I Prefer...

Tea with two sugars to tea with no sugars.

Brunettes to blondes.

Cats to dogs.

Piccard to Kirk

peanutbutter over Filet mignon

Black coffee

Swap meets over malls
beer over hard liqour.
cats and dogs company over human company

Janeway over Picard


My next was going to be cats to people too. Dogs are too much effort.

kirk to piccard

firefly to voyager

I prefer Camus to Prozac.

I prefer a [Man’s] company to a woman’s.

blunts to papers

anything to “microfiber” blankets

1500 thread count egyptian cotton sheets to crappy 280 ones from walmart

pinot noir to cabernet sauvignon

a pale ale to a stout

Volcanos to anything.

young fresh women to older worn out ones

Video games to TV
Movies to TV
Reading to TV

You mean the vaporizers? Those things are really nice. I use one in the car when I have to work all day, because the smell isn’t as pungent (sp) or lasting. It is very nice.

The unknown to a false belief.