I have a philosophy assignment due tomorrow (sunday, nov. 5) where I have create 2 campaign ads one for a political party that supports tradition moral and politial philosophies and the other for a party that supports modern moral and political philosophies. For each campaign ad I have to provide a party name, a slogan, and an explanation of the party’s platform concerning moral controversy. My current grade for this class is a D and I could really use some help explaining the differences between tradtional and modern moral and possably some ideas to help me get started with this assignment. TYSM I could use all the help I can get because philosophy is an intresting subject but i just don’t seem to comprehend the stuff I have been reading from the Textbook.
Gee thanks for all your help. I guess I will never come to this site again.
You aren’t getting your money back, either.
LOL!!! Poor guy.
OK i emphatise with you, if I had seen this post a few days ago I would have been happy to provide ‘assistance’, however, this problem in philosophy i bet is probably just not with the subject matter but maybe in your view of things.
I encourage you then, to read up about what people write on this site. Stuff that interests YOU. Because you know you can’t ever solve anything by turning away from it, you need to get involved LoL. If you read this site enough, this question would be soooo basic!
Now to your assignment. That is such an EEeeeeaaasy question to answer, your assignment haha! But even if this answer IS late i’ll put in my help for you even thought it doesn’t matter, to show that yeah, people do care haha
Ok to tackle this question, I would first look at a societal rift that is happening right now. For example, sex before marriage? Family values? Thats a good one. Theres also violence, many controversial topics to choose from.
Basically what you’d need to to would be to identify this controversial topic, and take two sides which are semi-opposing in order to make it work.
1) Political Party Traditional Moral and Political Philosophy
Party Name:A
Slogan:A is the best
Moral Controversy: A rejects X
2) Political Party Modern Moral Political Philosophy
Party Name: B
Slogan: B is the Best
Moral Controversy: B supports X
Now it should be MEGA straightforward in developing your answers from here.
- Get the controversy you need
- Design what sides are fighting and what for
- WHY you should choose them, based on what issue they are fighting for, and why this way is better than the other party!
note: not all people will help ya like this, we’re all busy with our own work too! I helped ya because I finished all my exams and im a bum who loves philosophy and discussion.
Differences in traditional and modern moral philosophy
You understand that ‘tradition’ presupposes relying on past decisions to make judgments.
‘Modern’ presupposes that what you do NOW defines how to judge.
Ones based in the past, ones based in the NOW.
The big question is, “which is better for today? Making up new rules, or relying on the past ones that have got us to where we are today?”
Thats the main issue you should tackle imo. (or should have tackled hehe)
Aite, remember, start your homework early next time! and come here to discuss some ideas YOU have, because the idea of philosophy is to creat your own ideas and ways of thinking, as a result of reading what others have said before.
Sort of.