I Am Sick of pOets

I Am Sick of pOets

Who write wanton diatribes and
about the stars sun moon rain

Autumn Spring Leaves Summer:
Along algorithmic alliterations among
SAFE imagery of poetic (so called) MERIT.

What farce-0-What sanctimonious drivel.
I am SICK of pretentious pOETS prophesizing
Whatever pOETIC hubris harmonizes

into Octaves or Sestets—I am sick
of pOETIC terminology and engineering,
Form for form’s sake and a Cigar is just a Cigar.

I am sick of pOeTiC infections affecting my
Normalcy—or abnormalcy!—SICKENED
By Arcane Allusions from pOet to pOet (T.S.E.)

It’s time to wage WAR without conforming to
Nonconformists, to wage WAR on dictums
And contradictions, wage WAR on war.

Who’s with me? Are YOU? I’m Bloody
Sickened by poets speaking for me, and
Talking to me—as if you, meant me!

I am sickened by the absurd logic of pOetic
Linguistics that assume the right to beauty
Without meaning! Kabbaly-Wabbaly-Dabbaly-Poo!

I am sick of well-to-do constructions of logically
Absurd poems that spiral back into themselves
Like the sun’s starlight refracting in moonrain.


Get dat bitch!

[deletes free verse]

Maybe not…

I see I am finally having an impact on you, Undergroundman.


I’m sick of stories too. Too many movies. It was all ready painted in a mystic way on cave walls.

That said, I feel like writing a poem about your sickness. Oh, you just did. God, originality died in those caves too.

I like it, U.M.

i take this as a personal attack. you’re sick of me? what did i ever do to you!

damn you algorithmic alliterations and your sexy allure…leave me alone!

Have you all missed the irony between the lines? As in, how I say, what I say?

My point - and that is possibly the piece’s shortcoming (it has a point) - was purely intellectual, irony; a poem mired in contradiction, and self-refutation.

I wrote this piece without a single feeling on my part - a purely intellectual composition (almost like doing algebra…).

And yes, Alexis, the allusion was quite direct, but notice the way it was configured. The form itself is my statement, it is what ought to display the intended meaning. And as for everything else, simply, Dadaist fluff.

(I know this must seem like I am contradicting myself, Rainey. I am. And I also stand by what I said earlier - hah! :wink: Sometimes, I think, I guess, when art deems, dares, to actually make statements, there needs to be some type of Whitmanian hint within the piece, or commentary after it. But I would argue, that the author doesn’t have more or less authority than anyone else interpreting the piece.)
. . .

Oddly enough, it seems Colin is in my unconscious a bit deeper than I imagined. But you can’t have my heart, buddy boy. :stuck_out_tongue: Though you and cummings seem to really be feeding on my dreams. (Which I don’t really mind).

Now, for those interested, here is a bit of a deconstruction:

This poem is a wanton diatribe full of engineered alliteration, deluded drugeries, about naturalisic elements poeticly spiraling back into themselves: the sun’s star-light refracting in moon-rain. In essence, I use absolutly everything I attack. See the irony?


(edit: I just noticed your second sentence, Alexis; if you were being sarcastic, my apologies as always).

I thought the irony was apparent, and I liked it.

(And there’s nothing wrong with a little commentary, TUM. Or wrong, for that matter, with a piece having a point!)

Indeed, a pointed piece would perfectly proselytize pedantic pedantry.

Perhaps the next undertaking is trying to have the least meaning per letter.

Indeed, I thought so too. Perhaps I’m just mired in miscommunication. As for a piece having, or not having, a point, you’re quite right Rainey, nothing wrong. I just generally like my work to be open to various meanings and intereptations (it strikes me as more . . . organic and vivacious that way).

CrookfingerJake wrote:
