Have you ever experienced hyperconsciousness?
- Yes, I think I have.
- Maybe.
- Nope. I think that I never have.
"The mind can go either direction under stress towards the positive or towards the negative; on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the negative end and hyperconsciousness at the positive end.†From Dune by Frank Herbert
I had never heard of the concept of hyperconsciousness before reading this. Yet I have experienced hyperconsciousness.
My experiences with hyperconsciousness have come from loveable stress. I experienced this by pushing my mind to its highest intensity, going as far into stress as possible.
Commonly I experience hyperconsciousness while having intense discussions with friends and drinking coffee. There is a stress in such situations, but it’s a loveable stress. It is a stress that attracts me instead of repulsing me.
There was also a time when I put myself into a state of hyperconsciousness almost every workday. I was working in an office where I was functioning as the assistant manger. So apart from high level administrative duties I was in charge everything that went on it the office. It was a ton of work but I worked with a really great team. Each day was full of things for me to worry about, but it was also very exciting. The stress was wonderful, loveable stress. I was able to keep the office running smoothly and ensure that everything that needed to get done got done. Plus I felt at the top of my game. I was able to handle all of the work and enjoyed all of it. I felt energized and excited each and ever day.
I never had a word that described the mental state I was in during that time until this one caught my eye. It was hyperconsciousness.
Has anyone else ever had any kind of similar experiences?