I’ve gone the past week and a half without talking to her and I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been but today I finally call her up and I’m depressed again.
How am I supposed to love someone that makes me miserable? I just love these extended periods of time where I’m away from her and I hate it. And I love that I hate being around her. I’m going to end up ruining our friendship because I’m going to end up pushing her away. But it’s either that or I get too close and she has to push me away. And to tell you the truth, the feeling of her pushing me away is a whole lot worse.
What can I do? I’m best friends with a person who makes me miserable because I can’t have more of her. And it’s nobody’s fault. Not even mine. It’s just the way it goes. And it’s times like these that I wish I believed in a God so I could have somebody to blame. Because believe me, I have a lot of pent up aggression and absolutely no one to dump it on. At least no one of guilt. And I have too much of a contrived notion of justice beat into my skull from living in this fucking society that I could never lash out on anybody without feeling horrible about it.
Oh, I know what they call this: the nice guy syndrome. Nice guys finish last, yaddi-yaddi-yadda. Here’s a challenge, show me one asshole who is happy. Not successful; there are plenty of successful asshole. But one who is genuinely happy with their lives and who they are. For that matter, show me anybody who is genuinely happy with their lives and who they are.
I try to look to philosophy for not answers–God no, not answers–,but for approaches to this thing called life. And there are plenty out there and they all have conclusions telling to keep a stiff upper lip, there’s no use in crying, the will to power, existence precedes essence, eternal recurrence. Live your life with valiance and virtue and nobility and pride and individuality and authenticity.
But it’s hard. It’s real hard.