I like the introduction idea

Hey I’m Kirke.
a 17 year old boy from California.
I skate and snowboard and dropped out of school a while ago.
Come from a middle class family.
Clinically depressed and conceptually a nihilist.
I’m neither, nothing and everything.
I don’t believe in anything.
Science is as real as religion.
I can argue anything.
I’ve been a philsopher since i could think.
I consider value a house of legos that i punched the f*@k out of and am working on building a castle.

If you met me, you’d never expect anything. I’m chill, i like to party and have a good time. When people talk about religion or philosphy it doesnt anger me and I never say anything. Why destroy something that keeps them sane? No point. I like punk rap and reggae and I’m down to talk about whatever. If you belive in something that you think is unarguable, I assure you I’ll strip that away.

I’m cool with my contridictions and I hate proper English. I like talking simple because it makes life simpler. To me, the creation of bigger words and better vocabulary only increases the need to use them to satisfy happiness.

Get to know me,
hit me up on myspace if y’all want
but just ask me for it

welcome to the boards



Stay off the west side… :angry:


Just an old cartoon refrence…

Some friendly sarcasm…


naa i’m just messin with ya, welcome again…

Dude I dropped out of school when I was 17 as well. And I’ve never lost an argument either.
And I’ve been refusing treatment for supposed “mental illnesses” for more than half my life. I used to put pills in my mouth and spit them out after the grown ups left.
You’re gonna like it here.

Smears, can you post a picture of yourself?

Yeah go to the picture thread. I’ve had a ton of them as my avatars before, but I think this cat flipping people off is funnier, well, more intentionally funny.


I like.

I don’t like.

I hope you beat the system :slight_smile: