they want to learn. and we made them sad or they did too much drugs and dont understand reality.
because the man behind the curtain- er uh god himself said that they do. the man behind the curtain needs jesus because without the magical sacrifice of god incarnate, there is no reason to believe in the rituals. if you dont believe in the rituals, theres no reason to go to the magnificent building every week. if you dont go to the building, and you receive no services from the magical god men, you have no reason to give them money. christianity needs jesus because jerks need money.
the guy who said that rocks can be used for killing. “just because its new doesnt mean its evil” he said. the religious conservatives said “no way. god put rocks here so that they could… uh you know whatever they do. humans can never tamper with nature ever no matter what!! uh unless of course youre talking about something that has already been tampered with as of me saying this. but besides that!!!”
definetely the same christians who blow up abortion clinics. i really hope that some day, i overhear a tiny pathedic man have a conversation about how he supports abortion bombers and hates muslims. i will sucker punch him so hard and it will feel so sadistically good.
because if they were reduced to their basic parts, the message would be so simple that everybody would realize that they totally do not need some magical jesus-power-man to tell them to treat their neighbor like themself. and also, it helps to be misinterpreted in more complicated ways in order to squeeze every penny out of the pissants.
[contented edited by ILP]
This thread proves we don’t give a damn what we argue about so long as we’re argueing!
yeah more or less i assume. i dont know how they made that pixelated look, but im sure that they did.
our tethered minds are only capable of interpreting one of the three or four colors they really wore
phaedrus- exactly. come up with something pointless to argue about, or some facet of science or history. absolutely any question at all. i am google.
Please, FM, tell me in your own words how the deployment of an airbag happen during an accident–I will feel safer.
How does an airbag get enough time to cushion the driver/passenger after the initial impact when the collision, that sends impact to where the airbag is, and the driver being thrown forward all seem to happen at the same time?
It will be helpful if you could tell me the measure in seconds (or better, Planck time, hehe) the occurence of these events.
Why is life boring when you know everything? Can you now add anything to the pool of our collective knowledge or are you just a sponge to adsorb other peoples’ thinking?
Are you sure that you really know everything and nothing just thinking that you know everything? Ignorance is the first step to learning. If you know everything my friend you’ve lost your philosophical ability.
Teach me the one piece of knowledge that you hold highest?
What do you want for your future? or others?
[p.s. it was me that edited the title some what]
some chemical reactions cause rapid gaseous expansion. poisonous chemicals inside the bag forcefully explode into your face so fast you cant even see the bag in motion. in some models, the gases seep out and kill/burn/damage you.
lets say the time it takes for your face to smash an unairbagged steering wheel in an accident involving a thirty mile an hour speed change is x seconds.
the time it takes for the bag to expand is exactly precisely y seconds.
who changed my title?!?
Thanks for the reply.
So, should I always feel safer with an airbag?
pirates don’t use airbags…
No. They don’t. They use eyepatch.
1a. Why is life boring when you know everything?
because learning is fun! and change and dynamic response to external stimuli is the opposite of boring. if you know everything, then your responses arent dynamic, they have already been decided upon since the last time you were faced with the situation and figured out the exact appropriate action. once you know all, you are merely repeating your previous decisions, and making new decisions is whats interesting
1b. Can you now add anything to the pool of our collective knowledge or are you just a sponge to adsorb other peoples’ thinking?
both. if i add something new to your considerable knowledge, it would simply be a big coincidence. i would have simply combined our common simple and obvious knowledge in a way that you havent tried yet. if i had simply suggested how to come about the knowledge i have and let you figure it out yourself, anybody could. the only thing that makes me a better person to ask questions is that ive had the free time and impressive long term memory to use more of those common experiences faster when trying to recombine them in “new” ways.
