I am God, Ask me and I shall answer

Ask me and I shall answer,

I would advise you only ask me question’s which have real marit, I will not answer anything superficial.

I have a question.

How do you spell “merit”?

A word is merly symbolics ment to represent some meaning in a language,

Is this the question you would ask me?

Perhaps the question you should have ask would be:

Why do I feel the need to pick at somthing which though seaming foolish to me, may help me to understand myself and those around me?

I don’t think that’s harsh enough… Notice how “God” has edited the first post THREE times and still has a spelling and a grammar error! Actually, three grammar errors; the mis-use of commas and an apostrophe. Perhaps the REAL message was suppose to look like this:

[i]Ask me and I shall answer any question you have!

I would advise you to only ask me questions which have merit, and not anything superficial. [/i]

An example of what would be considered ‘superficial’ would be nice to include as well; but wait… there’s more! “God” has apparently fouled up on the second post as well! This does not bode well for religious doctrines, but at the same time, it does make sense considering the errors and contradictions found in Abrahamic-based holy books.

Oh give God a break Sage and Detrop, English might not be its first language. Please keep in mind that most English speaking people have difficulty with it too. We really ought to start over and go back to grunts and groans for a while.

Now Godly dear, here is a simple meritous question. Why is not man adapted to live in the waters of this world since this world is mostly water? It would make more sense to have us aquatic creatures. It would give us more breeding room in order to spread your word. Those pesky land natural land disasters would not kill off so many of us. More of us means more to worship you. Hmmmm? Did you slip up there deary or is there some deep dark secret only you should know?

dan034084692832984034 is god? disturbing…

We got to get this guy together with Watcher, what a fine pair that would make.

Well, I don’t know about the regular god around here but, this one sure is slow. I have been waiting all morning for my answer. I want my money back, Oh, I mean question back.

I thought about saying "Hey God, I’ve got a question for you.

How do you spell seeming?"

But then I thought about how the second time it would seem like an ad hom and I don’t want to get banned.

Okayyy this is an interesting twist ><

Maybe this is God speaking through a human, and the darn interface has an undeveloped spelling module. You’re only as good as the equipment you work with :laughing: .

God is popeye.


That was a little harsh, Spiral. I still think you’re some hard-ass nazi/bush spy.

Actually God, I’m god. Ask me anything, and I will tell you how to find the answer. Go ahead, try it. I’m the new google.

STFU? What’s that? Stanford University?

lol, you internet noob. its SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Many scientists believe the universe is expanding, If so what is the universe expanding into?

If it is so, will there come a time when the expansion is so complete that the event horizons are so far apart that there are an infinite number of universes seperate from each other and moving apart at the speed of light such as they are unobservable to each other and where each consists of a single atom, or worse still a single neutron/proton or a single electron?

I know exactly what it means. It’s a joke.

sarcasm is hard to grasp on the internet.

God seems to be out.