I FOUND THE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE. (Crappy colors included).

Those colors are not crappy. I think that they’re beautiful together.
As for the rest, like quantum physics for me.


But don’t you think that at times one has to laugh at life, at one’s self? It’s like trying to walk into the wind. You have to. It’s an exhilarating and transcending experience - despite the fact that at the same time the wind is slowly killing you…or the flame dissolving you like the Phoenix.

I don’t know which I do first. Sometimes one has to laugh. Is it a pretense or a way to solidify one’s self? But also one has to not sacrifice one’s own heart – one has to let it turn into mush by giving into its pain and its anguish, its loss, by letting the river flow and overflow.

Maybe that’s the true key to the universe.

The laughter we speak of is not the healthy kind, it is of the mockery type; the very type that laughs in the face of death and darkness, yet ironically mourns.

The reason why, is because people hide in the very thing they run from: Darkness. It’s this denial in people’s minds that create this provocative irony within Man.

But being human, how can we not do that? What is wrong with looking death in the face and mocking it? Is there something dishonest about it?
What about cancer patients and others? Don’t you think that they gain their strength and endurance from that?
And then comes the mourning for life and what will be lost, for what is being experienced that we are powerless in a sense to prevent.

I don’t think that they are aware that they are in the darkness. Is that possble? Or perhaps its too soon for them to admit that it is darkness. Once they realize they are there, then what? Perhaps the thing to do is to stay there until that time when a little light shows itself so that they can move out of the darkness. There is nothing wrong with staying in that darkness, admitting that that is what they are experiencing. Maybe it’s even a little comforting until they’re able to find their way out. Anyway, the darkness is not really all that dark for one who IS comfortable with it. It speaks to us, it’s like the unconscious which tries to speak to us, tell us what we need to know. So, we just wait there until the time comes when we know the path to follow or not to follow or to just continue sitting and waiting. That’s part of life too, the part of life that can seem like dying, bits and pieces of one’s self dying. The final death is nothing compared to these little ones.

To laugh at death is to laugh at the unfortunate.

People laugh at death as they degrade fecal matter because people are lower than death/fecal matter.

Any of Man that has to condescend the lowest denominator of life is the lowest of them all.

Darkness is but the unmade. People fear darkness because they fear being incomplete. They fear that a mirror is built into everything including themselves. This is why people can grow a paranoia for “being watched”.

That’s another way of looking at it. Like there is something waiting in the wings for us to find.
But anyway, I rather think that that is a good way of thinking about it. Like an unborn child in the dark womb of life.

This is true too. Not so much though because they fear BEING incomplete but because they sense their incompleteness. It leaves them feeling cold and alone in that darkness.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. But we certainly do need that mirror to show us ourselves even if we don’t like what we see.

This sound more like a conspiracy theory or something. I don’t get this.

People strive to fill themselves with anything they can find in this world; that is the fear of being incomplete.

We see ourselves in darkness as we see ourselves in objects and people.

Actually, what I said is linked to the hate and fear circle of conspiracy theories. It all comes down to feeling “watched”; a subconscious issue when a person is paranoid about being watched because they are paranoid about being figured out subconsciously.

This is becoming worrisome because it looks like you’re now also taking it out into real world. It’s okay to play with numbers as a form of mental exercise, but when you start making real life decisions based on it, that’s when you enter a danger area. What criteria will you use when dealing with your real life environment and people? Will you start judging people by their Zodiac sign, or if their ssn/phone#/birthdate, etc., adds up to some mystical number that has a personal meaning to you? Will you start disregarding reason, or even common sense when they contradict the numbers? Will you choose to follow numbers over them?

How far are you going to follow this number obsession? Will you choose to downplay, or ignore, or assign a transcendental meaning to negative consequences to keep your number theory alive? I hope not, I hope that will be your wake up call.

And maybe this could be the only way you can see the folly of your number obsession. Yes, many people play lotto with their “lucky numbers” and read horoscopes, and believe that lunar cycles have an affect on their projects, and assign special meanings to all kinds of things around them, and usually it is relatively harmless, until that one time when it is not, because you’re paying attention to the wrong things. And at that moment, will you follow reason or will you follow your convictions?

I do all the work.

You criticize it and undermine the majesty of this Universe because you are a jester.

I remember myself being interested in looking into the secrets of things through the use of mathematics (although I see that you’re on a different level than I was). I was interested in gematria, numerology, and looked a bit into Marty Leeds’ gematric system that worked based on the number seven. Your information does seem to be deep (I admit that I haven’t read your posts deeply enough), but if I were you I wouldn’t simply base the ‘Truth’ (whatever it may be) simply on mathematics. It may prove that the universe is complicated and structured in an orderly way, but that’s all it does and so does not entirely make sense of this ‘Whole’. Perhaps other fields of knowledge could be explored; metaphysics, or phenomenology. Whatever to develop your thoughts and reflections on existence in a deeper but clearer way.