Are you sure that you really know everything and nothing just thinking that you know everything?
i suppose its possible. i would say that any question i cant think of an answer to, it is only that way because there is some obscure fact out there that i havent stumbled upon. buried in books are words that i dont know the definition of. but i felt it was a safe bet that any question asked in mundane babble would be a little less deep than those that require terms like “diatronic pancensianism” -
Teach me the one piece of knowledge that you hold highest?
video games are on the C: drive -
What do you want for your future? or others?
average world happiness as high and equal as possible. its clearly neccesary to have an underclass. in order for them to be as happy as the upper class, they must know for sure that they are where they belong. all underclasses in history have never known this and therefore were much less happy than they could have been. if i were genetically engineered to be stupid and i laughed as much as the stupid people i know today, and did not have any of the stress inducing, laugh destroying problems they face, i would be very happy. i cant imagine why i wouldnt be. genetic castes and soma are the only way to true equal happiness as long as humans cant all be equal with equal jobs. or maybe robots can do all our work and we wont have to worry about it.
for the record i dont feel ive done anything impressive with my brain in this thread that anybody else here would have had the slightest problem doing. its just that i have time that needs wasting. and this is a fun way to do it.
If you can dominate the internal world of knowledge & self knowing you should then be able to use that to bend the extra world to your will. Are you going to reshape the world, now that you know everything? Or does your knowledge of the extra world believe all is futile? Does knowledge bring with it responsibility? And why is that?
So you prefer games of chance? Through the dice and see what comes? So for you all interaction is predestined?
A game of chance or skill? If that’s the greatest knowledge you hold you must be a Taoist monk.
Does Darwin not say that equality is in essence a stalemate? When a species becomes equal they cess to progress as development has stopped. Is that what you hope for? As if you know everything you are the first arrive there. You have an advantage over others, will you use that for more then typing on this mundane board or is, ‘just that I have time that needs wasting’ the only fruit to come from your omniscient? That could explain why if there is a god he wrote the bible, and talks a lot of crap to mad people.
So will you now write a book on epistemology?
i dont know know exactly how to change the world, but every decision i make will hopefully be aimed at doing that. i feel like every single intelligent person is in debt to the person who gave us that brain, god. i mean if you believe in god, and you were given gifts, and you use those gifts to take advantage of people who dont have the gifts, i really want to murder you.
i dont see how its possible for lucky people like myself to not feel like they should try as hard as they can to share their gifts simply because they can. whether or not you believe in god, average world happiness depends on the motives of those people who have been bestowed with the power to change it. if average world happiness isnt your goal, you need psychological help. (if you feel you and your families happiness must be complete before you work on others, thats different and i agree.)
i dont follow. i hate games of chance, simply because my game playing skills rule all of my peers and chance takes that away from me. poker enrages me because i will be dealt crappy hands and lying is one of the few things i dont do well.
id like to play a game where youre given a logic problem and you have to solve it as fast as possible and ring the buzzer. if i had a random logic problem generator and an extremely smart couple of friends, id be pretty occupied pretty often.
definetely skill. i actually prefer the hand-eye coordination games to the strategy ones, if i had to guess, id say my short term memory is the reason why anybody can beat me at chess.
well obviously in society today we need an underclass, but i see no reason why their happiness needs to be so very much lower.
im actually at work and theres no work to be done.
id say the only real fruit of my knowledge that i care to keep would be my ability to have a conversation about anything, no matter how little i know about it. it helps to be able to raise my hand in english class and get an A in participation when i dont read the work before hand, and i dont even bother to read it in class. i can just listen to what she and other people say and figure out exactly what she wants to hear.
pax, whats an example of a valuable piece of knowledge?
the goal in life is happiness. if i had a piece of knowledge that allowed to me to make more people other than myself happy more happy than i can make myself, that would trump the location of my video games. but as it is, the one piece of knowledge that creates the most happiness in my life is how to start the games, or also porn, or friends phone numbers.
if happiness isnt the ultimate goal of knowledge, or anything at all, what is the ultimate goal?
and i think i might be able to write a book on epistemology, but i dont think it would accomplish anything. i took a class on it and i was sorely dissapointed. i mean i thought about things that i probably wouldnt have otherwise, and i amazingly earned a tad more self esteem by discovering the inductive fallacy all by myself on the first day of class, but theres nothing really to discover. theres nothing gained by thinking about your thoughts, or knowing that they all boil down to an unbeatable uncertainty. the only thing id gain by writing an epistemology book is a more credible foundation to stand upon as i look down on the peons. but i dont really want any more of that.
Well if you hate games of chance then life is a funny game to be playing. Do your abilities come from your own willing or did then come about by chance? Is genetics what created your mind that’s so full of knowledge you become bored living within the confines of an existence that’s now full of boundaries. These are boundaries that can only be seen by a mind that has expanded too there limits.
