I am very much anxious to get a child and good health?

I am very much anxious to get a child and good health?

Ans: You are getting everything according to your present deeds and also the past deeds. The Lord has arranged the cycles of your births. In each cycle happiness and misery are alternatively arranged leaving the sequence of good and bad deeds. Even if you have done two sins subsequently the fruits of the two sins are not given to you subsequently. The result of a good deed is penetrated in between these two sins. Like this the Lord has arranged all your life cycles at present and in the future. If you are pestering Him, He will bring the result of good deed from the future cycle to the present cycle as a pre-matured fixed deposit with reduced value. By such interference your future life cycles will be filled with misery. Then you will scold the Lord crying “Oh! Lord you have given me misery from birth to death”. You don’t remember your foolish interference in the past birth.

The other way is that the Lord in human form should transfer your sin on Him and should suffer for your sake. This path is possible only when you don’t aspire for this path and worship the Lord in human form by sacrificing all your bonds of the world. This is possible only for a true devotee who never wishes that the Lord should suffer for his or her sake. Such true devotee will be worshipping the Lord without aspiring anything in return.

One has to understand the theory of Karma and the devotion towards Lord. The Lord suffers for the sins of His true devotees only who are really serving the Lord in practice by doing Karma Sanyasa (Sacrifice of work) and Karma Phala Tyaga (Sacrifice of the fruit of work) in His mission without aspiring anything in return. In such service even an Iota of desire should not be present even in any biological cell of the human being. This is called ‘NISHKAMA KARMA YOGA’ AS EMPHASIZED IN GITA.

:confused: ???

A devotee asked me the following question;

Is suffering due to past deeds?

I answered;

People are posing as if they are pure in this birth by saying like this. In fact, for all the previous deeds, the soul was treated completely in the upper world. When the soul takes birth in this world it is born with “Karmasesha”, which means not the remains of the action. It means the remains of that quality (Samskara or Vasana) in the soul. When a thief was strongly beaten in the police station for his action of theft, he comes out with a subtle seed of that quality. Due to the beating, that quality was very much reduced but did not vanish.

This seed is in the form of quality, which is a wrong modification of knowledge and it will never be vanished by the fruit because the fruit is also a form of action. This means action cannot destroy the quality. Only the right knowledge, which is the correct modification of the knowledge can remove that quality. The punishment, which is also a form of action cannot destroy the quality.

The agony, which is also another wrong modification of knowledge, produced during the punishment, cannot destroy this quality. This seed is called ‘Karmasesha’ or ‘Sanchita’. Therefore ‘Karmasesha’ or ‘Sanchita’ does not mean the balance of the results. It only means the balance of the quality, which is responsible for the action. When the soul is reborn, it gets a congenial atmosphere according to its seed. The seed starts germinating and this stage of the quality is called ‘Prarabdha’.

The seed slowly grows into a tree. The soul becomes very active and does a series of deeds. The fruits of these deeds will be received by the soul in the upper world. Such future fruits are called ‘Aagaami’. But some vigourous deeds give fruits in this world itself. The series of thefts of a theif are recorded in the police station (Aagaami), but sometimes the householder even before going to the police station punishes the theif. Thus the effects in this world are only the fruits of some serious actions of the soul done in this world itself.

The most serious sin done in this world is forgetting the Lord who gave so many facilities in this world without any selfishness. Even though people are praying the Lord, their love is with selfishness only. The love is not true if selfishness exists. There is no light if darkness exists. Therefore the human being is committing this greatest sin and is receiving the result of this sin in this life itself because the sin is so serious!

However, the atheists are going to be punished in the upper world only for this greatest sin. The reason is that they are used to examine the faith of the devotees of the Lord. A devotee should not be misled by seeing the happy life of an atheist in this world.