I spoke out against the anti God advertisment and it went away. Now I am asking the mods to do the same for this particular advertisment. Thankyou in advance.
Your premise is wrong. It’s at the bottom of the index page now.
MJK a homophobic bible-basher… who’d have thunk it?!
Some admin please this man. He is dissatisfied.
I don;t like that advertisement either…
I tried signing up and they keep asking for small fee’s… it’s a rip off…
Never heard of it.
I said this in the last such thread. Change to subsilver2 and stop whinging.
Who are you?
The forum’s resident crackhead.
Thanks a lot MJK. Now ilovephilosophy.com ranks higher on google for the search term “gaybeardating” than for “philosophy”.
Whoa, now I understand why I don’t get these threads. I switched to subsliver as soon as the forums changed over beacuse I wasn’t used to avatars on the right. I had no idea that this was also preventing me from seeing any ads, ever.
Maybe he was just kidding
however, the guy should really come back, he was very fun
I bet even Faust is missing him…
Maybe, maybe not, Fab - personally, I’m not sure I care either way…
I do miss him. But he’ll be back.
now that’s just nuts!
…but it’s also hilarious
Me too
The one time I turned in for the night earlier than usual, I missed all the drama of that night he asked to be banned…
It was strange…
You didn’t miss much, though.
I guess he didn’t want to get addicted
you know that web boards are dead addictive, once you start to post…
awesome; we really need some pedos on the board to masturbate the topics…
I found it strange that the guy wanted out so badly
…is it not a far better addiction than alcohol, drugs, and many other vices that one can become addicted to, hmmmm