Some would say happiness is nothing more then a state of mind, our own outlook on existence so to speak. That’s the underlining goals of some religions, coming to terms with the fact that no matter how much we would like things to be different they’re going too remain the same. To paraphrase Nietzsche; All is born from the struggle to dominate, or to appropriate that which we can’t dominate. Meaning those that we can’t beat we make our allies. A happy man has made life is ally, it doesn’t matter about his lifestyle just that he has come to terms with it and no longer sees it as the enemy. That’s the root of happiness, while desire is the root of discontentment.
The thing worth saying most, is never what one wants to hear. If you use words only to please people you’ll have many friends. But you’ll never challenge them to become more then they are, nor ever push yourself beyond what people expect you to be.
What do you value? I know what knowledge I value, but I have different goals and apply myself in ways that are ultimately self-severing. I came to the conclusion that if I want to have an easy life I need to somewhat generous with things I don’t value as much as another person, so I swap them. Most people are trustworthy, as not to be is a perilous game of chance. If you can be trusted people will be more open to helping you and so long as everybody gets a piece of the pie all are happy. You just have to make sure you’re sharing it with people that all want different parts of the prize. It’s like a pack of wolfs hunting, all want the pray but everybody knows what part they’ll be eating once it’s killed. Nature has already dictated who are the strong and who are the weak.
Some say what inflects the most pain becomes the meaning of our life. Some want happiness others just to gorge off the banquet knowledge, while most just want to feel loved. Another way of stating that question is; ‘What makes use need an ultimate goal?’ We limit our view of the world to cause and effect, if I exist there must have been a cause and shouldn’t all causes have a reason? It might be said that we evolved by solving problems that our confined existence posed at one stage or another. Our knowledge was both expanded and limited by these tools that developed as we gathered much from our trial and error approach to enlightenment. Those that made mistakes died for them, literally or figuratively speaking. We are the children of those that dominated the world successfully enough to reproduce. For Darwin that’s enough in terms of survival of the fittest. But knowledge came not from insight but fortune, how many discovers are products of happy chance? Too many! If you want to believe we have some intellectual control over our own development.
The Oracle of Delphi is turning in her grave! Alas, “Know thyself†is impossible with that attitude. Yes there’s always scepticism, such is the nature of searching for the truth. If we don’t question what we hold to be true then truth has no value to us. Or we just use the word to mean what we want to here and not be willing to question those things we believe as facts. When people look to epistemology for transcendental truth they’re looking in the wrong place. If you want something to be transcendental go find yourself a dogmatic religion. If you want to learn about the only type of knowledge we can experience then epistemology can bring solace. It can never answer any of the ultimate questions, as they are unanswerable. What if absolute truth was a lie! What if there’s no big one, only lots of little small ones that meaning nothing and are mostly unrelated. Why do we believe that there must be a bigger truth, is it because we’re deceived by all the small and inconsequential truths? Is the hope for “The Truth†not the lie, as this would be the type of paradoxical humour the world likes to use and something we buy into because it makes our life simpler???..Though the small ones will enlighten on more matter of fact subjects and can even add some wisdom to our intellect when practised with patience. But you already know this.
well im pretty sure it started with genetics simply giving me an incredible long term memory. once i knew that i learned faster than anybody and remembered more than anybody, i started to try and make sure i used it to do… something. i read all about the big physics of the universe, genetics and random pointless stuff. so i guess i kind of learned of my own volition but i certainly wouldnt have if it werent for the gift from god that motivated me.
absolutely, i agree with epicurus, “in order to make pythocles wealthy, do not give him more money, reduce his desires”
but thats easy for us to say. i just got done talking about this with a dude who had all the wrong peer pressure, friends in jail, a long juvenile record, debts, poor parents who dont fund anything, hateful indifferent dad, and hes just in high school. hes much better off than most who i would characterize as unfortunate.
you could say that poor people are genetically inferior and predetermined to be quasi-criminals like this kid, and his parents are the same way and therefore neglected his inferior ass. or you could say that something about the state of being poor causes all or most of it to happen. it sure seems like its the latter upon talking to any of them.
