to a world where dialogue trumps war?

I think that dialogue becomes an important prospect only if our world level of intellectual sophistication is greatly enhanced. We are in the present situation because few citizens comprehend why we do what we do.

Of course increasing the intellectual sophistication of the world is a job for centuries but we can begin to take the first step. The first step is for individuals who recognize the problem to begin the process of becoming self-actualizing self-learners.

The type of comprehension required to become critical individuals in critical societies will not be found in our present day educational institutions. Our educational institutions are designed to prepare students to become efficient producers and consumers. [b]Our present educational institutions are designed to invigorate the status quo and not to create critical thinking citizens.

Our first step is to convince adults to become self-actualizing, self-learning, independent, and critical thinking citizens.[/b]

May the artifacts you create press down upon millenia as upon wax.

or moonies, whichever is easier?


The problem lies in the fact that scientifical advance seems to only develop out of conflict or at the expense of other people suffering.

Such a development has to be reconciled somehow or changed otherwise only futility remains.

Most of the citizenry are mindless sheep with their hand in the sky begging like a starving multitude.

The reason for that is critical thinking allows for rebellment which controlled academics a stooge of the government will not allow.

If everyone was allowed critical thinking in all the multitude it would be harder to find our mindless slaves.

( There is a reason why the government doesn’t try too hard in the educational department due to the fact that we need a new generation of slaves every 10 years.)

( That’s right I said it. We create poverty on purpose.)

I agree with what you are stating but the futility sinks in due to the fact that our nations survive on the dependency of individuals who are not self actualizing.

The only way such a problem can be resolved is to change the understanding of the human species altogether.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead/

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -now kill yourself and the infidel for Allah” -Bin Laden
