I like a gay guy

any suggestions on how I can seduce him? haha :astonished:

Get a penis.

(I’m going to treat this like a serious inquiry. If it wasn’t / I apologize ).

I don’t advise seducing him. Even if you were to succeed, it is doubtful anything would come of it. Now if all you want is to have the experience of having him ‘in bed’ then by all means …though if you are good friends with him now that will probably make your friendship …strange. It will no doubt change it in some way.

No matter how we argue that “Gayness” is innate, is learned, is genetic, is not genetic, etc. - the point remains that if he is truly Gay, and has his preferences, you’d have about as much success seducing him as you would another heterosexual woman who wasn’t interested in other women ;O It just isn’t the same really.

:astonished: :confused: Seducing a homosexual? Uh yea, all of the above and tell him about your feelings, be honest, heck who knows he might be curious about you or females too. He might just never have risked being with one of us. I doubt that you will lose his friendship. He will probably be flattered just like anyone else is when someone finds them attractive.


. . . lots of it, and dress skankly, and have fun.

I have seen many of my friends who consider themselves completely gay become fasinated with women when alcohol sets in.

gay and straight is usually an identity front, humans are generally sexual period, get alcohol to get rid of the social and subcultural barriers.

(bring rubber, I was a boy scout and was always taught to be prepared . . . cause alcohol and human sexuality is unpredicatable. )

it is serious :frowning: and thnx for answering it that way.
he is not my friend… just an aquitance or however that is spelled.

this 1 of the best answers here I guess…honesty is always good.

I’ll consider it…and tell u the outcome, lol.