I can guarantee you that I am the final authority in any subject.
Try me. You will get the most logical and reasonable response mankind has to offer. Hurry while I’m still alive.
I can guarantee you that I am the final authority in any subject.
Try me. You will get the most logical and reasonable response mankind has to offer. Hurry while I’m still alive.
I like how no one bothered to ask a single question.
I’ll bite.
Why do people insist on believing in things they cannot physically justify?
A better question: Is monism a symptom of enlightenment? Nietzsche (and not only Nietzsche) claim that the enlightened man says the following: ‘I am all body and nothing else besides’. Do you agree, and why/why not?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
(I’ve been away so long, I may go wrong and lose my way.)
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?
What animates matter?
Why are we posting stupid questions to a stupid thread?
If all the world’s wealth, monetary and otherwise, was equally distributed to all living human beings, what would be the results/consequences of such an event?
I read somewhere that if this happened, within 5 years the Jews would control 2/3 of it.
For reals? Damn…
Why the hell does my life suck so much?
Is god really a sick sadistic fuck cross dresser wearing a pink tutu that watches over us from the heavens?
Why the hell is humanity so insane?
I expect nothing but clear cut answers from you Mr. All Knowing.
God hates humans Joker. That’s why he created this cruel game of sufferring until death.
What is your personal definition of, “ego-trip?”
That, or He just doesn’t care or hasn’t noticed. Or He just isn’t really good at being God.
Meh. The world will never know.
God is a fag.
God hates humans Joker. That’s why he created this cruel game of sufferring until death.
Yeah it is pretty obvious.
What’s the largest prime number?
Why does Nietzsche suck so much?