Hyper Attention Disorder?

Is there such a thing as Hyper Attention Disorder?

  • YES.
  • NO.
  • MAYBE.
  • Ask me if I care.
  • All of the above.
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There is ADD, so why not HAD? I know various people who seem to never deviate from a subject. No matter what happens, that person ignores others and will only converse with others on the same subject. Could it be that the is an opposite to every disorder? I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter because I have no great amount of knowlege on the subject.

I really don’t think ADD OR ADHD or any of that is really an illness. Yeah, it’s nice to point at a unreal problem just because most students can’t stay focused on the subject. The teachers are boring, if you really want to keep the kids attention do something interesting and fun. Yeah, people are gonna let their minds wander to something else if the current event is boring.

You’re right, ADD or ADHD are not real illnesses in the sense that they can’t be dealt with. It is a real problem though. In my experience, chidren can be treated by changing their diets. Food is a drug. Sugars, refined, processed foods grown and prepared using pesticides and chemicals (90% of America’s diet) are the real culprits. Always first look at the diet when there is any health physical or mental issue. 9 times out of 10 there is an improvement in the child’s behaviour.


I think that in the effort to explain away diversity as being a mere dysfunction that stands in stark contrast to the functional sameness of the world, I would have to say that yes this too is a dysfunction.
Now how about my own large-penis dysfunction?
How do I cure that? :wink:

Most cases of ADHD that I have ever seen appear to have a lot to do with parenting styles and the value placed on paying attention to things. That means if the parents are seen doing “school work” type stuff then so will the kids. If a kid hears their parents laughing their heads off watching TV while he is doing fractions then what does what say? It does not say that learning is fun.

Also, I think that school is “good” but it is not natural. Sitting in a class staring striaght ahead trying to remember every detail is not going to happen for every type of person.

Mostly, ADHD is a reflection of middle-class fear that their kid won’t succeed. Really, not all people are built for academics and thanks goodness for that or we would have no garbage men. It’s the fear that your kid will end up a cook (which we really need) that creates the diagnosis.

Meanwhile, a freakish perfectionist that is privately loosing his or her mind, while making the lives of those around them a living hell can rocket to the top.

Diagnosis has to do with what is socially functional and not what is objectively real, for the most part. It’s not like medical diagnosis, although it pretends to be.

Thank you, all great thoughts, and I agree on the diet and parenting. Any dysfunction has many causes and effects. But my question was could one be considered HAD? For some reason society thinks that we must focus one subject or activity, but should we? A person needs to be well rounded in order to suvive. So in the sense that a person focuses too little or too much on becoming a well rounded person, could we classify one as ADHD or HAD?


If you read my post then you will get your expanation. All mental problems have to do with what affects one’s ability to function in western culture. There are instances of psychotic behavior based on culture that we would not be allowed to diagnose as psychotic because that behavior is ok for them. If someone that was part of this culture did it then they would be crazy.

This tradition goes way back to Germany and the people that invented psychiatry. They were concerned about people adjusting and fitting in to society. That might sound wrong to us as “free spirits” however, if you think about it, there is a need to be part of your society in some way or another. Even being a rebel is part of society in a way. However, being totally weird is not.

So, paying intense attention to something can be function and can even produce high quality work. That’s what “counts” in our world. Then when you burn out and go crazy and become unproductive you will be diagnosed.

Get it?

of course there is Hyper Attention Disorder…

frankie valli suffered from it…

"…But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it’s real.
You’re just too good to be true.
Can’t take my eyes off you…

…Can’t take my eyes off you…"


The food that we eat today is way better that it ever was. Old-time methods of preserving food have been linked to stomach cancer and a variety of other problems.

If one simply uses their mind it’s simple to see that what you are thinking about controls your actions. Did a bowl of Rice Crispies make you write your last post?

if there is a hyper attention disorder than id like to know i can never stop elaborating but at the same time i rarely get to the point

The behavior you describe in your question is one of the main symptoms of Autism. Also Asperger’s. It can be a fully functioning individual, since there are different degrees of autism. People with this trait are usually very isolated and lonely, since their fields of interest tend to be as concentrated as their thought. Einstein is said by some to have had this kind of Autism. Usually these people develop extraordinarily in one field of expertise.

wow thats interesting people once told me i may have aspergers syndrome and i’m obsessed with trying to find algorythms in things it’s truely an obsession how do i find out if i have aspergers syndrome?
but im really good at reading body language and arent autistic people suppose to be terrible at this?

Taking the test is a good idea, though online tests are no diagnosis, of course.


Take into account that the link to your automatically calculated results is not working. You’ll have to add up your results yourself and see how far from 16.4 (the control group figure) you are.

But it’s the best test I saw on the web.

Sorry, liquid, have to disagree. I probably had ADHD as a child, could not sit still and was easily distracted as a child. No, I did not drink soda, or eat processed foods, and the food we ate was not heavily treated with petaside in the 50’s-60’s when I was young. Hence, I doubt it this was the cause.

Disagree with many of the current claims.

Mom, would say go out and run around the backyard ten times before you come in and talk to me. I did. That is, children are too settled into sitting in front of the vidiot box, be it the telly or computer, to burn off the excessl energy.

That is, children are trained by the vidiot box to have very short attention spans.

Yes, research is being done regarding this, but I do know individuals in their 50’s and sixities who actually still bounce off the wall, some are my peers who teach, who do not indulge in the processed foods, etc., in an attempt to calm down. Are they successful, not really. Me, I just settled and no longer really suffer from this problem.

What is interesting is that most ADD and ADHD children outgrow this as they age and do no change their eating habits.

Just food for thought.