I am not my eyes, I am not my brain

That’s not so commonly called the self…thought it is the self.
In other words, look within for what irks you. That would be a part of your self.
We are all mirrors to one another.

I always find any given thing to be something else when I observe it directly. I mean if we look at thought information it is just info, if we could look at our experience of that it would be different, and I think that will always be impossible.

I dunno, I am really not so sure if causal things are caused by us or if they just happen regardless? my experience of life is that I discover things, rather than compose anything, my flaws are things I’ve ‘discovered’.

Hi Amorphos,

Yes, this is quite often true. The trick is to give up what we believed or thought in order to frame another different perspective.

What do you mean by thought information? The way we “see” something? The way we think - in the first place?
That would be the beginning of the journey into “reality” - I mean into the way something actually is as opposed to how we tend to view it. We have to be like ravenous tigers and tear the thing apart to discover what’s there.

Oh, I rather think that in many cases, if we look at things honestly, we can come to realize that they come from us. Others come from others and still others, I just don’t know. The universe is really a mysterious thing and though I tend to be a skeptic, I can intuit that there is something or much happening" which is out of our hands but maybe I’m wrong. Since we can’t know or see the total cause and effect of things with reference to something, I can’t know for certain what causes it. I may not have expressed that well.

That’s an ongoing process - discovering our flaws and discovering those “things”. I liked what you said there.
I can relate.
But I also think that we “compose” things too - meant as you meant “compose”. But then again, perhaps we do not compose as much as we feel we do. Perhaps we simply as you say discover or realize.

You don’t feel like it, you just conceptualize it that way. You are going off what modern science feeds you. All that’s really real is what you see through your “eyes” and what’s going on in your meat-like electrically pump brain that everyone tells you is inside your cranium. Not saying all this is a lie, just that there’s a difference between feeling a certain way and thinking it based on what you’ve been taught.

What’s real is what you’re experiencing, what you actually feel.

I think it’s fair to say that we feel that we are a body in a physical world (even with eyes–I mean, I see my eyes when I look in the mirror). I don’t “feel” my brain per say, but I’ve been shown pictures and they tell me in school that there’s such a thing inside my cranium. So I guess I believe that.

Well then, you’re saved. Aren’t ya?

Oh God, Arc, how you’ve got that wrong. :wink:

What we see is what’s real. Yes, we can tear it apart and discover what’s there under the surface, but this is much more a creative act than you realize. It begins by being unsatisfied with what we see, by wanting more than what there is. And we do things to the outer world, tear it up, so as to create new experiences, new realities, things to give us new truths to believe in. But yes, in the end, they are truths, new truth, and thus we are compelled to accept them.

I don’t believe the voices no more.

They lie.

Then you’re fucked.

I wish I was. Sadly I live a lifestyle of forced celibacy. It wasn’t always like this, women used to try to seduce me, but as feminism grew more and more, the love I received from people grew less and less.