it is when they grade you for participation and nobody else raises their hand! and teachers want to laugh too, that coupled with any kind of one to one conversation is how you get them to overlook bad grades.
if each of the wolves knew for sure that they were gentically determined to enjoy their slice more than anybody elses, and they knew for sure they would receive their slice and only theirs, nobody would fight or be jealous or doing anything bad ever, at all, no matter what.
if theres one piece of knowledge im most glad i didnt miss out on, its the philosophy of A Brave New World. somebody please tell me what exactly is the problem with such a society? what did aldous even write about being the problem? the failure of creativity? let the alphas be creative! and make sure the gammas have a creativity expressing form of recreation. it cant be too hard.
i think thats because theyre wrong. could you elaborate? maybe battling against the source of pain is the greatest pleasure for a poor person faced with immense potential pain. i have no such worries, i have no such pains to avoid except the lack of girls. i suppose i do greatly enjoy thwarting their attempt to notice how much i want to grab and screw them.
i feel like ive achieved an emotional equilibrium. i dont have girls often, and i dont really care, my hand works fine and i find ways to waste my time. but i do still have the ups and downs that wouldnt be present if i had that impossibly compatible, nonconflicting girlfriend. it seems like thats the goal, to never feel pain and still feel happiness anyway. the only pain youd feel in that perfect situation would be boredom, and the only triumph over it would be finding something new to do.
the thing that will create the greatest world happiness imaginable: short term memory erasers.
if we were just animals, it seems like stroking genitalia, scratching poison ivy, doing coke, they shoudl just say “AFFIRMATIVE”, they shouldnt feel good. i mean being happy and stimulating happy nerves while happy, if our laws of physics following bodies have evolved to “want” to do those instinctual things, it doesnt seem like it should feel good. it should just be some strange uncontrollable subconscious urge.
you see what im saying? when things feel good, neodarwinists would say thats just because our laws-of-physics-following bodies have evolved the ability to subconsciously create the behaviors that lead to more reproduction. but it seem like having sex should be controlled by my hippocampus(?) ie it should be like breathing and heart beating. it should just happen and ill be like “what the- oh right my random genetic evolutionary changes have created a section of my brain that causes me to subconsciously do things without trying.”
but its not, it “FEELS “GOOD””. so there is your one objective thing that is undescribably good. you dont have to solve the problem of inductive reasoning to know that this particular feeling is undeniably, unquestionably, beyond all doubt TRULY “good”
so, if youve decided to do something with your life, what else could you ever possibly consider aiming for? if it doesnt make happiness somewhere down the line, what reason could you possibly have for doing anything ever? im just streaming my drunken consciousness here, whats anybody think?
excellent paragraph, i completely agree. i think my problem with epistemology was that i had been there and done that, without using any words or books. those things tried to force me to put labels on what i already knew without them and thanks to the large number of meanings for each word used by all people, books are crap at defining whats already in my mind.
Who started it?
Why do we all blame a “God”?
How does someone want to have sex with you?
I’m sorry about that last one. It had to be said. Forgive me.
we have to blame god because i define god as ‘the thing that made this universe and knows its purpose’
you could blame physics instead, but id rather be able to know than not be able to know. if we say physics made everything, then we can never know everything. the fact that we use the motion of photons to see the world means that we can never see the essential nature of a photon, or what happened before all photons were in their intial big bang state.
if you say theres a god, then youll know all about photons when you die. and if it turns out you just die forever, you wont care. so why care about The Lord Truth now? why blame physics?
that last one, do you mean ‘whats going through the heads of people who decide to have sex with someone’ or ‘how could anybody want to have sex with future man’? if the former, i can only describe why i want to have sex with people, girls are crazy. and if the latter, id like to know exactly what you mean.
It was just to poke some fun at you. I betray my own gender by saying this but yes all girls are crazy, including me.
Here is another;
How is it that males think that they are so superior to females?
when you make decisions based on emotion, you are inefficient. when guys get in fights, they have the same problem as a girl who cries uncontrollably. overcoming those things is a good first step towards perfection, and guys more often achieve this emotional control.
thats the only problem that i see with girls, and i wouldnt fully judge them based on hormones that are out of their control. nor would i even say that their lives are worse because of it. id just tell them that they are less efficient than the average guy.