I love you all

I love each and every one of you, from the bottom of my heart. Truly.

But if you are an insect, I might love you less.

I don’t get it. And, please define what you mean byv “insect”. :confused:

I hate your indiscriminate and undiscerning love. How can you love me, when you don’t even know me? Do you come as a saint to selflessly love this thoroughly unlovable world? I reject your impersonal love. How can I trust you, who so flatly claim to love us all? Without trust, which is very hard won and is all too easily shattered, how then can you speak of loving me? What is to keep love so quickly given, from likewise immediately departing? How can I be offered love without feeling the ache from each and ever scar I bear upon my battered and worn heart?

I would rather have your respect than your love. That might be given with a bit more care. A careless love may be the cruelest offering that one can ever give.

I disagree. There’s nothing wrong with loving all life in all its forms. Isn’t this one of the ideas that many Eastern religions were founded on?