I don't want to get married or have a gf is that wrong?

In my earlier posts, many ppl would know that I prefer to have sex with prostitutes than to have a gf. In fact, I’m going whoring this saturday, but that’s besides the point.

I choose this lifestyle because I want to. I am not in love with any girl and I don’t think I ever will if I keep on meeting the kind of quality i see daily. I see myself as a smart sorta guy, when I see a teen, I say, ‘that’s what they were’, when I see a 20something ‘I see that’s what they are.’ when I see a 40something with bad breath, I say’ that’s what they will become’.

You don’t have to be a genius to know what someone will look like as they get older, because old people are everywhere. I don’t see why I have to get a girl friend? I am happy the way I am, I have a stable job, I have good money in the stockmarket thanks to DOW nearing all time high. I’m happy and I don’t want another person in my life.

Is there something wrong with wanting what I want. some bitches in the office get pissed because i don’t give a damn about them, well that’s the truth I don’t. I know I’m an attractive guy with good job and good money, that’s something chicks dig, but I just don’t dig them. well I do, but I dig prostitutes.

So far in my life, I have fucked 14 whores in a space of 2 years. I am happy, at 23, 14 is not a bad achievement, so why the hell would I want to be tied down with one?

  1. There is no “normal” so knock yourself out.
  2. You will have much better sex if you are in love… muuuuch better. Beyond better.
  3. Wear a condom and a gasmask. God knows where your little friends have been… Bottom line? You have screwed every person that person has screwed not to mention all those people whom they have screwed - consequently you have screwed 100’s of dirty scumbags with random std, herpes, Aids and hepetitis.

(as I said “knock youself out”? You just might.) The word “achievement” worries me for you, dear.

Yomama thinks you should find a girlfriend or boyfriend. Love is a good thing. Sexy love? Yum.

I’m impressed that you’ve sorted yourself out so well, OT.

As long as the girls you visit are working of their own free will, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing.

Re Bessy’s comments, it depends on what you do in there; you take as many risks as you want.

Well, as long as you are happy, if you are meant to get tied down, it will happen wether you want it to or not. I know plenty of single people that are quite content with a similar lifestyle, men and women. We are not all meant to have progeny and love. Or maybe not. I don’t really know. But I do know, that if you follow Bessy’s advice about condoms and gasmasks and if you quite thinking about wether you are normal or not you will be happy with your choice. Screw what others think, don’t let them decide for you.


what closet minded attitude do you have? you need to change ok?

to say sex is better if you are in love, suggest you have had sex outside of love, which is what I am doing. I have been in love before when I was in high school and looking back that blow job sucked.

hey, there is just as much risk in a relationship as in whoring. as I said earlier, whores get tested regularly, your girl friend might get stupid and have unprotected sex with some loser and you get infected.

I don’t see the difference between a whore and a girl friend.


why can’t other people think more like you? why are other people like Bessy so narrow minded? Whoring is the next step in masterbation. I’ve been masterbating for a good 10 years and have been whorings for the past 2. why can’t people be more open about sex. everyone would be happier, there would be more love in the world if more people thought like Kriswest.


Fuck love at 23 … or 63. Love is the guaranteed dagger in your back when you least can afford it.

Just as Sweep stated, you know the risks you are taking, it’s your life to own, do what you will, and hopefully, considering you view yourself as being smart, you aren’t deluded and taking unnecessary risks.

You don’t want a wife? I don’t blame you, in the end, all marriage subjugates somebody.

You don’t want a girlfriend? I don’t blame you, you keep more of your money.

Relationships are not for everyone, and by not getting married, you don’t make yourself unnecessarily a statistic, end up paying lawyers out the ass, and court costs, and giving up what you have in this world for someone who would probably be less in love with you, than in love with themselves, and just using you to validate their petty ego or social standing.

Love. Fuck that.

Bessy narrow minded? LOL, no she is is just giving advice on keeping you healthy, if you read her, she said go for it also. As women we tend to give advice while patting you on the back, its a habit born of love.

LOL we don’t want the world like me. that would scare the hell out of me. :laughing:

OT - Earning money is an achievement. Spending it is not.

If you just visit whores and have the attitude that you don’t need a gf, then how will you ever get the opportunity to get to know an actual woman? How do know if you’re missing something or not.

You might find that there’s more to relationships than just sex if have the chance to get to know someone. In a relationship you’ll being doing far more than having sex, that will amount to about 1% of most long-term situations, and many of those things will be fun. For example, going on vacation or to dinner with a nice woman is much more fun than going by yourself, and has a different flavor than with the boys. Watching crappy TV is better when snuggled up to some woman as well.

If this person becomes your friend, then in time it won’t matter what she looks like. If she’s not your friend, then it does matter.

You won’t get the chance to succeed or fail in this realm if you continue with the hookers though.

You need a girl, that’s like a friend, who lets you treat her like a hooker. It’s a win/win buddy!!

That’s called “A friend with benefits package”.

High commodity item, hard to come by, but the cost benefit analysis definitely favors the owner of that particular package. Great returns.

I think I almost prefer the old white supremicist, fanatically religious PoR. This new verison is just sad.

I disagree. I find his simple solution to his “sexual desire problem” inspiring. What would be sad would be if he entered his 30’s a depressed virgin.

No, what would be sad was if he entered his thirties at all. PoR is a real piece of work. On the bright side though, considering his preferences, at least all of his children will be abortions.

I think you’re good to go, Old Timer. If you like doing something, (well, someone) do it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I like being married, hence, me and Beth are going to stay married and I don’t see myself having an extra-marital affair.

You don’t want to be married, so I wouldn’t cave-in to societal pressure put upon you to acquire a, “stable,” relationship, that’s not the sort of thing that would make you happy.

And, I don’t know why, but I actually have this friend that only likes sex when he’s paying for it, which I find a little strange but criticizing him is none of my business.

Love exists in fairy tales. Commitment takes work. There’s nothing wrong with your stance on this OT, I feel the same way… without the prostitutes.

There is the immature (but lovely) infatuation, and then the longterm committed kind - still love, but takes work. 49% of marriages fail completely and 30% of the ones left end up like spouses (also still love) but not so sexual/sensual - just the “did you take the trash out” or “yea I paid the Citibank” kinda love - but love can be a fairytale for the tiny percentage left of old lovers. Anyway, ya ever heard of a writer named Grimm?


Prostitutes are one of the most valuable tools in the social sphere.

They allow an individual such as oldtimer to meet the requisite necessity of his existence, (attempted procreation), without the unnecessary circumstance of him actually procreating and then not having the interest to rear the child.

He states clearly that he doesn’t require “love” or any of the other attached fallacies derived from emotive weakness. His biological need being fulfilled, he has placed himself to be “happy” in a world where few indeed meet that emotive desire.

His honesty and forthright nature regarding his own person is commendable, and we have enough people procreating unnecessarily, along with absentee parenting and morons who should never be allowed to procreate, so he should also be commended for not falling into that pit, as well.

I think I need to find me a whore. =D>

I’ve always liked Brother’s Grimm and their fairy tales, I just don’t think unconditional love is a realistic expectation. And I’m all for prostitutes, as they provide their services for only money.

Also It’s not necessary to be “successful” with women to enjoy them.

I’m with you Old Timer. Strange that someone else has my views on this. I’m not into whores tho.

Love is a numbness before the sting.

There’s a good part in Phaedo about how Philosophers tend to stay away from material things and desires associated with the material. It made sense to me on a personel level.