I firmly belive that hunting is a natural thing when done to benefit your body from the animal. I think it is wrong when you do it just for the trophy. What is you alls take on the subject?
What if I shoot the animal, then take the antlers then give the rest of it to the homeless?
naw man, clean it and cook it first… they’re homeless…
They can clean it. It’s not like they have to go to work or something.
sure, they don’t have a gig, but they don’t have the tools to clean and cook it either…
I agree, its about the intent and a trophy is selfish intent without respect for life.
I think that because animals didn’t help invent morality, that they shouldn’t get any of the benefits of it. Fair is fair.
I think this is a nice way of putting it.
If I had no other way of obtaining nourishment, I am definitely above the animal in my own mind. However, if my basic needs can be met by other means, then it is wrong.
Both the homeless person and the hunted animal wish to avoid pain. Performing an action that conflicts with the animal’s will, and ignores your most intimate bond with it (you both know what pain feels like, and you both do everything you can to prevent its experience), simply so you can momentarily lessen a less-extreme, numbed pain (from prolonged hunger), which can easily be lessened by giving the homeless person some fruits or vegetables, suggests that this is a bad idea.
Nice try being logical though, I guess.
Right. Well, then might as well start throwing non-speaking toddlers into the forest so we can have fun hunting them. I’d just as well suggest killing infants as soon as they exit the womb, but where’s the sport in that?
You’re 0/2
For the most part I agree. I’ve never really been hunting(shot a bird one time but thats it), I find that it is to easy for the human, yes you have to be quiet real early in the morning and then track the animal after it’s shot, but still I think hunting should be done like the indians did it. I find more sport in that. On that note I don’t really think it should be done for sport, but instead as a source of food, and materials that could come from the animal. I like to leave things up to naure and up to God, I don’t like deciding who lives and who dies unless it is to insure that I (and my family and certain friends(haha))survive. I would like to go out and live off the wild for a month or so and try to survive like an Indian. Might actuall get to do it this summer!
Summing it all up, killing for sport/fun = wrong; Killing for food or supplies = OK.
Humans don’t hunt much anymore, but industrial farming is definitely “wrong”, in so far as pollution and waste are concerned.
“Pollution” in general is a “crime against humanity”, and everything/everyone else, but, no one seems to give much of a shit yet, for whatever reason.
Hunting is hardly a problem, as far as I am concerned.
Over-fishing, clear-cutting, I mean, damn, that’s worse.
Suppose it sustains my mental wellbeing instead of physical to hunt and trophy animals…
Suppose it sustains my mental well-being to rob people, kidnap children, and rape women?
Since physical pain is something we have in common, and can agree is valid as something to be avoided, that is more important than your more personal (and questionable) mental needs.
Are you saying no one seems to give a shit about pollution…?
That’s because you don’t have the empathy (and/or intelligence… or you are not using them together appropriately) to be concerned by the unnecessary pain of others.
What others want is of no concern to me. Their wants concern me only when they intersect with my wants.
Like you said, I am definitely above the animal.
Besides, I don’t agree that pain is something to be avoided. Pain, to me is something that is to be conquered–that is if the goal is improvement instead of stagnation-. So, if I kill a bunch of deer, either because it sustains me mentally or physically, then that is something the deer either have to get used to and over come, or die by my hand. I will not sacrifice myself so the deer, or man, won’t feel pain. Nature is nature, and I am part of it.
I don’t think I’ll be assuming anything out of line if I said that the bottom line to this argument is that one side believe in free will, while the other (I) don’t. One side will believe right and wrong are intrinsic to things, while the other base right and wrong on needs/wants (they are the same thing) are.
What can I expect from someone who has a picture of Nietzche as his avatar (which isn’t a statement about Nietzche… but the type of person who has a pic of him as his avatar)?
As it is with everyone.
I meant that in the sense that your experience is the most intimate thing to you. The experiences of another are merely understood by comparison to your own experiences. Just making sure you understand.
I agree with what you are saying in the sense that… you may feel a kind of pain when you exercise, but it is better for you in the long run, but the pain of an animal who is being hunted has nothing to do with improvement for itself.
In the modern world it shouldn’t be needed to sustain you physically. Go get your food at a market, or grow your own.
If you need to hunt to sustain yourself mentally than you are weak and unimaginative. Try another means to use your creative energies.
If you happen to be in some kind of situation in which you cannot survive by any other means, and the killing of another animal is absolutely necessary, then I see no problem with you hunting.
What do you mean by sacrificing yourself?
If you mean you will not prevent yourself from acting out according to your will, then I would just hope you were more intelligent. People want to defend their habits so they don’t have to make changes. I don’t blame you for not yet surpassing certain primitive ideas of the world, you would if you could, but your attitude of “nature is nature” is a waste of man’s abilities.
You’re not out of line for assuming it, you’re just wrong. You can see, from what I said above, that I don’t believe in free-will.
Anything anyone does is to promote their own sense of well-being. However, once you have a certain degree of empathy and understanding, you can’t act in ways that harm others without experiencing cognitive dissonance. So then you have to use your mind to find a solution to a problem. That is how you grow.
Are you a vegetarian?
Haha, it’d sure be an inredible moment of stupidity if I wasn’t, wouldn’t it shaneytiger?
Yes, I am.
I ain’t got nothing against either.
Yes, vegan.
Neat. My step-dad is vegetarian close to vegan, so I’m used to it.