The Great Way
Is preceded by
Infinitely greater and lesser ways.
The holy spirits utilize the principal of:
forever better, can be.
A drop from this sacred ocean
Falls now
On paper.
When ascending
The heart would be torn
If attached
To that which it could have ascended beyond.
Even if thee overcomes preference in one realm,
The next realm will require the same phase.
Building a foundation,
Wait for Your wings to grow and mature,
Then leave behind Your foundation.
Immaturity and maturity
Are the left and right foot
Of the living journey towards anywhere.
Once one accepts the components of the process
One accepts the process
Which is everything.
Love: the ecstasy of acceptance.
Acceptance leads to harmony.
Harmony is life’s greatest need.
Need is life’s incompletion.
Incompletion is separateness from the harmonized infinites.
Separates polydimensional comprehension.
In many cases,
The simplest becomes the most pure and the most complex,
Yet it need not prove itself,
As it is in harmony with the infinities.
Reality has always been.
Embrace Your creator,
As You are one of the manifestations of the unstoppable,
Which has always been.
Both somethingness
And empty space
Each have infinitely various potentiality;
Also having infinite time,
They will eventually become everythings, again.
Mitigation is a property of direction.
Chaos, unlimited, is limitless,
Yet is without single direction;
Thus [it] creates many manifestations
Of direction.
A tree drops a thousand seeds,
As chaos drops a thousand orders.
Struggle between “good” and “evil”
Is a poor substitute
For maintenance of form and direction.
Maintenance: The sweating task of life’s neediness.
But neither life nor death is “good” nor “evil”,
Unless preference sets its flag into instance,
Then channels its mere portion of force against and for,
Thus formulating a sweaty task.
Separateness does not lead to completeness,
But the degenerate, clinging thing,
Was escaped from,
By the one actuating separateness from it.
Though clinging and separateness are not actually liberation,
One can be used to undo the other,
And thus, the living paradox:
All life, only wishing to live,
Builds a weapon, which destroys or harms life,
And yet, it is called a defense.
Clinging and separateness,
Are parts of the infinitely various ways
Of the paradox of living defense.
The incomplete, imperfect defense,
Can only be created,
By the incomplete, imperfect maker of that defense,
Whom created the defense
Only because heth was imperfect and incomplete.
The defense
Treats only the symptom:
A lack of unity.
This is why the Somarasifians do not truly want to have a military,
And at the same time, have created for themselves defenses.
Their defenses are mainly the sort which are non-weapons.
Openness with each other,
Mindfulness of bodies,
Diligent observation,
Swift relocation,
And many of the ineffable arts.
“The deeper meaning”?
There is – infinite meaning.
When transcending meaning,
One appears to be meaningless, to humans,
Because one does not suit human expectation.
Creators of nature – are the higher dimensional artists,
Whimsically giving everything.
Overflowing with living chaos,
All-mighty, and powerless, all at the same time.
Thus ignored, perpetually unseen by common will and mind.
The ignorant mind
Cuts off
Part of its body
Which it does not deeply understand.
The mind
Is the projecting core of awareness,
Absorbing reflections from the near nodes of environment.
Life having a birth of absolute ignorance,
The Somarasifians saw it as something in desperate need of maturity and enlightenment.
Most others, refusing to grow up, and having no higher guidance,
Became the defenders and compounders of a stagnant phase of consciousness.
Thus a difference in consciousness expounded,
Between the Somarasifians and the earthen spirits.
During the first sexual maturity,
Life replicates what is.
During the second sexual maturity,
Universe creates new universe.
So are the phases:
- Mimetic infant.
- Experienced adult.
- Universal undieing.
- Chaotic ancient.
- Polyinfinitarian.