i dont know what forum to put this in so it goes here

i’ve always wondered… people pretend like creationism and evolutionism are mutually exclusive. black and white. so… why couldn’t God have created our ancestors, and then we evolved from them?

The most common argument from Christianity I’ve heard (making creation and evolution incompatible) is that if we accept evolution, we must question where Jesus talks about being the second Adam, and refers to Adam as a real person.

Adam was considered to be the same as we are now, so it doesn’t really fit to say we evolved from him.

it never says he was the same in the bible; the catholics in the renaissance and enlightenment movements decided that was the easiest to accept so people still believe it today

That is the reason evolution will never be accepted by fundamentalist Christians.
If you accept evolution in any way shape or form, you cannot be a fundamentalist.

BTW, I was raised Roman Catholic. I am currently an Atheist.
Fundamentalist live in a different universe than I do.

A question like this might get more attention in the Religion Forum. It would fit there.

that’a good point, i wasn’t sure if it was “religion” or “social sciences” so it ended up here but i’ll go ahead and repost it. what the hell, i have nothing better to do