I am offended by the "God Who Wasn't There" advertisment...

Please take it down and put something else up that is a little more PC. I put up with it long enough. It has been up there for weeks.

Oh and for those that dont know its an advertisment for a TV show I believe that is at the top of all the message boards.

I don’t think we have control over what advertisements are placed up. There has been many an offensive ad, i can safely tell you that. I usually etll people to avert their eyes, but i understand that having it stare you in teh face for weeks can wear down anyones restraint.

google works in mysterious ways.

[i]"Unruly beings are as unlimited as space
They cannot possibly all be overcome,
But if I overcome thoughts of anger alone
This will be equivalent to vanquishing all foes.

Where would I possibly find enough leather
With which to cover the surface of the earth?
But (wearing) leather just on the soles of my shoes
Is equivalent to covering the earth with it.

Likewise it is not possible for me
To restrain the external course of things;
But should I restrain this mind of mine
What would be the need to restrain all else?"[/i]


It’s not necessary to feel victimized by every little thing.

This isn’t a little thing.

But you’re talking about your own offendedness, rather than whether the subject is important in a broader sense or not. Your own offendedness is a very, very little thing. Or at least it could be. It’s up to you.

That’s your problem.


Yeah and what does one do when he/she has a problem? You fix them.

Snip! Snip!

I’m offended by the word “the.”

[size=50]The easiest solution is just to get over it. [/size]

Typical Xtian fascism. If you have a personal problem with something, how is it that you want the world to change to suit your delicate sensitivities? Where does an notion like that come from? Parents spoil you? Balls-up and learn how to deal with it! I’m not going to alter my life, for one, to suit your ‘personal problems’. You have eyelids to protect you from what you find visually ‘offensive’.
Actually, the bible says that “if your eyes offend you, pluck them out” and leave the neighbors alone.
It doesn’t say to whine and assault and stomp till the world changes to suit your prideful self, it says to ‘balls-up’ and deal with it ‘internally’.
Is it offensive in its truthfulness vs your ‘beliefs’? There is simply no independent eyewitnesses of any actual jesus. Too bad.
I say tough! Stop whining about ‘PC’ and learn how to deal with real life as it comes.
Deal with it privately, where the ‘problem’ resides.
I saw a T-shirt yesterdat that screamed “Jesus is a cunt”. Yes I found that mildly offensive, very mildly. Instead of pridefully telling him the error of his ways and expecting him to alter his life to suit special old me, I merely looked away. Problem solved.
You can’t remake the world in ‘your image’ (though most Xtians do try…sinning in their pride doing so, bye the way).
Would it be as offensive if it were an ad for tolerance, and giving gays the civil right to marriage?

Political Correctness came about for a reason. It is a healthy concept that society needs.

Not that simple and you know it.

To weaken the individual character and cater to his weaknesses (keep him weak).
Learn to walk instead of relying on being carried because your feet are too sensitive from not using them!
Yeah, PC, the pussification of Amerikkka; celebrating weak and ‘special’ people.

Adverts annoy you? Here’s a hint:

1). Get firefox (everyone should do this anyway since it’s more secure than Internet explorer).

2). Find, download and install noscript. Make sure the script ‘google analytics’ is blocked

3). Never see an advert from them (and 99% of other sites that don’t embed the advert script straight into the code for the site).

4). ???

5). Profit!!

You are living in a vaccume if you believe that. Out here in the real world political correctness diverts a lot of potential disasters. That was just a stupid post.

Lodge a complaint wait and see if others concur, if the majority does then in a democratic fashion offensive material or thought or ideal will or should be removed, if this does not happen you are in the minority and have to suck it up. Welcome to the world of humanity where the majority rules or is ruled.

Change to subsilver2 under ‘Board preferences’. No ads. :wink:

Yeah, like the McCain-Palin ad…j/k