I hate everything, why?

This reminds me of something I read by Albert Camus that essentially said too many people mistake a meaning for life with reason to live. The two are not, and should not, be synonymous.

Value is perspectival in nature; a product of culture, context, and subjectivity. Looking for meaning or purpose must take a second seat to your reasons for living – your reasons for living are your reasons to ponder the meaning of your life.

You probably hate everything for the same reason I do – I have my reasons to live, but don’t think there is any grand meaning or purpose to it. Camus called it “absurd” that we struggle through lives that we know have no worth outside of what we designate for ourselves. I think he was right on the mark.

Totally. I’m a mystical post-surrealist, by the way. For me, the world is too strange not to be otherwise. :sunglasses:

Absolutement, cherie, with a cigarette holder and a beret.

Make videos on everyting you hate. Hate is a awesome force… Tony Sopranos shrink told him that ‘depression is rage turned inward’.
Im not sure if its possible to hate everything and have no values… when you hate something you value it, intensely negatively. Different from nihilism, from having no (conscious!) values at all.

Melfi: ‘You’re in pain…’
Tony: ‘Pain is getting stabbed in the ribs. This… is nothing.’

Or do you hate the nothingness?
Everyone is right, value emerges in the self. Read Sauwelios’ posts to dance the summits solipsism.

If you ask me, it’s caused by living in America/UK, etc. The society is deeply sick (inferiority complex, paranoia, neuroticism) and so anyone who lives in such a sick environment is bound to become very psychologically ill themselves. All the personality disorder spectrum illnesses and even Autism are simply caused by living in the US, etc. This is not to say that moving to Brazil is any better, and it’s too late to revert to primitivism, just letting you know: the problem is not you, the reason for your particular symptoms as described in the OP are the normal reaction to modern North American/Anglo culture.



Mind you those mountain tops can be scary and rarefied places - but if you are up to it!

Btw Joquil - is that Jack lemon in the beret

  • pas de chance!!


think about this when some guy is putting a gun between your eyes … if you felt like there’s something you still wanna do before dying , go and do it , if not , let him kill u …

no offence ! just not knowing how to get to the idea ! :-k

youth and self indulgence

what drugs have you taken and what kind and how much sex.

this looks like a lively post. I’m laughing .

yourself, eh?

inquiring minds what to know.

get out of here you. you couldn’t get laid in a prison with handful of pardons.

Mais non, cherie. Existential beatnik artistes have that special air of sang froid. (jennyhaniver.com/?cat=14)

But we also need an apache dance, and of course a tango a la Borges, with a nice visit from Tristan Tzara, n’est pas?



Borges wrote a story called “Man on Pink Corner,” which centers on the tango and the knife fighting culture in the barrios of turn of the century Argentina. The tango is basically an expression of the ritual knife fight.

And here our friend of Dada gives us Hannah Hoch, Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, 1919

Visionnement heureux, mon cherie.

jonquille of the babelfishes :sunglasses:

Merci pour tout Jonquil - an impressive range of modernist coolness…

“Yourself” will be well kited out for his(?) dark voyage to the the soulless heart of bleak suburban despair! :banana-dance:


Yes, the angsty one should not embark on his voyage with an empty kit. His ship would end up beached on the soulless suburban desert of existential despair without a glimmer of a Montmartre oasis. He might find himself left only to read that quintessential novel, Living and Loving in the Existential Vacuum by Id E. Ott, only to find himself transported to the advice column pages of the Podunk Times or babelfish experts at ILP. Quel horreur!


it just occurred to me that your life must have at least some value or you could not be asking Why.

You are a seeker looking for an answer. Does it even matter so much that those questions be answered. Sure, but at some point, those answers will be changed to other answers. Sometimes the value and the treasure is in the seeking itself, within the journey.

So your journey, your seeking, is in ‘not knowing’ and that can be a wonderful place to be - look at what you have to look forward to? Discovery. So don’t just take any answer that comes to you, from yourself, from others, including myself. :laughing:

Just continue to flow within those waters of yours and some of us may join you in the swim and begin to ask ourselves the question of why? I have always felt that the answers lie more within the question than in any answer we could manufacture.

Maybe sort of like an artist, a sculptor, already intuitively as if behind some kind of veiled knowing sees his creation in a block of marble before he even begins to grace it, to form it, with his own hands.

Welcome to Nihilism.

I spent a good 6-7 years in those strange, absurd lands before the burden became to much to bare and I was simply destroyed. It was the most compassionate thing that ever happened to me, that divine annihilation.

You will never find meaning or value with your rational mind. The rational mind has been trained for thousands of years to find value in a teleology, and now that teleology is dead, it seems to the rational mind that everything is dead. Get out of your mind and into your body. That is where value lies. That is where love and spirit and divine oneness occur; in the body that dwells in the moment.

