I know everything [that is interesting, not stupid crap]

im so bored. somebody ask me something so that i may bestow upon you a faint glimpse of my unimaginable wisdom. smartasses like imp, go ahead and ask something that i cant possibly answer, and ill still answer it!

i see the title of this post’s been altered…

my first question: why’s that?

my second question: does the theory of mutipul universe point to a creator?

my third question: are you a virgin?

  1. the title sounded a little condescending

  2. nothing really points to evidence of a creator except for the fact that we exist and we cant possibly understand why. i dont really see what one has to do with the other

  3. no

i have some for you.

  1. does the theory of mutipul universe point to a creator?

  2. what inspired the virgin question?

1 50.50, i need to look more into it, that’s why i asked you in the first place

2 i don’t know, somekind of a intuion i suppose

well, here are some questions:

  1. Why is the sky blue?
  2. What is a number?
  3. Why does a dog bark?

and for the last:

  1. Why are houses outside?
  1. because of the wind
  2. 47 is a number
  3. because he wants to be a tree
  4. because building them underground costs too much


  1. if you intended that as the scientific explanation, you are wrong.
  2. i asket what is a number, not what is 47 or whether 47 is a number or not. knowing that 47 is a number does not enable me to recognize another number, a thing that a definition should enable me.
  3. although i cannot judge the value of truth of your assertion, i can see that it lacks the explanation connecting it to the fact the the dogs bark.
  4. inside/outside is a distinction that has nothing to do with underground/overground.
  1. the wind blew
  2. you asked what is “a” number… 47 is “a” number… if you want a certain answer, ask a certain question…
  3. woof woof
  4. and the windows don’t work as well underground…

(it loses a lot when you have to explain jokes…)


  1. it wouldn’t matter if the wind blows if houses were build inside.
  2. no, 47 is w number. wrong again
  3. i can see your leaves
  4. yes, but it would be so much easier to take the tube.
  1. very good! lol
  2. ok
  3. yes :slight_smile:
  4. probably… but transistors and integrated circuits have rendered tubes obsolete :smiley:


it is difficult to explain to people why a device that goes beneath the surface of the earth in round, tubular like tunnels is called transistor. tube just makes more sense to them.

and catching a wave underground isn’t “tubular” at all…



How can anyone overcome willful ignorace?

i feel obligated to shut up your damn jokes and approach these deep philosophical topics with the utmost urgency and professionalism.

  1. i think the air molecules filter out most of the light except for the higher frequency ones, the blue ones. when the sun is low in the sky, i think the red ones, the low frequency ones have been bounced around and instead of going mostly straight from the sun to your eye, they hit the sky somewhere far away and change direction completely before hitting your eye. blue has high energy, red is low, so blue ones go straight through the sky, red ones bounce around and end up not going straight at all.

  2. a symbol used to describe quantity. whole segments of matter are arbitarily designated as separate, and in order to ascribe a number to a group of separate segments, you take one step forward in the number sequence per segment.

  3. to communicate. ‘im lonely’, ‘ill kill you’, ‘that thing moved! ill kill it!’

  4. because im not quite done raising the funds to enclose the entire earth in a gigantic golden house. mostly people dont see the point of building houses inside, but thats because they are wrong.

xander- same way anybody ever learns anything. if they see the good consequences of not being ignorant, and they desire those consequences, they will do what is neccesary to acheive their desires. usually, willfull ignorance provides more desirable tangible results than thinking your ass off instead of laughing. especially if your the kind of person who has a hard time thinking.


1.Where does the white go when the snow melts?

2.If you walk into a cabin while its dark with a box of matches and theres a fireplace, a candle, a woodstove, and a latern which do you light first?

3.Whats the meaning of existance?

4.Whats your favorite color?

5.Do you like cake(the food not the band)?

nice questions meegschamber, i feel like answering them, but its futureman’s time in the sun…

  1. snow has the property of reflecting a lot of light. the snowflake crystals are not simply solidified water molecules, they are an entirely different shape of matter, even though the molecules are the same. water doesnt reflect light, snow does. so the white basically just goes through the snow when it melts. or actually, the photons that appeared white that you saw up unti lthe snow melted, they shoot through your head and go far away.

  2. id say the candle is really the only one you could easily light without seeing it

  3. it could be to resist all corporeal urges such as having sex or eating certain delicious yet meta-dirty foods or showing your face in public as some people would have you believe. personally, i think god created the universe in order harvest the metaphysical byproduct created by selfless actions. if god does miracles in the form of ostensibly random events, this would be the universe that he has shaped, one that requires some people to do selfless acts. i dont believe he wants us all to get into the nice guy club in the sky, at least not after only one life. the reason why he harvests the metaphysical byproduct of selfless actions? cant really say, the only naive theory i could come up with about this is that all souls are part of a collective that needs all souls to work harmoniously, selflessly. something about souls learning to be selfless on earth allows them to exist harmoniously in meta-land as the omnisoul.

  4. changes a lot. today im gonna say dark blue

  5. usually no. i mean of course there are high quality cakes that you cant help but like, but usually the frosting is too sugary and it tastes weird.

Ha, question 2 was a trick! You light a match first, otherwise you can’t see or light anything else in the cabin! I’d say you didn’t know everything, but you said you like dark blue so that’s good enough for me. I like ice-cream cake from Dairy Queen.

Great responses, most of them are hilarious… however…

  1. Why do stupid people, who usually tend to not make sense or otherwise make fools of themselves, come to this site and waste time humiliating themselves in the presence of superior intellects?

  2. Why do Xtians need Jesus?

  3. Who was the first philosopher?

  4. If a non-Xtian is elected as President of the United States, a member of a Xtian denomination is likely to attempt an assasination. Which denomination do you think that person will come from?

  5. Which corporate brand name makes the best nationally distributed ice cream?

  6. Why are religious texts so vague and open for interpretation?