Are any of us truely “qualified” to administer religion,medication and belief to those who,like us all,are searching for enlightenment,truth or relief from suffering!?
It seems to me that we(Mankind) are responsible for ourselves and once we are,individually,in a good state to deal with reality we can afford the time,compassion & unconditional love to assist our brothers & sisters.!? Thoughts. MW
I hope some are qualified because if not, we’ve got a serious problem.
What is this “good state” you refer to. In the “Awakening” thread for example, the good state for me is the realization that one is asleep and the freedom for impartiality it provides. There is no need to defend anything if you have the humility to admit your sleep. We initially become open to experience and admit that we have neither the time, compassion, or unconditional love to assist anyone other then to sleep better. I agree then that the first responsibility is to help ourselves.
This raises the interesting question of the Bodhisattva in Buddhism. By definition the Bodhisattva denies themselves the opportunity to enter nirvana in order to guide others to the truth.
Some mother-in laws do the same thing. They deny their own happiness until they are sure their supreme wisdom has guided you to the truth. Does that make these mother-in laws bodhisattvas?
Such beings must exist but we are unable to recognize them being more impressed by that which flatters are opinions of ourselves. So we “string em up” and throw money at those that flatter our self esteem through imagination.
Who will judge when we have arrived at ‘a good state’? The truly wise that I have observed have always said they are mere beginners and are not qualified to teach anyone. They have insisted that we learn together from each other. We are responsible for our own enlightenment, this is true, but at any step along the way train ourselves to afford the time, compassion and unconditional love for our brothers and sisters. If you have contemplated that much, you have the time. If you have contemplated thus far, you already know your responsibility which is at best, to inspire. Humility is key. Be like water, always search for the lowest ground flowing around obstacles. Then it would be difficult for anyone not to learn from you.
A quality of an enlightened man is the virtue of compassion. It is better to train our compassion if we are to enlighten ourselves.
There is no judgement but that of ourselves really,we all have a conscience/higher-self that defines our path,although much of what mankind seems to think is conscience is merely programming and behavioural reactions to stimuli that we think defines us.
So I am of the thought that Judgement is a very western,dare I say,Catholic concept that has unfortunately enslaved many true seekers of awareness to a miserable life of “persecution”.
As for being Humble and Intellectual as so many of the Eastern Masters were/are there,as you so aptly quote, is much to be learned from these wise men and woman. If only to emulate their behaviour,which I would agree with you,is a good form of inspiration. Yet where is the motivation for mankind in general terms to want to become enlightened,aware or humble,is it merely enought to live piously,humbly and with unconditional love!
I seem to find this a difficult lifegoal to attain in the 21st century where my guides are mostly people from the past,who are our divine inspirers now!?
Yes, we all have a conscience, the voice of our true nature. It’s easy to talk about such things but quite another to action them. If we allow our conscience to guide us then there is nothing more that we need to do. We do not need to worry about the mind’s conditioned responses if we can follow our conscience. If we can follow it truly then the mind will submit.
As for judgement, yes you are so right. It is better to judge ourselves, perhaps I should have said know. At what point do we know when we are in ‘a good state’? I don’t think we ever know. There is always another mountain to climb, always another ocean to swim. Just when we think we have arrived is in fact the moment we have just left. So, the question I asked was how do you know when you are ready to give? Wanting to give is a natural attribute of the true self. As we become more and more in tune with it – the heart – we naturally want to give.
In the past in Eastern traditions the seeker would travel thousands of miles to find their teacher. They would cultivate themselves to the point of enlightenment and then receive the ultimate teaching. Things are different now, technology has advanced to the extent where the teacher can come to us. We no longer need to renounce the world but rather to face it and our effects of our causes. Our karma. When the student is ready the teacher will arrive. It is enough to be sincere, to be humble and to be grateful and to practice these things daily in our everyday mundane reality. It is enough to help sentient beings when we can. It is enough to become aware of our thoughts and of our intentions and all our actions. These things do not go unnoticed. If it is our affinity we will meet our teacher.
It is all very simple really, but to be simple we have to lose everything that we have. To be simple is to lose our complexities.
The truth about our predicament is that we are all here because we want answers to questions that mankind has been asking for millenia,ever since we came down from the trees and discovered fire.
Why are we here & what is my purpose. If we are,as I believe,a part of the Creator ie merely a slowed down vibration of HIM/HER experiencing many incarnations as is our choice,learning all we can about this particular manifestation and then moving on in vibrational terms to another state of being,to discover that that state is just another learning curve then what we are really doing is adding to the light of the most developed being known to man,GOD,that is humbling in itself.
Yes, of course we are a part of the Creator. Our Heavenly Mother. God is omnipresent and exists as that omnipresence in all sentient beings. Our original nature’s frequency is thus the same as God’s and all enlightened beings yet we re-tune our vibration into ‘slower’ frequencies (although I don’t think it has anything to do with speed as that would be part of the dualistic world still), due to mainly the mind’s activities limiting most of us from directly experiencing this brightness which is outside as well as inside our hearts. We only experience many incarnations because of the effects of our causes in each life and in fact in every moment. Our souls are eternal, but are trapped in our karma. It’s not that we are supposed to learn lessons, we are supposed to awaken. No being in the universe is outside the laws of Karma, not even Buddhas or Saints and Sages, not Christ not Mohammed not anyone. This knowledge and its application is pivotal in realising our true natures, because it is only when we understand this law that we can work with our karma and seek to not create any more.
Key is that we create - much like the Creator, but we need to become aware of what we are creating in order to create Heaven on earth.
Does a certain established something “move on” or rather gradually come into being? Is the purpose to learn more details or to experience the commonalities behind the gradations of details allowing them to be put into gradations of perspective?
I am sure that Jesus,Buddha,Joan of Arc,Da Vinci and other Avatars have all had their bout with paying their Karma,it takes a very special human being to overcome the laws of karma and become Karma Free,as that is what enlightenment is defined by,that we are no longer subject to the normal laws of Karma & that our freewill is,I would imagine,more that of the Creator’s Will.
The concept of the fact that we are “punished” by our sins as opposed to for our sins is what I think the Church has missed,leading to a perpetuation of fear driven behaviour. (Do you want to fear God ie yourself…how terrible to hate yourself!) It is this that we are to learn,I think,we are here as a result of the choices we made in our past incarnation and now as we pay previous Karma off we incure more Karma,by merely existing. The wise use of our freewill ensures that we do not,hopefully,make the same mistakes again and become enlightend as to our previous past and totally present states of being.
In light of this,knowing that I need to support my spiritual journey to it’s final divine conclusion,who/what/how do I go (to) to attain development of being wise to my path. As I began so shall I end, are any of us QUALIFIED to administer belief,religion, psychology and such modalities in any form!?
Yes it does take a very special being, we can all be that special if we really want to no?
To answer your question. None of us are qualified except that we are all learning together.
We need a Master - one who has mastered himself - to guide us. But once we are guided, we master ourselves and we guide ourselves. The true spiritual journey is one where we take absolute responsibility for our own enlightenment. We simply need someone to point out the Way.
Are any of us truely “qualified” to administer religion,medication and belief to those who,like us all,are searching for enlightenment,truth or relief from suffering!?
Well, I’m a therapist and I don’t administer beliefs. Rather it’s all about helping a person explore ideas that are alternatives to the ones that they hold to be true. It’s also to help people to express feelings and understand how a sequence of events may have led to certain sets of thoughts and feelings.
It’s really easy once you get a feel for it. It’s almost like being a Sherlock Homes of the mind. The important thing is that a psychotherapy client has to want to participate so ultimately it is mutual activity.