However, you may not be at the point yet where you are ready to stop assigning value to your rational mind, so if that is the case, than as someone else said earlier, go deeper into your existentialism. Embrace the insanity. Dance and sing and laugh and masturbate to the valuelessness of existence. Engage with gusto into your darkest and strangest fantasies. Make the world your playground. Go on a mission to destroy everything your mind has been taught to believe to be true and real, including the belief that live is valueless, which is itself an assigned value that you have given it.

You say you have no fear? Be honest with yourself, would you run outside naked balking like a chicken with fearlessness?

Start playing and experimenting with life and reality. Make the world your playground and laboratory.

Or, don’t listen to me at all. Either way or, it doesn’t matter does it?

Have you listened to NIN’s Only? Probably wouldn’t help you much… but it’s interesting.


I have been there, so pretty much you want an answer to the meaning of life?

I have thought long and hard about this question, but I did finally found a satisfactory answer. First lets look at the definition of meaning and purpose. Meaning is a sign between two things that represents intent. Purpose would mean that there is a goal or aim. So in order for life to have meaning we just need to look at the point of it’s creation. If you consider that our creation was a possible eventuality of this universe than there would be no relationship that could represent meaning. since meaning would require a relationship that signifies intent between life and something else. Intent can not be granted by unconscious objects. In order to have value, meaning, and purpose, you would need perspective, something that can only be seen with a conscious. If we did have a creator, then that creator could potentially provide us with a meaning or purpose. So if you believe in a creator than the creator’s intention would be the answer to the meaning of life. however for those who are not quite so sure, does that mean that we can’t have an answer to that question? absolutely not, let me explain why.

Existence can have no meaning without perspective, but in order for perspective to exist, you need conscious life. So existence needs to create life without meaning as the only solution. It’s not that life can’t exist without meaning, it is that at some point, that is existences only option. When you think that here, in the existence of the universe around us, meaning, value, and purpose did not exist before we did. You realize that we are the creators of those terms. Our natural curiosity and the way our brain has evolved to attempt to understand the world have added meaning and purpose to everything. We now view them as essentials in every aspect of our universe. That is why the question ‘What is the meaning of life’ sounds so mind boggling. an essential which we apply to everything does not apply to us. But we are the creator’s of these terms and we do not add any sort of prejudice to what we add meaning, value, and purpose to. (that’s not entirely true, but we make few exceptions) Yet, for some reason, we find it hard to give ourselves meaning, purpose, and/or value. Now, I believe that it is hard to find a satisfactory answer, but I believe it to be very possible.

So in this case, the meaning of life would be what ever you want it to be. And of course your not adding an answer to the question as a whole, but just applying it to yourself. There isn’t an answer that can apply to all life because, if we really were created by chance then we wouldn’t have a meaning. We have to give ourselves meaning, if we don’t then we really could not have one. As long as you are satisfied with your answer than you can move on and stop pondering. Don’t think the answer is cheap because you came up with it, think that you are the only one capable of doing it.

For example ‘The meaning of life’ for me would be to preserve, maintain, and live to the fullest of life’s capabilities. (‘fullest’ also being defined by the individual) Because I believe it’s worth doing so. The worth comes from my value of the will I believe I have, it’s importance, and the beauty that I see in life. Without these things, then I don’t even see a purpose to the existance of the universe. Rather than think that life has no meaning, I think that existence as a whole would have no meaning without life.

One last thing is, (you don’t really have to read this part) I was thinking about why this question is so infamous and why it brought so much depression. The purpose of a waterbottle is to provide me with water or a beverage. the purpose of the keyboard that i’m writing with is to express myself. We use the things we give meaning to. There are reasons that meaning, value, and purpose exist. the only thing is that in order for meaning and purpose to work, the things they serve also have to have meaning. So in order for the waterbottle to have purpose and meaning I too need purpose and/or meaning. So anything we give purpose and meaning to, unless we also have it, the purpose or meaning become meaningless. So unless we have meaning or purpose, we can’t give meaning or purpose. (this only applies to sentient beings) So if one is pondering about the meaning of themselves, if they find that they have no meaning, then everything else loses meaning as well. So you can see how this idea can depress someone, or in your case, cause a hatred towards all things. So rather than realize that they need to come up with a meaning for themselves, they consider that they just need to think back to what could possibly have given them purpose and/or meaning. So they think back, their parents? nope, not even going there. Lets go back further, mankind? well we did evolve from monkeys…but they didn’t give me purpose. Because you can link all of life here on Earth to eachother without meaning, we do. And then we find a problem, meaning can’t be applied to something that doesn’t exists. So once we reach the point at which all life was created, we can’t possibly go back any further to find our meaning. That’s when the question becomes, “What is the meaning of life?” Trying to find an all encompassing answer that doesn’t exist is what creates this unfathomable question. And it’s a question which if not answered can be depressing. That is as far as I will go, although it makes you think that when we created meaning in things, it created a need to give ourselves a meaning. (This of course only applies to sentient beings, since anything that can’t recognize it’s self would have no reason to give it self meaning.) I wonder if this need is what created god’s in the first place. Haha, religion has a ton of reasons for it’s existance, can’t pin it to just one thing.