I do not wish to be a productive member of society.
I do not want to offer my body up to the corporate bloodhounds.
I do not urge for my spirit to be the sepulchral food of asses.
I do not desire my ideas to become the property of legal thieves.
I do not seek my truth to lose its uniqueness by the mouths of hypocrites.
I didn’t know who Roark was, so I looked him up, and found myself amazed. A speech in a courtroom from a movie adaptation of Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” (starring Gary Cooper no less!) came across so blitzingly similar to what I wrote just out of the blue. Such an instance could be used as evidence to further suggest that when we use our creativity, we are merely accessing the infinite creative ideas and imagination that already exist subconciously in the unification of the human spirit. This would not be the case if I had read the book or seen the movie, but I had never even heard of either! Truly outstanding…