Some people harp on about how a benevolent God could never allow evil to exist, but without examining the question properly. Assuming humans were created, without having the free will to choose there would be no glory in Gods creation of human beings would there. Humans would be more like robots, programmed only to obey. And at what point did God ask people to become slave drivers, traders of everything rotten, tainted with innocent blood, when did he force them in a certain direction, and demand that they pollute the earth, abuse it, start wars and kill everyone, when did the Gods demand you be selfish and think only of yourself, demand you are unkind to others, greedy, intolerant, capricious, egotistical and petty, stupid and ridiculous, and why would you worship a God who is a bully like this, a tyrant who must enjoy discord then ? You wouldnt. Some will say, “what about those born into terrible circumstances who have no choice but to suffer, this is evil?” Yes of course, but then examine the situation further.
Its the decisions humans make with their free will that create the conditions we call evil, for people to be born into in the first place, not the decisions that Gods make, if it were true that Gods allowed evil because they were evil themselves, they wouldnt be very good Gods would they, obviously. They would be pathetic, wretched entities, as many humans are, not worthy of your adoration & praise, and there would be a way to escape them because of this. And I would be the first to try. But its humans I would sooner try to escape. Many of them are so sensitive and petty much of the time, you cant say anything and they are lashing out, they know nothing about themselves, the world they live in or the rest of the cosmos really despite all the space exploration, the advance in technology, all their schooling, if they are being honest, humans will admit their intellect understands very little, and that their hearts are filled with contradictory passions which have them headed in all kinds of directions with disasterous consequences, none of which they are in control of, yet they talk like they are in complete control and understand themselves, space, time, our planet and the rest of the cosmos. Of course, they are impeccable !
But they only recently learned to walk upright, talk, use their thumbs, (the little rascals) they are still very much like infants, this is why we must be patient with them, and tolerate their philosophical temper tantrums. Knowing that when they grow up things will be different.