Humans are artifact adoring artisans
Humans are meme (idea) adoring creators.
Humans create symbols (abstract ideas) upon which they place value sufficient for killing and dying.
Americans create a flag (an artifact of cloth) which symbolizes the value they place in a nation (artifact, idea, meme) for which they will really kill and die (nothing artificial here).
Humans require meaningful symbols upon which to give life sufficient purpose for living, dying, and killing.
Because humans can create their own meaningful artifacts why does our species place meaning into such dangerous artifacts (memes, ideologies) as religion, nation, capitalism, communism, etc?
The freedom we have to create that which is meaningful to us is poorly used, why?
Why do we waste such a precious freedom on such dangerous toys?
We do so because we lack the courage (self-reliance) to go against the flow.
Our adaptation to society as infants and children has left us without the courage and confidence required to go against the flow of society. We have the freedom but not the energy and courage to overcome the blind habit of conformity.
We are not determined atoms; we do have the potential to do much better. How can we overcome what we have become and thus become something better?
We can overcome our present predicament by creating a new reality, a new set of meaningful symbols that we choose to give value.
Imagination is the instrument by which we can overcome.