I am the final authority. Come and ask me.

I can guarantee you that I am the final authority in any subject.

Try me. You will get the most logical and reasonable response mankind has to offer. Hurry while I’m still alive.

I like how no one bothered to ask a single question.

I’ll bite.

Why do people insist on believing in things they cannot physically justify?

A better question: Is monism a symptom of enlightenment? Nietzsche (and not only Nietzsche) claim that the enlightened man says the following: ‘I am all body and nothing else besides’. Do you agree, and why/why not?

Do you know the way to San Jose?

(I’ve been away so long, I may go wrong and lose my way.)

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

What animates matter?

Why are we posting stupid questions to a stupid thread?

funny :laughing:

If all the world’s wealth, monetary and otherwise, was equally distributed to all living human beings, what would be the results/consequences of such an event?

I read somewhere that if this happened, within 5 years the Jews would control 2/3 of it.

For reals? Damn… :astonished:

Why the hell does my life suck so much?

Is god really a sick sadistic fuck cross dresser wearing a pink tutu that watches over us from the heavens?

Why the hell is humanity so insane?

I expect nothing but clear cut answers from you Mr. All Knowing. [-X

God hates humans Joker. That’s why he created this cruel game of sufferring until death.

What is your personal definition of, “ego-trip?”

That, or He just doesn’t care or hasn’t noticed. Or He just isn’t really good at being God.

Meh. The world will never know.

God is a fag.

Yeah it is pretty obvious.

What’s the largest prime number?

Why does Nietzsche suck so much?