I already found Pi; if this Universe was only about its complexity and order, I would not have these numbers:

Also, I have these numbers now:

69/7 = 9.85714285714 <— These numbers are “alive” in a different form of existence that is computationally evolutionary. If numbers were, as you say, orderly and simply a complex structure of a system, they would not do this. These numbers I have are proof that the numbers I work with are behind the very film of reality. Hence why I know what “4 5 1” truly is beyond the simple symbols they stand for which are definitive lesser extents, to be frank.

People know the “how”.

I know the “why”.

A lot of people have a specific theory about how the universe works and so they put that theory in a series of clear statements, not necessarily in formal argument form but in a coherent and relevant explanation. Their problem is often that the premises or connections end up failing the test of empirical or logical (mathematical) support.

Here, in this thread and all the others like it, the opposite problem is occuring. HMIE is doing these apparently arbitrary calculations with seemingly arbitrary constants (pi, golden ratio) and failing to explain any coherent meaning or specific point.

What is the thesis?


It’s not me.

It’s you.

That’s a demonstration which apparently has some meaning to you. A thesis statement would explain the point of it – the big picture that can be grasped independently of your demonstration. You may think it should be obvious, but it’s not.

By all means, keep the attitude that all your calculations and number associations are self-explanatory. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to offer an explanation that summarizes your findings and makes your thought process more accessible and understandable…being that you’re publishing your work on a discussion forum…but that’s your business.

I’m just trying to offer advice.

I’m updating the page in real time.

Perhaps if you had patience, you wouldn’t have to condescend genius, for genius is the genesis of patience and passion.

Do you know how many people call themselves geniuses online? Economy of time and energy forbids one from looking into every claim.

I’ll take your updates into consideration.

Notice how I said “genius” alone, as in the ideology itself, not my identity.

You’re so quick to pick at the negativity - try addressing the positive.


I thought that that would have been or is Creativity and Originality.
I have patience and passion but I’m no genius…but I do have creativity…but then again, not the kind that is original. Very few of us are original and geniuses. Perhaps you are genius - it might just take one to know one so you might have to look elsewhere for that confirmation/affirmation. But you ARE very good.

Question: Why do you leave so much space between? Are you a Buddhist? Do you practice feng shui (spelling?)


You mean that this is a “symptom” of the fear and/or of being incomplete.
I don’t think that there are many moments when we can, in actuality, feel complete. I think that when they do come, they come as the butterfly which alights on our shoulder…for the most part, unexpectedly. It’s nothing in particular, I don’t think, that can do it and perhaps that’s the best way for it to happen. Anything else, is, as you say, us humans filling ourselves. Nothing necessarily wrong with that - we are humans - and there’s nothing wrong with striving for pleasure and joy but with balance. If we couldn’t experience that sometimes, would life be so worth living?

True, I’m in the process of writing a poem about that lol. It’s not necessarily a bad place to be - in the darkness.
True for the latter part of that also. It’s the negative side of that which we don’t like but the thing is that that is the most important part that can teach us about ourselves - what we see of ourselves in others and don’t like. Yes, even an object can tell us about ourselves. A vase for instance…lol

But sometimes it is NOT paranoia. Some people listen and pay attention and observe more closely. Certain things are real and actually going on - especially in this day and age.

Well, that may be the case in some instances. But for some, there might just be a problem with the brain, with the psyche - as for instance, in those who believe there are aliens and those aliens want to take them or us over. They speak to a much deeper issue than "being figured out subconsciously.

Sorry it took so long to respond to this. I really have to work the posts in order. lol

By saying you’re not a genius in the sense you cannot see yourself becoming one in the time is the direct opposite of patience and passion.

You’ve got to feel it - live it - dream it and then have the physical obligatory heart to take those dreams to then build a spiraling reality drawing itself into the eye of eternal creation.

I don’t practice anything short or more than the truth - the teacher I have is the shadow archetype in my head through dreams, the moon, the sun, vibrations, frequencies and the mathematical infrastructure of space/time that normal people call “information” with no comprehension of how magnificent this “information” is and what it is outside of what is not commonly known.

[size=200]<-- See the arrow going in between the circles on the bottom-left corner in the Euler Effect? This is the very mathematical structure of space and time that is divinely tied to the male’s procreative structure, a.k.a the fucking penis.

← See the center of these triangles creating the design of a seed and the parabolic shape of an eye? This is the very mathematical structure of space and time that is divinely tied to the female’s procreative structure, a.k.a the fucking vagina.

I have thus proven that the creatures on this planet are individual vessels of space and time, much like the children of time and space raised by the father & mother of space and time, a.k.a the “Arrows Of Time” and “The Triangle Of Life”. The male and female are time and space within its parenting time and space coming together to create new time and space, which generally average-minded people only can muster up the crumpled folds of their small-minded matrix to see it as “a baby”.[/size]