Humans’ Subjectivity

Humans are entirely subjective beings. We live in an objective world, but we see the world through a lens of subjectivity. In order to be completely objective, we would have to be either a god-like entity that sees and knows all or a completely ignorant entity that sees and knows nothing. Instead, we see and are capable of knowing a portion of what is, and what we do see is only a generalized version of what is. Although we see (by see I mean sense, I just do not want to name all the senses) a modified version of reality, we can still attain true knowledge and understanding from it. Knowledge of the derivative of truth can lead to understanding of it, but also to misunderstanding. Our intellect and judgment are crucial to gaining true understanding.

I find it interesting that we believe we can be objective, with endeavors such as scientific study. While the method of uncovering empirical data might be completely objective, humans are still the ones who initiate and decide the purpose (direction and premise, variables to test, specific things to measure, etc.) of such methods. Since we, subjective beings, initiate and direct the sequence of objective measurement, the findings can never be completely objective. Even if objective robots or artificial lab technicians performed scientific experiments, the results would still be subjective because in the beginning humans created the robots. This is not to say that there is nothing in trying to be as objective as possible, just that we must keep in mind that we are not capable of being 100% objective ever. It is important both to try to be objective, so that our knowledge is as truthful as possible, and to act (and believe) with the knowledge that we are completely subjective beings.

How do you know we live in an objective world if we always perceive it through a subjective lens… I am not saying it is untrue, but objective proof is missing… So keep the first couple of sentences and then try to prove them true, because that is the big end of philosophy… I would suggest that there is evidence, and it is in our shared forms, like language that point to a reality, that while subjecively experienced is objectively the same reality; but it is only evidence, and not proof…

Does any of this, if it is true, really matter?

It’s not true; because nothing is objectively true since we only get it subjectively even while only getting what we can hold as an object…But it does matter because everyone could get off that word “True” and understand that nature and reality are what they are; but the closest we can get is a verifyable fiction…
Everyone should order their thoughts… Everyone going in should define the limits of their knowledge, and draw a line between faith and philosophy… Does it matter if we say something and everyone else says: DA??? It is in the foundation of thought where most people go wrong… Then they wonder why their great structures get red tagged by others… Get the basics right even if it means stepping back to the beginning of philosophy… That is where we went wrong…And even that was inevitably considering our science…

Has anyone in here tried to define objectivity and subjectivity yet? Because without definitions, it is hard to evaluate the truth claims of what you are saying.

I can do it: Subjectively…And I am not making truth claims… The truth is a burr on a bum’s butt… We have better problems to address…

Like what?

I think the main difference between objective truth and subjective certainty is that ojective truth does not allow for certainty. Certainty is subjective. Does this make any sense?

Not much…We seek truth and settle for certainty… I think both are pretty much a waste of time… If you want truth, and it is subjective; the ultimate test is life… Truth supports life, and what is false kills… Who wants to stand in front of that gun???

For example; having a conception of reality whether true or false, one can use the conception to recreate reality, which is a sort of test for the accuracy of the concept, its truth… But it is that, the act of recreation which is the most time consuming, because as we recreate reality so do we recreate ourselves… Even to find that our concepts are ultimately right takes a lot of time…Finding out they are wrong may take our lives… My policy is to think long and critically, measure twice, and cut once…Thought is often difficult, but doing and doing wrong, especially take a lot of life with little return…Yet what ever we do, we all need enough…We need to recreate enough life to keep us in life till the end…

Truth supports life. Hmm. So if life itself determines the truth, and you show adaquate conduct to life you have passed, if you dont show adaquate conduct you fail. Just like your professor from college, you must show adaqute conduct to the professor to get a passing grade and continue on to the next level. Life is the true professor.

Since every life is different truth is still subjective for every single life; and only for all of humanity, the life of humanity does life become an objective measure of truth… In my opinion…It is always beyond the reach of individuals…At best we grasp it together…

The ‘subjectivity’ of the universe are the unique Perspectives (us) of it.

The ‘objectivity’ of the universe is that it is only completely defined as; the sum total of all (subjective) Perspectives, at the moment of definition!

Completely subjective = completely objective! making any claims of ‘superiority’ of one over the other a false dilemna and arbitrary distinction at best.
Everything exists!

The universe is an infinite because we cannot consider it as an object, which then precludes any claim to objective knowledge of it…Since objective knowledge is something we can only approach, as in more objective knowledge as opposed to totally subjective knowledge, it would be hard to argue for the superiority of something we do not have and never have had… Just because something is subjective does not mean it is useless… I have learned to tune into my wife’s intuition because she is more in tune with her emotions which do reflect reality even while only subjectively true… It is not foolproof, or measurable; but her senses are good, as many people’s senses are good; though most rational people tend to disregard that quality that time has shown is essential to our survival…

Says who? There certainly is no evidence of any ‘infinite’, other than as a hollow word with no mental concept to give it meaning…
Which universe? This one Now!? or Now!? Now!?
The one that I perceive?
The one that you perceive?

Oddly enough, many do. And I just demonstrated how that it is both.

“All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.” -Robert Anton Wilson

Again, I just demonstrated how.

Both Nameless and Meaningless…