Technology has dramatically increased at an exponential rate in these last few decades. Communication and socializing with strangers is a new phenomenon that has made the world a much smaller place. The invention of the telephone, internet, automobiles, and airplanes have put us in situations that our human mind and bodies are not ready for. We are much more adapted to situations thousands of years ago than today.
Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Humans are afraid of heights. It is innately built into our system and to some extent a debilitating fear of heights. The reason for this is simple. Our body wants us to survive. Whether or not we actually do. We also fear snakes, rats, and spiders.
What are we not afraid of - cars. Cars kill more people than snakes, rats, spiders, and heights combined ever will. There is now an irrational fear to die from these above things as many of us will never even encounter these animals other than in a zoo. And they are locked up where they can not possibly even hurt us.
Our emotions are not ready for this smaller world that we live in. Thousands of years ago we never socialized with strangers. We only socialized with those people that we knew. And this was for good reason. Strangers could potentially kill us out of fear. We still have a debilitating fear of strangers. Go to any place where there is mass socialization and there must be alcohol. We have to numb this part of our brain from trying to protect us. There is no real need for alcohol.
One of the most difficult things for a man is to embarrass himself. Men are so tough that they will lift hundreds of pounds, fight, compete, conquer, and get physically hurt to prove their their strength and power. But how strong are men really?
Men can do all this. But what’s one of the hardest things for a man to do? Approach women. Go to any bar and see how many men are approaching new women - very few. Most men are absolutely scared to do this. But this is irrational - there is nothing to afraid of logically. But emotions kick in and totally debilitate hundreds of millions of men. Why is this?
Thousands of years ago there were not hundreds of woman to choose from - only women from your tribe. Going to another tribe and trying to take their woman would leave you dead. We fear this now but nothing will happen. No one is going to kill a man for chatting up a woman this day and age. Even with alcohol men still can’t get over this fear - it’s extremely hard wired. In this day and age, if men really wanted to have sex - they would go and talk to new women constantly - but they can not as their emotions are too strong.
The most similar thing for a woman would be when she firsts sleeps with a man - just before sex. She gets much anxiety. In this day and age it really isn’t something to be scared of with things like condoms (even with diseases - the deadly ones like aids are almost impossible to obtain even without a condom). But thousands of years ago it meant that a woman would get pregnant and perhaps not with the best possible genes for the baby.
We are machines best suited to survive thousands of years ago. Today, we are nothing more than outdated machines.