I’m going to raise your level of consciousness exponentially

I listen to everyone every moment of everyday now.

I’m clairaudient… that’s one of my Buddha powers.

I’m humbled by people everyday, but now I’m something other. I’m humbled now, not by others, but by our condition… and now others are humbled by me. They should just be humbled by our condition.

Also, you know better … I don’t have the same biochemistry as you. And while it is your business in terms of concern, it’s ultimately up to me and my loved ones. And yes, I have a lot of friends, not just psychically but physically from lots of walks of life that I see daily. If that settles you down a bit.

I also want to add… I’m not bragging, but it is sweet justice. I was found innocent of my crimes. My reward was to gain all the powers used against me.

Do you have any fucking clue what you people did to me? It still hurts me to this day to think about it.

Touché, to you…

I think this video is a must-listen… especially in today’s current climes: youtube.com/watch?v=L7u5N2MfTNU it’s only a minute or two long, so short n snappy.

I’ve been told that everyone goes through these thought processes at some point in our lives, so something to think about. :-k

ok good
what do your friends tell you?

also, can you answer my questions?

  1. are you taking your medication?
  2. what if you are wrong?

Hmm… not sure what to make of that video as a teaching tool.

There is a zero sum nature to enjoying our thoughts when others aren’t.

Another important teaching is boundaries. Spiritually, I can fuck anyone that I want through another spirit. This is omnipresence. I refuse it. I’m not depriving myself, I’m setting a boundary.

I can also remote control this entire world, but I don’t, I’m setting a boundary.

At this stage in my life, I just teach.

I also offer a patch to the current plan to make the cosmos sinless …

A.) we never die
B.) I’m not going to answer your question about medication one way or the other because it’s as rude as asking someone if they’re taking aids medications. It’s so rude as to not dignify a response. That’s why I said you should know better.

I don’t think lesser of people on medications, but I already know that you’re just being rude about how people move through this world.

Like I said before, I know a bazillion things about you just for making a post: take your meds

You’re a fucking bitch, and you know it.

i don’t think less of people on meds
on contrary I think more of them
because they’ve had the guts
to acknowledge that they can’t handle it on their own
and to ask for help

also I didn’t ask anything about a specific medication
nor asking you to give me any specifics that you don’t want to share
just that if you’ve had something prescribed to you, whatever it is
you should be taking it
are you? you still haven’t answered

and what you’re showing me right now
is that all your buddha talk is full of shit
you’re not even considering
that i may have an authentic worry for your health and wellbeing
you’re jumping straight to calling me a bitch because you think i’m judging you
is that the conduct of an allegedly enlightened person?
whatever happened to the best part of you reaching out to the best part of me
and all that shit eh
you gonna live it or just talk about it?

Phoneutria …

When your rhetoric is simply: take your meds.

That’s the end of so many discussions.

If you really need to know, I just tapered off gabapentin, which doesn’t interact with alcohol. I did it because I got a side effect of allergic reaction (angioedema). Which almost killed me.

But when you tell people who you disagree with to take their meds, you are way out of line.

For example…

What do you think a medication is going to do for clairaudience…???

None have ever worked for it.

Just just one example.

I should be on some kinda pain meds… because of fibro, but can’t… coz allergic, to all Shit. :smiley:

Have you thought of trying CBD oil or CBD patches?

I’ve thought about it. My biochemistry in general is extremely sensitive to pot extracts. It makes me leery to try any of it.

I have to tell you though, as a long time sufferer of chronic nerve pain ! Wow! Steroids are a miracle drug. The only reason I know this is because I was given IV steroids to save my life and I felt amazing.

Now, I’m not going back to the steroids, because I know all that shit too… but wow!

Steroids are probably the best drug on earth:

I’ve talked to a lot of people who do CBD and again, nobody has the same biochemistry … and when I hear the horror stories, I imagine that will be me!

I’m tired of horror stories.

I guess it’s simply to make a person think, and realise, about certain truths about thoughts, in that such thoughts are normal… it’s our higher sentient being, that keeps them in check.

Empathy? that’s up to you, to be so…

I agree with boundaries being of importance…

Fair enough… eat - sleep - workout - repeat, works well-enough for those that can’t tolerate toxins.

that is not my rhetoric
you misread me
with that in mind
would you read my posts again
and consider answering my questions?


I can’t believe I have to repeat myself here. Your questions are rude as fuck.

I have NO problem with being 100% transparent with you. But I am trying to teach you something. You don’t walk up to strangers and ask them if they’re on hiv meds do you? It’s fucking rude.

When you post “are you taking your meds?” I understand you. You think I’m insane. You think you know what’s best for me.

I understand two things actually:

1.) you care
2.) you don’t understand very much

That’s a dangerous combination.

i don’t think I know what’s best for you
i couldn’t know
and i haven’t claimed to know

but I am questioning
whether you know what’s best for you also

besides your way to discuss is ridiculous
who’s talking about hiv?
get real
i asked for exactly zero
sensitive personal information from you
it is not my purpose to invade your privacy
i’m just checking if you’re being cared for
and checked on
if you’re doing what your doctors tell you
and if you have people who are close to you checking on you regularly
you wanna continue to insult me for showing some care for you
i don’t give a shit
but just know that your whole act about being an enlightened person
becomes the biggest piece of bullshit on the board
i’m taking time out of my day to talk to you
and you’re being a straight up asshole
you’re all worried about consent and hell and shit
but you can’t even answer genuine concern with a simple “i am fine, thanks”
or “if I am wrong, the consequences will not be too bad for anyone”
not only you did not address my concern
but you’re insulting me for even asking
and you want to talk to me about being rude?
if you behave like this toward people who have done nothing to you
i can only imagine what you do to people who actually insult you for real
you’re a hypocrit
you want to raise people’s consciousness and be a teacher
but you don’t realize that you’re in a well of shit that you dug for yourself
so go on and keep your delusions if it helps you not kill yourself
but just know
that you are full of shit
because it is by how people act
and it is by how people treat you
that you know who they really are
not by what they say
and the way you act
is like an asshole

double post

OP yearns to be special, and invested in ego. Otherwise just a drug-addict. All of which quite the opposite of Buddhism.

Drop the act, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. When you are content with the most basic human functionalities, hold that thought, keep breathing, and you will find the freedom through discipline, that which you seek.


One of my mottos is that in order to be great everyone must be great.

You have to understand… we have no choice no matter what we do here, to violate the consent of another. This is not a free ticket to embolden people to violate consent however.

I’m only special if everyone is special. Yes, I want to be special.

The things that I can explain to you are not that complicated.

I’m a different form of enlightened being, I actually explain very simply what it actually is:

If someone loses, the reality doesn’t work.

And then I go one step further as someone who knows the solution to the problem of evil (POE) for all beings.

The things I have in my head would astonish you.

I’m am not a narcissist or asshole. I grow everyday just like everyone, enlightenment is not a fixed state, it grows. I just happen to be further than lots of you, actually a lot further. Does this delight me? No.

Buddha , Jesus, and other enlightened beings have attributes , but you ( You) can share them
